Cardiff City Forum

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Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:07 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
markeMark wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:Gary,I sent your post to Andy Legg and he replied

" Good post son they need someone in with expierance Now before we drop further down the league."

If we could get a few players who were prepared to put in just half the amount of work that Andy Legg put in, our results would improve. :bluescarf:

It showed last night, most players did not care.

I would rather have 11 Leggy's/Perry's than the new type of player we have at our club.

And they wouldn't need much managing either. More than capable of doing a job even if the club had nobody discussing team tactics before a game. Win or lose, you know you would always get 100% from these sort of players, and we weren't paying them the ridiculous wages that our current crop of prima donna's are getting.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:17 pm

castleblue wrote:" CARDIFF CITY ARE A CLUB IN CRISIS "

And I see absolutely no evidence of a cohesive plan to manage our way out of our problems.

In my opinion at the root of the issue's facing our club is the clear crisis in leadership, and this problem has been created by the smoldering effect of the "Hands on" style with which VT is controlling the club, if control is an accurate way of describing his management style.

Since TG departed and VT took control we have seen an almost non stop procession of CEO, Finance Directors and "Special" board members all appointed to act in the interests of VT, not our football club. Sadly those that have survived are nothing more than sycophants who are more than willing to do his bidding. Dalman is the biggest culprit in my opinion as a man in his position should be an inspiration to ALL employees in the business, but in reality is nothing short of incompetent who survives on his ability to say YES to the egomaniac running our club.

This man single handedly recommended OGS to VT, Why?, it couldn't be because of his record as a manager because that was largely unproven, but make no mistake that decision, one based on celebrity rather than substance, cost this club it's PL position. In the real world a CEO in any business responsible for such a failing, for such a lack of leadership would be sacked, why is he still at the club.

This lack of leadership, from VT and all his cronies, has finally impacted on the team where performances and results are way beyond disappointing and, in my opinion, our squad are suffering from a crisis of confidence. a crisis of belief in thier own abilities and , again in my opinion, the appointment of Scott Young in this caretaker role will do nothing to resolve this issue. His words last night following another abject performance show clearly that he doesn't have the man management skills required to carry this role and that must be addressed as a matter of urgency.

The biggest crisis of all, in my opinion, is the lack of management values at our club where from what I can see the primary value has to be the protection of VT and his interests A.K.A his money and ego. There is absolutely no room for the interests of other stakeholders such as customers, employees and certainly not the broader community.

This lack of respect for other stakeholders is now bringing an increasing level of confrontation with customers or fans now talking about boycotting games or even walking out during matches, unbelieveable in my experience but there is only one person responsible and that's VT.

In any crisis there will always be opportunities that present themselves, opportunities to put the business on a road to recovery and we have one. We need manager with a proven track record of galvanising football teams and delivering improvements in levels of performance and results, as opportunity has it one such manager is available, Tony Pulis, and I believe that any club of similar size and stature as ours would be breaking down doors to get him. But not Cardiff City or more accurately VT who for some bizarre reason won't even consider him. I don't know where all this is going to end, but it won't be in promotion, as in my opinion that particular train has left the station.

So the smouldering crisis of lack of management and leadership looks likely to continue and sadly whilst VT is here I see no end to the chaos. I'm at the point where I no longer recognise the club I have supported for 50 years and sadly I don't know if it will ever return.

:bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

cannot argue with that

Re: We Are A Club In Crisis

Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:40 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
LoneRanger44 wrote:
Fryfryboy wrote:A brilliant post, Sums it all up for me. Tony Pulis is the only man imo who can turn this shower of shite around. But VT wont appoint Pulis as manager as clearly he isn't a "yes man".


It has got nothing to do with Pulis not being a yes man for your information if Mr Tan spoke to Pulis he would of told him he wants the job and can work for you. I spoke to Dalman last night and asked him why he hadn't return the call of Pulis Agent as I said he has been trying to get hold of u and left you a message and the way he looked at me and said he couldn't answer that question, it was like him saying to me how do you know. They have both ignored him. The madness of it all Tan is in Malaysia and could have spoken to Pulis - he even stayed at One of Tans hotel and tan snubbed him.

