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Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:20 pm

Simon Lim's latest statement on behalf of Dictator Tan

Is it True ?

To me this Just shows once again how unprofessional our club still is, it also shows how Simon Lim and Dictator Tan know nothing about football and our club.

We are currently in a relegation battle Thanks to Tans Circus this season, the Clown can never shut it, this statement will have only been issued with Clown Tans say so. I can not believe they are still talking total nonsense at this stage of the season. Surely they should be rallying our fans, instead of once again causing a divide.

Our fans are trying to get behind Ole and our team and the Clowns issue this latest statement :roll: :roll: :roll:

Simon Lim is responsible for All those players contracts along with Malky and Moody, Simon Lim wrote them up,signed them off and organised the transfer of all monies, when the shit hit the fan, he went on holiday. Now when everything is calm again, he stirs it all up again.

Tan and Lim your the ones who are dividing and hurting our club.

The Tan Circus continues. Tan Out and take Lim with you :thumbup:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:29 pm

its way to early to be making such positive remarks about Ole and his signings.

but as regards Lim signing off on contracts, yes of course he did,someone has to at every club, its on the strength of what the management team have told them.........if C.E.O s and chairmen watched videos and scouted and had the football knowhow to judge players values to a particular club,well we wouldnt need managers or head of recruitment to start with......
big mistakes were made by Malky and Moody..........was Lim to not trust their judgement?


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:29 pm

So I was under the impression everyone wanted to know the goings on at our club. So when they release a statement people moan.

Damned if they do, damned if they dont.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:31 pm

CraigCCFC wrote:So I was under the impression everyone wanted to know the goings on at our club. So when they release a statement people moan.

Damned if they do, damned if they dont.

Craig, u mean their PR Circus machine. At this current moment u have to agree we were all concentrating about what is happening on the pitch,now was not the time, true or not?


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:33 pm

Very unprofessional

Tan a successful businessman ? If we go down the business world will question him , changing identity for promises yet in the championship

Not so successful tan just got money and ain't got a clue especially about football


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:34 pm

CraigCCFC wrote:So I was under the impression everyone wanted to know the goings on at our club. So when they release a statement people moan.

Damned if they do, damned if they dont.

to be honest Craig...........there is no real need of this statement at all.
there is nothing remotely new in it. and its to early to be bigging up OGS.
and the L.M.A. have responded with an equally pointless statement on behalf of Malky.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:39 pm

The best thing tan can do is go and get TG back .
He's the only one out of the lot of them who knew how to do things properly .
Great with his official buisness and at the same time brilliant at engaging fans, I can't remember one problem like this when he was here . I also liked the way he used to walk in the concourses and talk to fans before games . Top bloke .


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:40 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:So I was under the impression everyone wanted to know the goings on at our club. So when they release a statement people moan.

Damned if they do, damned if they dont.

Craig, u mean their PR Circus machine. At this current moment u have to agree we were all concentrating about what is happening on the pitch,now was not the time, true or not?

I agree 100%, all im saying is this board clambers for ITK stuff and the inner workings of the club. People were demanding statements left, right and centre a few weeks ago, as soon as one is released the same folks are moaning. IMO no football club should reveal whats its thinking, a lot of our fans disagree.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:41 pm

The LMA has issued a release following a statement from Cardiff City Chief Executive Simon Lim which criticised the transfer policy of former manager Malky Mackay.

Richard Bevan, Chief Executive of the LMA, said:

"It is most unfortunate that Mr Lim has chosen to speak out in this way. Mr Lim is aware that there is a legal process under way between Malky Mackay and Cardiff City and it is both inappropriate and unprofessional for either party to be making public statements of this nature at this time. Given that Mr Lim has spoken out against Malky Mackay in relation to the acquisition of a player, however, it is only right that the record is put straight on the following two key issues. This is the same Mr Lim to whom, under the specific and express terms of Malky Mackay’s contract of employment with Cardiff City, Malky was obliged to report in respect of all matters pertaining to the transfer of players. This is the same Mr Lim who, when being asked more than once, upon dismissing Malky Mackay, why he was dismissing him, said that he did not know the reason.

