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Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:10 pm

I could not attend the game today as I’m in work, but i listened to the BBC commentary so I base this post on what I heard on that, and the summing up from the commentary team.

The first cries of Ole out were heard at the end of the game today, do you feel that is fair? Personally I do, whilst this season hasn’t been a disaster by any means, with the quality we have in this squad (but together by Ole to be fair to him) we should be doing a lot better. Since Ole took over he has seriously failed to impress me, obviously he was up against it in the Premier League when he took over, but he only managed 3 wins under his guidance in the premier league and let’s be honest, he has hardly set the Championship alight either!

Obviously todays first half performance was outstanding, WTF happened in that dressing room at half time??? Is Fabio that key a player that his injury and the introduction of Declan John cause us to totally fall apart like that? Ole took too long to change things up after Norwich equalised, and as pointed out by the commentary team, towards the end of the game Gunnerson was playing right wing! We tactically fell apart and Ole had no way of getting a grip of them.

With a promotion challenge as important as it is for us can we rely on Ole to remain or should we place the team into the hands of a more experienced English league manager?

The tinkering the inconsistency, the lack of an obvious tactical approach, it’s too much for me, Ole out

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:16 pm

Always the same under ole after taking leads, the mans totally out of his depth but we did move off our own 18yard like after going 3-2 down gav so we shouldn't grumble :lol: we went from lots of passing and movement being 2-0 up in total control to sitting back infront of marshall and folding up totally just as I expected...OLE OUT as I've only seen 45 minutes of decent football from him since he's been here and that was the 1st half today :oops:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:16 pm

He should never have been in

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:17 pm

I've stuck up for Ollie since day one since he took over not his squad of players and all the turmoil but now he's built his own team, I thought his tactics etc be better but saying that it is Norwich and they will be force for anyone but to throw a 2 nill lead away is shocking against anyone and I'm starting to seriously doubt olie is up to it, championship hardest league to get out of in my opinion but hopefully this is just a teething situation with his new squad and come Christmas we will be at full flow and can actually keep a poxy lead

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:17 pm

I've backed Ole since he arrived, but I'm losing faith - have been since Wolves.

Today's second half looked awful on the stream I was watching, letting an away team have 25 shots against you is woeful.

Big improvement needed on Tuesday and if not, who knows?

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:18 pm

Did I hear on the commentary that Declan was responsible for 3 foul throws or did I mishear?

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:22 pm

Brave thread to start Gavin.

OK here is my opinions. I saw nothing in Oles ability last season to give me the confidence he would be the guy to take us up. The way we crumbled like 4-0 to Hull and 3-0 to Palace then up North against Sunderland and Newcastle well basically I thought it will take a miracle to turn this around.

I kept quiet because everyone said let him bring in his own players etc etc. Well that has happened and what have we seen? If I was to judge between 1 to 10 for improvement it has got to be a big 0.

I want to give it to game 10 but I'm struggling to do that before making a judgement. What I will say is for him to stay we will need to see a total transformation. 4 comfortable wins is needed to safe him.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:23 pm

Just typical fans moaning, that's all it was.

Look, the football in the first half was the best I've seen us play in a few years. And everyone in that stadium was loving it. How they can suddenly say Ole hasn't got a clue what he's doing 45 minutes later is insane.

That second half was shocking, it truly was. To go from 2-0 up to 2-4 should never ever happen but it did, and I've got to be honest I don't think the fans helped at all. Was truly disgusted at how quick our fans got on every players back as soon as we'd let one in - we should be getting behind the bloody team in those situations, not making them even more nervous!

I've got issues with OGS today, of course I have. Just being sat on his arse after each goal went in really pissed me off, as he should have been there changing our shape. For someone called the tinker man, how he let us carry on with the same shape after they scored their first goal really doesn't make sense to me. But he DOES know what he's doing, the first half showed that, the second half showed that we really do need to work on defending leads though.

We should've been prepared for Norwich to come at us, as they were an embarrassment in the first half, but we never seemed ready for it and didn't react quick enough.

Players need to take the blame too. Declan John is out of his depth at this level, and too many times their goals game from attacked his wing when he was out of position. If Fabio was fit and on the pitch, we would not have conceded some of the goals we did.