Pulis want the job but because of spygate incident that is the main reason why Tan won't speak to him.

Tan doesn't care about this club no more has anybody seen him this season at the stadium no he has lost interest and to him it's only money. He will let us rot - if he wanted Cardiff back in the premiership he would have spoken to Pulis but he won't and he's just after Slade as Dalman hirer Roeder as an advisor he told them Slade is the best out there.

This is a great article. Well done mate! :thumbup:

Totally believe you there Annis. Pulls is just awaiting a call. The reason I think he may not receive the call is to do with "Palacegate" last season, for which I think Tan holds Pulis responsible. If I'm right, it will take a hell of a lot of persuasion (we all know what he's like when he forms an opinion!!).

I certainly hope I am wrong, but if it turns out that Tan is holding a grudge, it will be a long haul to get him to change his mind.

Tony Pulis wants the job and is just waiting for that one phone call a fact :thumbright: :thumbright:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:57 pm

castleblue wrote:" CARDIFF CITY ARE A CLUB IN CRISIS "

And I see absolutely no evidence of a cohesive plan to manage our way out of our problems.

In my opinion at the root of the issue's facing our club is the clear crisis in leadership, and this problem has been created by the smoldering effect of the "Hands on" style with which VT is controlling the club, if control is an accurate way of describing his management style.

Since TG departed and VT took control we have seen an almost non stop procession of CEO, Finance Directors and "Special" board members all appointed to act in the interests of VT, not our football club. Sadly those that have survived are nothing more than sycophants who are more than willing to do his bidding. Dalman is the biggest culprit in my opinion as a man in his position should be an inspiration to ALL employees in the business, but in reality is nothing short of incompetent who survives on his ability to say YES to the egomaniac running our club.

This man single handedly recommended OGS to VT, Why?, it couldn't be because of his record as a manager because that was largely unproven, but make no mistake that decision, one based on celebrity rather than substance, cost this club it's PL position. In the real world a CEO in any business responsible for such a failing, for such a lack of leadership would be sacked, why is he still at the club.

This lack of leadership, from VT and all his cronies, has finally impacted on the team where performances and results are way beyond disappointing and, in my opinion, our squad are suffering from a crisis of confidence. a crisis of belief in thier own abilities and , again in my opinion, the appointment of Scott Young in this caretaker role will do nothing to resolve this issue. His words last night following another abject performance show clearly that he doesn't have the man management skills required to carry this role and that must be addressed as a matter of urgency.

The biggest crisis of all, in my opinion, is the lack of management values at our club where from what I can see the primary value has to be the protection of VT and his interests A.K.A his money and ego. There is absolutely no room for the interests of other stakeholders such as customers, employees and certainly not the broader community.

This lack of respect for other stakeholders is now bringing an increasing level of confrontation with customers or fans now talking about boycotting games or even walking out during matches, unbelieveable in my experience but there is only one person responsible and that's VT.

In any crisis there will always be opportunities that present themselves, opportunities to put the business on a road to recovery and we have one. We need manager with a proven track record of galvanising football teams and delivering improvements in levels of performance and results, as opportunity has it one such manager is available, Tony Pulis, and I believe that any club of similar size and stature as ours would be breaking down doors to get him. But not Cardiff City or more accurately VT who for some bizarre reason won't even consider him. I don't know where all this is going to end, but it won't be in promotion, as in my opinion that particular train has left the station.

So the smouldering crisis of lack of management and leadership looks likely to continue and sadly whilst VT is here I see no end to the chaos. I'm at the point where I no longer recognise the club I have supported for 50 years and sadly I don't know if it will ever return.

:bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

I wrote a similar post with the same heading a club in crisis and writing it better than me and I absolutely 100 % agree with your post.
Worrying times but yet again the man thats supposed to fix it has no clue at all.its no to me evident vt is clueless where we go now I have no clue

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:38 pm

I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:46 pm

Finally someone who agrees I have been saying this since last season, and all I got was abuse. It's been obvious to me this club is heading one way. We will go down this year.
Tan will spit his dummy out. Firesale of players.. 15point deducted to start league one and straight through to league 2!
Bonus will be will Tan will be gone, and we will then at least have a decent stadium to start agai

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:55 pm

noony18 wrote:Finally someone who agrees I have been saying this since last season, and all I got was abuse. It's been obvious to me this club is heading one way. We will go down this year.
Tan will spit his dummy out. Firesale of players.. 15point deducted to start league one and straight through to league 2!
Bonus will be will Tan will be gone, and we will then at least have a decent stadium to start agai

Good to see that your post is as positive as every other post you have written. :lol:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:58 pm

Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

24hrs on from posting this thread Annis and I'm still of the same mind and whilst I have nothing against Russell Slade I still believe a club of our size and stature should always be looking to appoint the best manager, right now in my opinion that's Tony Pulis.

Like the majority of fans I will wish our new manager the very best of luck and support him because as fans that's all we can do, but I honestly believe if it is Russell Slade he is taking on a poisened chalis. If he fails to get us promoted he will be gone and with the start we have made he already has one hand tied behind his back.

We both know that if we don't get promoted this season then there will have to be a fire sale of players, but unlike this summer it will be a lot harder to sell players who cost big money and are on high wages after a season of failure in the Championship.

Where will it end? God alone knows but it's not going to be pretty.

:bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:58 pm

Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

Feel exactly the same Annis, as i've told you before :cry: :(

I'll be writing how I feel about it all soon.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:01 pm

castleblue wrote:" CARDIFF CITY ARE A CLUB IN CRISIS "

And I see absolutely no evidence of a cohesive plan to manage our way out of our problems.

In my opinion at the root of the issue's facing our club is the clear crisis in leadership, and this problem has been created by the smoldering effect of the "Hands on" style with which VT is controlling the club, if control is an accurate way of describing his management style.

Since TG departed and VT took control we have seen an almost non stop procession of CEO, Finance Directors and "Special" board members all appointed to act in the interests of VT, not our football club. Sadly those that have survived are nothing more than sycophants who are more than willing to do his bidding. Dalman is the biggest culprit in my opinion as a man in his position should be an inspiration to ALL employees in the business, but in reality is nothing short of incompetent who survives on his ability to say YES to the egomaniac running our club.

This man single handedly recommended OGS to VT, Why?, it couldn't be because of his record as a manager because that was largely unproven, but make no mistake that decision, one based on celebrity rather than substance, cost this club it's PL position. In the real world a CEO in any business responsible for such a failing, for such a lack of leadership would be sacked, why is he still at the club.

This lack of leadership, from VT and all his cronies, has finally impacted on the team where performances and results are way beyond disappointing and, in my opinion, our squad are suffering from a crisis of confidence. a crisis of belief in thier own abilities and , again in my opinion, the appointment of Scott Young in this caretaker role will do nothing to resolve this issue. His words last night following another abject performance show clearly that he doesn't have the man management skills required to carry this role and that must be addressed as a matter of urgency.

The biggest crisis of all, in my opinion, is the lack of management values at our club where from what I can see the primary value has to be the protection of VT and his interests A.K.A his money and ego. There is absolutely no room for the interests of other stakeholders such as customers, employees and certainly not the broader community.

This lack of respect for other stakeholders is now bringing an increasing level of confrontation with customers or fans now talking about boycotting games or even walking out during matches, unbelieveable in my experience but there is only one person responsible and that's VT.