"All football clubs at the elite level have systems in place for corporate governance. Cardiff City is no exception. A manager, even in the Premier League, does not go out and "sign" players. All recommendations go to his CEO and board, essentially the Chief Executive on the board's behalf - deals with all financial arrangements to finalise any signings."

It is not intended that any further statement will be issued by or on behalf of Malky Mackay at this stage, unless, of course, the Club continues to make wholly misleading public statements.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:55 pm

Is it just me or does anybody not care what this prick says or does to our my club anymore coz we are powerless to stand in his way we vote with our feet the plastics take our season tickets we get relegated hes building a new stand he aint going nowhere guys ive renewed my st coz i havnt known any diffrent in 33yrs but its not my our club no passion feelings there i got to struggle to motivate mysrlf to go up the city lately i just hope 1 day soon he will just f**k off back to noddy land


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:56 pm

All seems a bit pointless, nothing in this statement that we didn't already know. Should be concentrating on the playing side of things, not opening up old wounds.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:58 pm

thomasblue wrote:The best thing tan can do is go and get TG back .
He's the only one out of the lot of them who knew how to do things properly .
Great with his official buisness and at the same time brilliant at engaging fans, I can't remember one problem like this when he was here . I also liked the way he used to walk in the concourses and talk to fans before games . Top bloke .

Absolutely spot on - if the Malaysians are to stay.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:59 pm

Cannot believe that abortion of a 'club statement'. Talk about trying to rally the troops. Makes my blood boil, Annis. Absolute zero engagement with the fans, they simply just do not care & understand nothing about football. Simon Lim should change his name and title to:
Simon Limp - Chief Chocolate Teapot.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:01 pm

If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:03 pm

Really poor decision and bad timing by the club to release this statement today. Perhaps they have given up with the fight against relegation?

This is an important time hence, stability and the support for the manager and team are paramount. Instead we are having our name dragged through the press again, all for the wrong reasons.

There is a time and place for everything and now is not the time. There is a relegation battle on.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:11 pm

:lol: f*cking hell some of the shit you lot come out with is nuts.

What has this statement going to do to anything that happens on the pitch.

If it will can somebody please explain how?

It basically says solskjaer has done a good job signing aload of players cheaply. Not going to pressure anybody is it.

An it says malky wasted loads of cash on a player who no longer plays for us and we made a loss on him. How's that going to affect the players.

Nobody wants to play in red we all want blue and our badge back, but some of you need to stop blaming tan for everything. Your just making yourselves look like idiots and other clubs are probably laughing at us even more for bitching and crying over everything that happens.

Hull get praised we just look like a bunch of cry baby sissys.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:17 pm

Bluebird86 wrote::lol: f*cking hell some of the shit you lot come out with is nuts.

What has this statement going to do to anything that happens on the pitch.

If it will can somebody please explain how?

It basically says solskjaer has done a good job signing aload of players cheaply. Not going to pressure anybody is it.

An it says malky wasted loads of cash on a player who no longer plays for us and we made a loss on him. How's that going to affect the players.

Nobody wants to play in red we all want blue and our badge back, but some of you need to stop blaming tan for everything. Your just making yourselves look like idiots and other clubs are probably laughing at us even more for bitching and crying over everything that happens.

Hull get praised we just look like a bunch of cry baby sissys.

The statement is another pop at Malky and u know it, read it correctly.
As to how well Ole etc have done,lets judge in May :thumbup: :thumbup:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:18 pm

GrangeEndStar wrote:Cannot believe that abortion of a 'club statement'. Talk about trying to rally the troops. Makes my blood boil, Annis. Absolute zero engagement with the fans, they simply just do not care & understand nothing about football. Simon Lim should change his name and title to:
Simon Limp - Chief Chocolate Teapot.

Thats how pathetic the Regime of our club are.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:18 pm

bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

bottom line here is if that money {acorn } ..had been spent on 1st team striker { one that would almost certainly start every week }..we would probably have a few more points..
Lim..might be many things..........but you cant blame him for TRUSTING Malkys judgement........