And speaking of goals, I refuse to let Ralls' strike hide the fact that he made a shitload of errors today, and gave them the ball leading to at least one goal. I really felt let down by our young players today.

But we can't get on the managers back, we have to get behind the team. If we lose like that at home again, maybe I'll change my tune, but right now it's insane to put this pressure on our players and managers - I honestly believe we as fans are creating an environment the players are afraid to play in, as we are on their backs the moment things go against them, and this isn't just a problem from this season.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:25 pm

Declan was awful! Soon as Fabio went off they realised that John was the week link and they attacked him all half. At the moment he is not good enough for the team.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:26 pm

Gavin wrote:Did I hear on the commentary that Declan was responsible for 3 foul throws or did I mishear?

Declan was awful. Out of position constantly, gave the ball away lots, and quite honestly is not good enough to be in a team pushing for promotion.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:29 pm

Pullis come home!!

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:30 pm

KWest wrote:Just typical fans moaning, that's all it was.

Look, the football in the first half was the best I've seen us play in a few years. And everyone in that stadium was loving it. How they can suddenly say Ole hasn't got a clue what he's doing 45 minutes later is insane.

That second half was shocking, it truly was. To go from 2-0 up to 2-4 should never ever happen but it did, and I've got to be honest I don't think the fans helped at all. Was truly disgusted at how quick our fans got on every players back as soon as we'd let one in - we should be getting behind the bloody team in those situations, not making them even more nervous!

I've got issues with OGS today, of course I have. Just being sat on his arse after each goal went in really pissed me off, as he should have been there changing our shape. For someone called the tinker man, how he let us carry on with the same shape after they scored their first goal really doesn't make sense to me. But he DOES know what he's doing, the first half showed that, the second half showed that we really do need to work on defending leads though.

We should've been prepared for Norwich to come at us, as they were an embarrassment in the first half, but we never seemed ready for it and didn't react quick enough.

Players need to take the blame too. Declan John is out of his depth at this level, and too many times their goals game from attacked his wing when he was out of position. If Fabio was fit and on the pitch, we would not have conceded some of the goals we did.

And speaking of goals, I refuse to let Ralls' strike hide the fact that he made a shitload of errors today, and gave them the ball leading to at least one goal. I really felt let down by our young players today.

But we can't get on the managers back, we have to get behind the team. If we lose like that at home again, maybe I'll change my tune, but right now it's insane to put this pressure on our players and managers - I honestly believe we as fans are creating an environment the players are afraid to play in, as we are on their backs the moment things go against them, and this isn't just a problem from this season.

That's a very post reply to be fair to you. How long do you feel he should be allowed to get a grip of this team and get them playing consistently then? Because I would rather not leave it to a stage of the season that the players lose heart and belief.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:31 pm

The question we should be asking (as well), is 'can this team get any better under Ole? In my view, the answer is NO (well, not much). I'm no expert but he has so little tactical astuteness, in fact he is naive. On that basis, he should go and Pulis should be brought in. He will make us difficult to beat and there should be enough goals in this team to give us a real shout.

Today: Surely Connolly to left back and Cala into the centre would have been a safer option after Fabio went off. Declan John is not up to League 1 level at LB, let alone championship. FAIL :cry:
What the feck did he say to them at half time? FAIL :cry:

Ole should have brought in a new captain over the summer, preferably a midfielder with drive and strong leadership qualities. FAIL 1 :cry:

Way too much tinkering in midfield. FAIL 2 :cry:

No real pattern in our play. FAIL 3 :cry:

Persistence with Maynard over Guerra. FAIL 4 :cry:

Sorry Ole, you're a real nice bloke, a legend in the game but not ready for managing at the highest level.
I really hope he proves me wrong because Tan will give him until Christmas and by then we'll be too far off the pace and looking down the barrel of another year in the championship.

My verdict: Ole out ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:31 pm

Out now. Totally clueless. Tony Pullis asap please.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:32 pm

Tools are more than adequate to do the job.
Has better options than his predecessors at this level.
One word could sum up Cardiff and their performances so far... Disappointing.

All in all, not good enough... :thumbup:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:34 pm

Kwest. As you say the first half was one of the best and I agree. I assume Ole put a plan into action and the players followed it through.

Norwich had to change tac and they did and it worked.