In any crisis there will always be opportunities that present themselves, opportunities to put the business on a road to recovery and we have one. We need manager with a proven track record of galvanising football teams and delivering improvements in levels of performance and results, as opportunity has it one such manager is available, Tony Pulis, and I believe that any club of similar size and stature as ours would be breaking down doors to get him. But not Cardiff City or more accurately VT who for some bizarre reason won't even consider him. I don't know where all this is going to end, but it won't be in promotion, as in my opinion that particular train has left the station.

So the smouldering crisis of lack of management and leadership looks likely to continue and sadly whilst VT is here I see no end to the chaos. I'm at the point where I no longer recognise the club I have supported for 50 years and sadly I don't know if it will ever return.

:bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Great post! Agree with every word, Tan hasn't saved this club as some think, he is killing it! Unless something changes soon oblivion beckons.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:08 pm

Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

I feel exactly the same as you Annis, not being negative just honest and realistic with myself. In the past we have always been hampered by financial constraints which has always limited what the club could do and so in the past although there were negatives around Ridsdale and Sam, the Kumars, Rick Wright, Clemo etc, they were all restricted as there was no money to take many options with. However, now, decisions are being made which are not financially constrained but are just totally misguided, being made for all the wrong reasons and by all the wrong people. We are sinking fast and it gets worse with every new calamity. It's frightening, but it was only a few years ago that I thought that it would never get worse than the contempt that Ridsdale showed to the fans, yet I would honestly prefer those days to these at the moment. :roll: :roll:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:17 pm

Relegation this season could very well be a blessing. I want our club back. :bluescarf:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:21 pm

markeMark wrote:
noony18 wrote:Finally someone who agrees I have been saying this since last season, and all I got was abuse. It's been obvious to me this club is heading one way. We will go down this year.
Tan will spit his dummy out. Firesale of players.. 15point deducted to start league one and straight through to league 2!
Bonus will be will Tan will be gone, and we will then at least have a decent stadium to start agai

Good to see that your post is as positive as every other post you have written. :lol:

not sure how he's come to his conclusion? tan will have to sell 1st, who will buy a div 1 club for 100mil? :lol: and if he does sell all the best players he is certainly not going to put any more money in to club, think he is being optimistic us being in div 2 with scenario described! :roll:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:25 pm

Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:22 pm

noony18 wrote:Finally someone who agrees I have been saying this since last season, and all I got was abuse. It's been obvious to me this club is heading one way. We will go down this year.
Tan will spit his dummy out. Firesale of players.. 15point deducted to start league one and straight through to league 2!
Bonus will be will Tan will be gone, and we will then at least have a decent stadium to start agai

It saddens me to agree, but I am saying how I feel and see it.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:24 pm

castleblue wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

24hrs on from posting this thread Annis and I'm still of the same mind and whilst I have nothing against Russell Slade I still believe a club of our size and stature should always be looking to appoint the best manager, right now in my opinion that's Tony Pulis.

Like the majority of fans I will wish our new manager the very best of luck and support him because as fans that's all we can do, but I honestly believe if it is Russell Slade he is taking on a poisened chalis. If he fails to get us promoted he will be gone and with the start we have made he already has one hand tied behind his back.

We both know that if we don't get promoted this season then there will have to be a fire sale of players, but unlike this summer it will be a lot harder to sell players who cost big money and are on high wages after a season of failure in the Championship.

Where will it end? God alone knows but it's not going to be pretty.

:bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Gary, Tan has messed up big time once again and the future I feel for our club is not looking good.
I cant see us going up, I just hope Slade keeps us up. :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:25 pm

worcester_ccfc wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

Feel exactly the same Annis, as i've told you before :cry: :(

I'll be writing how I feel about it all soon.