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:18 pm

Oh to be a city fan. :lol:

Anyway good seeing you Tuesday night Annis and Carl. :ayatollah:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:19 pm

bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:21 pm

BracklaBlue72 wrote:
bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN

And if Tan had vetoed the deal I bet you would be the first to slam him for interfering :roll:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:24 pm

Bridgend_bluebird wrote:Oh to be a city fan. :lol:

Anyway good seeing you Tuesday night Annis and Carl. :ayatollah:


Yes good to see u Elliot, chat more def next time :thumbup:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:27 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:Oh to be a city fan. :lol:

Anyway good seeing you Tuesday night Annis and Carl. :ayatollah:


Yes good to see u Elliot, chat more def next time :thumbup:

Hope so. Carl the ignorant b*stard barely said hello. :laughing6:

Doubt I can make another game this season as I work every Saturday. May see you pre season or next season.

Or I can just nag my manager for a weekend off. :D


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:28 pm

CraigCCFC wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN

And if Tan had vetoed the deal I bet you would be the first to slam him for interfering :roll:

We wouldn't have known would we?

In the same way as a manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team performance then the bloke who signs off ridiculous contracts like acorns should man up and hold his hands up rather than hang out to dry the next bloke down the chain of command.... Can't have it both ways :roll:


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:29 pm



Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:31 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebird86 wrote::lol: f*cking hell some of the shit you lot come out with is nuts.

What has this statement going to do to anything that happens on the pitch.

If it will can somebody please explain how?

It basically says solskjaer has done a good job signing aload of players cheaply. Not going to pressure anybody is it.

An it says malky wasted loads of cash on a player who no longer plays for us and we made a loss on him. How's that going to affect the players.

Nobody wants to play in red we all want blue and our badge back, but some of you need to stop blaming tan for everything. Your just making yourselves look like idiots and other clubs are probably laughing at us even more for bitching and crying over everything that happens.

Hull get praised we just look like a bunch of cry baby sissys.

The statement is another pop at Malky and u know it, read it correctly.
As to how well Ole etc have done,lets judge in May :thumbup: :thumbup:

Of course it's a pop at malky. I don't see what the problem with that is though.

He spent a lot of money on players who were not good enough.

An I agree on not judging Ole to the end of the season he hasn't done anything yet.

The statement won't have any effect at all on what happens on this pitch.


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:33 pm

Bluebird86 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebird86 wrote::lol: f*cking hell some of the shit you lot come out with is nuts.

What has this statement going to do to anything that happens on the pitch.

If it will can somebody please explain how?

It basically says solskjaer has done a good job signing aload of players cheaply. Not going to pressure anybody is it.

An it says malky wasted loads of cash on a player who no longer plays for us and we made a loss on him. How's that going to affect the players.

Nobody wants to play in red we all want blue and our badge back, but some of you need to stop blaming tan for everything. Your just making yourselves look like idiots and other clubs are probably laughing at us even more for bitching and crying over everything that happens.

Hull get praised we just look like a bunch of cry baby sissys.

The statement is another pop at Malky and u know it, read it correctly.
As to how well Ole etc have done,lets judge in May :thumbup: :thumbup:

Of course it's a pop at malky. I don't see what the problem with that is though.

He spent a lot of money on players who were not good enough.

An I agree on not judging Ole to the end of the season he hasn't done anything yet.

The statement won't have any effect at all on what happens on this pitch.

It causes more divide/arguments with our fans, which then transfers on to the pitch, some would say?
Then, why do some posters have ago at Carl and myself when we reveal things at our club and fans say this is not good for the moral ect of our team?


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:37 pm

BracklaBlue72 wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN

And if Tan had vetoed the deal I bet you would be the first to slam him for interfering :roll:

We wouldn't have known would we?

In the same way as a manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team performance then the bloke who signs off ridiculous contracts like acorns should man up and hold his hands up rather than hang out to dry the next bloke down the chain of command.... Can't have it both ways :roll:

the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........


Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:40 pm

And now we are lead story for BBC football:

Just who does the clubs PR? Mr Bean?
