A forum for all things Cardiff City
Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:40 pm
Gents, Ladies, Jacks of the board....
I'm all for banter between Cardiff and Swansea fans, and I frequently engage in it - six fingers, inbreds, caravans and all that, I'm happy to be on the receiving end of witty banter from Jack fans too, but what has happened to me today was well out of order.
A jack, a young looking kid named Richard Jones (the sort who's all mouth and all bounce with no fight in him), who has obviously been reading the threads, looked me up on facebook, then, seeing my relationship status and my mrs name, sent a message to her saying "Oh, tell that Greg leave off the barmaid Claire, he is naughty boy".
This is a step way to far. My mrs has read the threads about Claire and knows its a joke (admittedly by posting them it has made a rod for my own back - but still nobody deserves this), but if she didn't know about all of it, I could be in some serious shit right now. This is beyond personal and not funny. Why someone would actually take time to do this, I don't know but it's f*cking sick when people try to bring family into things.
So, Richard Jones, whoever you are - you're a f*cking wanker and if you come down to Cardiff on saturday I sincerely hope you get a kicking from the Old Bill while you're posing and boucning and hitting the invisible wall, or fall down the stairs of the Legodome and break your neck you prick.
Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:43 pm
slimey inbred jack cunts, do the same back to his mates saying he shagged you

and he was ceap
Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:48 pm
Not just Jack Fans you have to be wary of....
As we have learned in the past.
Public MB's are just that Public.
Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:57 pm
Certainly shows that this guy must live a boring life if he makes the effort to do something like this, well out of order
Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:05 pm
I agree. Sad git!
By the way, if your mrs does finish with you, can you post her number on here? Ta!
Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:08 pm
f*cking c**t that's all he is mate
Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:09 pm
ali wrote:I agree. Sad git!
By the way, if your mrs does finish with you, can you post her number on here? Ta!

sorry ali i was first
Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:20 pm
prob's off school and bored coz he has a lot of time on his hands
Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:25 pm
familys are out of bounds, no need
Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:52 pm
Totally out of order.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:12 am
i agree thats way out of order
Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:47 am
Thats f*cking disgusting, sad excuse for a human being out to reck other peoples lives probably cos his is shit.
Put a link to his facebook on here gregg, we'll give the c*nt some friendly warnings
Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:39 am
May be should go by his shortened name of Dick Jones cause he sounds like a right cock.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:45 am
Do you know his Facebook page?
I know of a Richard Jones, Swansea fan, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be him.
Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:55 am
some Jack named Malcolm Rees got personal with me on FB too , saw my status and kept banging on about how my wife left me etc blah blah blah ....................... so I posted it on here and somebody who works in a certain job took advantage of his position and found me Malcolm Rees's works telephone number . I rang him and posted his number on FB and the fucker shit himself and denied everything ! Dont underestimate the power of the Bluebird lol
Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:47 am
Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:58 am
where u off for a pint 1st tomoz then Baz ? Cheggs told me he's heading to the Vaults 1st so Im gonna meet him there , have to meet u too mate as it always good to put a person to the personality
Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:01 am
Martyn1963 wrote:where u off for a pint 1st tomoz then Baz ? Cheggs told me he's heading to the Vaults 1st so Im gonna meet him there , have to meet u too mate as it always good to put a person to the personality

getting off train then going in the POW going up to the canton cross i will pm you my mob now
Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:25 am
Martyn1963 wrote:where u off for a pint 1st tomoz then Baz ? Cheggs told me he's heading to the Vaults 1st so Im gonna meet him there , have to meet u too mate as it always good to put a person to the personality

Trust me Martyn Baz is not the same when you meet him in person
On here all he talks about is sex and monkeyfacing, but when you meet him all he talks about is flowers and bunnies. And where is the best place to shop for smellies. He is totally different
Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:20 pm
Somehow chippy, that description of Baz doesn't wash!
Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:35 pm
get me his email address and i'll send him a virus to destroy his computer
Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:31 pm
Mr Davies wrote:Gents, Ladies, Jacks of the board....
I'm all for banter between Cardiff and Swansea fans, and I frequently engage in it - six fingers, inbreds, caravans and all that, I'm happy to be on the receiving end of witty banter from Jack fans too, but what has happened to me today was well out of order.
A jack, a young looking kid named Richard Jones (the sort who's all mouth and all bounce with no fight in him), who has obviously been reading the threads, looked me up on facebook, then, seeing my relationship status and my mrs name, sent a message to her saying "Oh, tell that Greg leave off the barmaid Claire, he is naughty boy".
This is a step way to far. My mrs has read the threads about Claire and knows its a joke (admittedly by posting them it has made a rod for my own back - but still nobody deserves this), but if she didn't know about all of it, I could be in some serious shit right now. This is beyond personal and not funny. Why someone would actually take time to do this, I don't know but it's f*cking sick when people try to bring family into things.
So, Richard Jones, whoever you are - you're a f*cking wanker and if you come down to Cardiff on saturday I sincerely hope you get a kicking from the Old Bill while you're posing and boucning and hitting the invisible wall, or fall down the stairs of the Legodome and break your neck you prick.
this sounds a bit familier to me

some people can be so jelous, especialy of AAMB answer to goerge clooney
Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:24 am
just read this again mr davies, so out of order
as for falling down the ccs and breaking his neck, i bet my life he wont be there, he seems the type of guy who is only tough hidden behing another name or a laptop
Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:49 am
well out of order
someone did the same to Baker (sort of) on CCMB
Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:33 am
Zabier wrote:Somehow chippy, that description of Baz doesn't wash!

yes it is, i love to discuss the price difference in lynx deodarant
Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:11 pm
bluebirdbaz wrote:Zabier wrote:Somehow chippy, that description of Baz doesn't wash!

yes it is, i love to discuss the price difference in lynx deodarant

Baz it is a false description
Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:21 pm
That Richard Jones really must have a shit life. You must be really sad to go out of your way to try and wreck someones marige. I guess he's just lucky nothing happened the lowlife peace of shit.
Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:24 pm
chippy909 wrote:Martyn1963 wrote:where u off for a pint 1st tomoz then Baz ? Cheggs told me he's heading to the Vaults 1st so Im gonna meet him there , have to meet u too mate as it always good to put a person to the personality

Trust me Martyn Baz is not the same when you meet him in person
On here all he talks about is sex and monkeyfacing, but when you meet him all he talks about is flowers and bunnies. And where is the best place to shop for smellies. He is totally different


Thats only when YOU are around Baz does that take effect -

I met him and he it was "my fuel tank this my fuel tank that" lol
As for the initial thread Mr Davies - do you still have the message I am sure there is a computer whizzzzzz on here that can do a trace somehow - EVEN if the accounts false or been deleted (it can still be done) - Oh i wish i was a better student in my IT lessons now lol...............................Im sure you can find him

Claire you want to be careful on your accounts sounds like a bit of a nutty one if he is willing to go thru mr D - just keep anything you recieve and take not of email addies etc to trace!!!
Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:25 pm
Billy Hunt. wrote:That Richard Jones really must have a shit life. You must be really sad to go out of your way to try and wreck someones marige. I guess he's just lucky nothing happened the lowlife peace of shit.
I agree people like this are twats. Just want to go out and ruin other peoples lives.
He is just a jealous fucker who hides behind a computer.
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