A forum for all things Cardiff City
Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:53 pm
Here's why Riza gets the job and no decent manager would touch us.
Can you imagine Robins, Cooper etc taking any role without knowing budget 20 days before the window opens & on a 5 mth trial?
"Riza in the dark over Cardiff transfer budget two weeks out from seismic window"
Thu Dec 12, 2024 2:57 pm
Always City wrote:Here's why Riza gets the job and no decent manager would touch us.
Can you imagine Robins, Cooper etc taking any role without knowing budget 20 days before the window opens & on a 5 mth trial?
"Riza in the dark over Cardiff transfer budget two weeks out from seismic window"
I've been saying for a while that nobody would come here because of the short contract being offered.
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