Now it is time for Ole to react and the players to work the new plan.

There was no reaction from Ole so the players continued with their instructions and are now getting blamed.

The buck stops with one person and that person is already showing he is not up to the task.

We can give him 10 games and it will be the same. Let's give him 15 games and then we will be well adrift.

People can back him if they want but he will be gone before September is out and I might even put money on him walking after Tuesday.

He now has the added problem of bedding in another defender and the back four should already be set in stone.

I know we are not near the bottom but the club now works at a different level and we should be at least showing we have played a season in the Prem.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:37 pm

stentona wrote:
Sorry Ole, you're a real nice bloke, a legend in the game

Why do people keep saying this bollocks to cover up his failings as a manager it always cracks me up to the point i nearly piss myself who gives a shit how nice he is or if hes handing out £20 notes to the homeless the mans not up to it and gets paid 1000s weekly to do a job which hes not up to imo since hes been here ive watched 45minutes of good controlling football and that was 45minutes today 1st half where we passed and moved alot finding space ect thats it over his whole time at the club and then the 2nd half where i think most knew what was comming with the 18yard line camp we have all become amune to but we did move up the pitch after letting in FOUR GOALS so lets not grumble :bluescarf:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:41 pm

That second half was totally unacceptable and unprofessional period.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:41 pm

Bluebird1977 wrote:
stentona wrote:
Sorry Ole, you're a real nice bloke, a legend in the game

Why do people keep saying this bollocks to cover up his failings as a manager it always cracks me up to the point i nearly piss myself who gives a shit how nice he is or if hes handing out £20 notes to the homeless the mans not up to it and gets paid 1000s weekly to do a job which hes not up to imo since hes been here ive watched 45minutes of good controlling football and that was 45minutes today 1st half where we passed and moved alot finding space ect thats it over his whole time at the club and then the 2nd half where i think most knew what was comming with the 18yard line camp we have all become amune to but we did move up the pitch after letting in FOUR GOALS so lets not grumble :bluescarf:

Just softening the blow :laughing6: ... I assume you read the rest of my post - Ole out :old:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:43 pm

Gavin wrote:
That's a very post reply to be fair to you. How long do you feel he should be allowed to get a grip of this team and get them playing consistently then? Because I would rather not leave it to a stage of the season that the players lose heart and belief.

Gav, I'm torn if I'm honest. I'm aware of the need to return to the Premier League at first time of asking, but at the same time the relegated teams who quickly change managers in a panic during their first season down more often than not are the teams who don't come back up.

I'd give him the season in an ideal world, else I'd give him 25 games. The club needs stability for me, and changing manager 10 games in does not offer that. I also know these players need to gel, and changing their bloody manager is only going to make that job ten times harder and take ten times longer.

Give him the season. If we are fighting relegation then fine, make the change, but I've seen enough quality so far to tell us that we WILL be fighting for promotion if we eliminate the small problems. And let's not fool ourselves, the fans getting on players backs is one of those problems too.

Drop John though, he shouldn't be anywhere near our senior squad. We've rushed his development, and it's starting to show - he needs to go on loan for a couple of years. And Ralls should not be starting against fellow promotion rivals - he's not quite there yet.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:47 pm

stentona wrote:
Bluebird1977 wrote:
stentona wrote:
Sorry Ole, you're a real nice bloke, a legend in the game

Why do people keep saying this bollocks to cover up his failings as a manager it always cracks me up to the point i nearly piss myself who gives a shit how nice he is or if hes handing out £20 notes to the homeless the mans not up to it and gets paid 1000s weekly to do a job which hes not up to imo since hes been here ive watched 45minutes of good controlling football and that was 45minutes today 1st half where we passed and moved alot finding space ect thats it over his whole time at the club and then the 2nd half where i think most knew what was comming with the 18yard line camp we have all become amune to but we did move up the pitch after letting in FOUR GOALS so lets not grumble :bluescarf:

Just softening the blow :laughing6: ... I assume you read the rest of my post - Ole out :old:

Ruthless is the word and tan needs to be with this clown in charge never rated him as a manager at all nore has he done anything to excite me bar 45minutes of football in the 1st half today but deep down i knew what was comming in the 2nd half :(

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:51 pm

Tan give Tony Pulis the job right now!!! :bluescarf:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:05 pm

KWest wrote:Just typical fans moaning, that's all it was.