You have Ned and continue to be honest even if others dont agree.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:27 pm

Leytonstoneblue wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

I feel exactly the same as you Annis, not being negative just honest and realistic with myself. In the past we have always been hampered by financial constraints which has always limited what the club could do and so in the past although there were negatives around Ridsdale and Sam, the Kumars, Rick Wright, Clemo etc, they were all restricted as there was no money to take many options with. However, now, decisions are being made which are not financially constrained but are just totally misguided, being made for all the wrong reasons and by all the wrong people. We are sinking fast and it gets worse with every new calamity. It's frightening, but it was only a few years ago that I thought that it would never get worse than the contempt that Ridsdale showed to the fans, yet I would honestly prefer those days to these at the moment. :roll: :roll:

I really really cant get my head around Tans latest actions regarding our new manager, we needed a proven one ASAP.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:30 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:42 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

you are probably right annis but time will tell, i have good feeling but its going to take 9 or 10 games to see benefits of slade taking effect! surely tan can see it is of no benefit to team to interfere especially if he wants promotion? :roll:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:48 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

you are probably right annis but time will tell, i have good feeling but its going to take 9 or 10 games to see benefits of slade taking effect! surely tan can see it is of no benefit to team to interfere especially if he wants promotion? :roll:
he wouldnt do it if it meant one of his buisnesses losing money by his interference, why do it with football club? :o

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:48 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

you are probably right annis but time will tell, i have good feeling but its going to take 9 or 10 games to see benefits of slade taking effect! surely tan can see it is of no benefit to team to interfere especially if he wants promotion? :roll:

Allan,I hope our fans give him time and are patient.

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:49 pm

I actually think slade is a good appointment, doesn't get the juices going but il take it, anybody who takes the job will be tans puppet and until we force him out that's how it will be, IMO he's had a hand in team matters for a long time now and teams I've seen on field this season prove that, I think we'll scrape saftey but it's going to be a long old season

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:49 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

you are probably right annis but time will tell, i have good feeling but its going to take 9 or 10 games to see benefits of slade taking effect! surely tan can see it is of no benefit to team to interfere especially if he wants promotion? :roll:

Allan,I hope our fans give him time and are patient.

yes all is required is better performances and effort and they will believe in him! :thumbup:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:51 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:I honestly See Cardiff City now only going one way

I have been thinking more and more the past 24hrs and Our Club is more than just in a crisis, I sadly honestly think we will be ending up like Pompey, It pains me to say it, but I honestly believe this will happen. :cry: :cry:

And as to Russell Slade, not his fault, most people in his position would take the Job, but he will be Tans Puppet, thats my honest belief.

This is not being Negative, This is being Honest and How I Feel. There is nothing to be positive about regarding our club.

annis you said slade was not a yes man and so did orient fans whats made you change mind? and i wouldnt worry about doing a portsmouth most fans on here want that scenario, so a lot of happy bunnies as we are presumingly talking of tan being gone!! :thumbup:

Allan, Slade was not a yes man at Orient so I am told. Slade was being sacked and Tan has given him a dream job for someone like him and Tan is a control freak, I dont blame Slade at all for taking the job and I really wish him well, but Tan will want to control him like he did this week with Scott Young.

you are probably right annis but time will tell, i have good feeling but its going to take 9 or 10 games to see benefits of slade taking effect! surely tan can see it is of no benefit to team to interfere especially if he wants promotion? :roll:

Allan,I hope our fans give him time and are patient.

yes all is required is better performances and effort and they will believe in him! :thumbup:

Yes they will then, we always love 100% effort :thumbright:

Re: ' We Are A Club In Crisis '

Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:06 pm

Let's give Slade a chance,maybe he's not a big I am,he might just get the City fans on his side. My favourite managers Ashurst,May,Burrows not the big name but someone who connected with City fans,and gave me the best times as a City fan apart from Malky getting us to the Prem. But even this promotion felt kind of empty compared to the previous promotions.Maybe it was the red thing ,the big brand, I dunno ,just did not mean as much to me. But maybe this down to earth guy just might be what City are looking for,if it don't work,get someone else in. No sentiment any more from me regarding managers.Leyton O actually played good attacking football last year, and if it was not for them blowing it big time, would be in the same league as City this year,and Slade would have been a Championship manager already. We have the players to win football games ,just need someone to mould them into a winning unit, starting this weekend. Forever Blue,I want my Cardiff back.