Look, the football in the first half was the best I've seen us play in a few years. And everyone in that stadium was loving it. How they can suddenly say Ole hasn't got a clue what he's doing 45 minutes later is insane.

That second half was shocking, it truly was. To go from 2-0 up to 2-4 should never ever happen but it did, and I've got to be honest I don't think the fans helped at all. Was truly disgusted at how quick our fans got on every players back as soon as we'd let one in - we should be getting behind the bloody team in those situations, not making them even more nervous!

I've got issues with OGS today, of course I have. Just being sat on his arse after each goal went in really pissed me off, as he should have been there changing our shape. For someone called the tinker man, how he let us carry on with the same shape after they scored their first goal really doesn't make sense to me. But he DOES know what he's doing, the first half showed that, the second half showed that we really do need to work on defending leads though.

We should've been prepared for Norwich to come at us, as they were an embarrassment in the first half, but we never seemed ready for it and didn't react quick enough.

Players need to take the blame too. Declan John is out of his depth at this level, and too many times their goals game from attacked his wing when he was out of position. If Fabio was fit and on the pitch, we would not have conceded some of the goals we did.

And speaking of goals, I refuse to let Ralls' strike hide the fact that he made a shitload of errors today, and gave them the ball leading to at least one goal. I really felt let down by our young players today.

But we can't get on the managers back, we have to get behind the team. If we lose like that at home again, maybe I'll change my tune, but right now it's insane to put this pressure on our players and managers - I honestly believe we as fans are creating an environment the players are afraid to play in, as we are on their backs the moment things go against them, and this isn't just a problem from this season.

Sums up how I feel about today. Good post

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:10 pm

Gavin wrote:Did I hear on the commentary that Declan was responsible for 3 foul throws or did I mishear?

There was 3 foul throws in the whole game, two coming from Norwich. Declan was responsible for our one.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:17 pm

VincentTanOut wrote:
Gavin wrote:Did I hear on the commentary that Declan was responsible for 3 foul throws or did I mishear?

There was 3 foul throws in the whole game, two coming from Norwich. Declan was responsible for our one.

Ahh ok, thanks for clearing that up.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:07 pm

I'm saying nothing until I have cooled down.

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:16 pm

his name and reputation got him the job. i think its his reputation which will see him keep the job too.

from what i've seen so far, he seems to be a ferguson copy cat who believes that you need to change players every game.

today, the decision to take off jones was criminal. the first half was outstanding, but i knew we needed to get the third goal as they would pile on the pressure if they got a goal back. we just totally collapsed and seemed to forget how to play football!

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:46 pm

I'm concerned, but not calling for the managers head yet. For one thing, I don't like the thought of losing a manager with no credible alternative available. ( Pulis is NOT a credible alternative IMO).

There isn't a lot wrong with the team judging by the first half performance. However, we did seem leaderless at the back, and I hope that Manga will solve that problem. Also, this is the time for Gabbidon to step up in his defensive coaching role and get that defence sorted out.

The second half performance was such a shock today after how good the first half was, and I think this has made the situation seem much worse than it really is. Keep the faith, people! In Ole we trust (for now anyway).

:ayatollah: :ole: :ayatollah:

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:03 pm

Av to agree with gav!

Act now before we are 20pts behind at Xmas.

The evidence is there that ole really doesn't know what to do.., he's tactically clueless, 2 up at half time and we should av consolidated. We didn't shut up shop and were punished. At 2-1 we needed to take ralls off, we dint and then we went 2-2. At that stage he took off Kenwyn. For Maynard which was ludacrus and pilkington off and brought on another centre midfielder. We had 4 centre midfielders on who didnt know where to be and left the full backs exposed to ball after ball into the box.

Whites cannot continue to start, he's not got it any more, offers nothing. Even set pieces where not to his previous standard. At half time 2-0 flattered us. Although the second goal was well taken.

Ole has shown me nothing In last 6 months to prove he's got it! We have a fantastic squad yet he doesn't know who to play together, when and where...

Re: Ole out?

Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:08 pm

i gave him untill christmas, but october is looking more likely, but the players must improve, im not the one to go all with this gelling crap