Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City

Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:54 pm

This is a messageboard for fans to put their opinions across and sometimes we will guess or speculate about things, especially when we lose a game or when it goes quiet on the news front.

This can cause rumours that can sometimes worry people, I see TNT has been involved in a couple of threads Tonight and some posters on here respect his views even accepting that they have no idea who he might be, although he is widely regarded to be an ex chair of a football club....but again its speculation. There is not a problem with that because some of the posts he makes are thought provoking and interesting. What the members of this forum have to understand though is the fact that this poster will only make suggestions or possible senarios that could be true...nothing he says is backed up... not even by his username because he is anonymous so please try not to worry too much about what he says.

Annis ,Big Gwyn , Owain, Ben, Jonah,Steve Davies etc etc etc...or others on the board that you know have more credibility when they post because you know who they are and they are accountable.

So what I am trying to say is that there is actually no new news on the investors...GOOD or BAD...Also we do not know what players will come or go in January either...just specualtion on here and other boards...but nobody really they?

So come on...cheer up...get up to Posh Tomorrow and lets bring home the three points, when the New Year comes I am sure Annis will hear if there is any news and he will post it here, so will I and others who find things out....we have to be ready for anything following City but don't write everything off just may be our time for a change of fortune...

I mean no offence to TNT at all and I enjoy his posts and his right to remain anonymous...I just want people to know that the Malaysian situation has not really changed...and we should not be unduly worried...NOT YET

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:00 pm

Good post Corks!! :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:03 pm

well said corky

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:04 pm

good post :ayatollah:
3 points tomorrow & everyone will be happy again (well i know i will be :D )

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:04 pm

A change of fortune financially would be an incredibly happy new year indeed!

Lets hope we can walk the walk after january instead of talking the talk :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:08 pm

Lads we could be up shit creek and these investors might never come...but really don't know...we all have to hope the news will be good, but you all know as well as me that we are used to getting let down...if we are we will start again...there will just be less of us... :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:09 pm

Ridsdale has made it clear that the investment/takeover wouldn't happen before the closure of the January transfer window, i.e. February at the earliest.

So why would we expect to hear any news now, at the end of December?

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:10 pm

corky wrote:Lads we could be up shit creek and these investors might never come...but really don't know...we all have to hope the news will be good, but you all know as well as me that we are used to getting let down...if we are we will start again...there will just be less of us... :ayatollah:

lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that 2010 will be a very good year for everyone associated with Cardiff City :ayatollah: :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:12 pm

Ridsdale has made it clear that the investment/takeover wouldn't happen before the closure of the January transfer window, i.e. February at the earliest.

So why would we expect to hear any news now, at the end of December?

That is true and I was just talking about speculative posts not facts mate

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:13 pm

Yes I agree corky we need to be more positive, but i really enjoy tnt;s posts and hope he never stops posting.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:15 pm

Well said, you have to take anything posted on here or elsewhere with a pinch of salt really.

Nobody really knows what's going on behind the scenes, even if they think they do. Although everything doesn't seem to be too great financially we don't really know what's happening with the Malaysians etc, so we may aswell wait and see what happens and carry on with the football side of things!

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:16 pm

Why exactly i said after january paul :ayatollah:

Without hope the human race would crumble it is what everything is based on IMO

C'mon City :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:17 pm

there is a lot of bullshit coming from the club , as has been the case for years, and a lot of bullshit regarding rumours , as has been the case for years

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:21 pm

What happens is when we loose a game we are all on a downer and we want to take it out on someone in our club.
When we win tomorrow it WILL BE ONWARDS AND UPWARDS :ayatollah: :ayatollah: :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:25 pm

Forever Blue wrote:What happens is when we loose a game we are all on a downer and we want to take it out on someone in our club.
When we win tomorrow it WILL BE ONWARDS AND UPWARDS :ayatollah: :ayatollah: :ayatollah:

4 wins out of 5, everyone should be happy again then :ayatollah:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:25 pm

dj out now !

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:20 am

Tony Blue Williams wrote:Ridsdale has made it clear that the investment/takeover wouldn't happen before the closure of the January transfer window, i.e. February at the earliest.

So why would we expect to hear any news now, at the end of December?

This is one of the things that arouses so much suspicion about the proposed investment. Peter blatantly stated that the Malaysians "had already invested." Not intimated, blatantly that they HAD invested. They haven't. Then he said that this substantial investment was imminent. It was and is not. Now he says it will be February at the earliest. Do you believe him? He also said, on the same day the winding up order was issued, that TG had joined the board. Has he? There is no proof of this, while judging by the propaganda he spins that the Nazis & Tony Blair would be proud of, was it just a good news story to bury bad news? Allied with the blatant lies already documented, he was economical with the truth about the HMRC debt and not just to us, whilst his performance at the Municipal meeting was utterly unbelievable. To lie as blatantly as he did regarding how much debt we are in I found astonishing, whilst how he was given such an easy time in the face of it, especially as there were people there who can see right through him I found strange.

I make no apologies for using the words "liar," it is emotive language for me to us, but the audacity of his constant lying and deceit is astonishing. There of course is a small possibility that this investment will come off, let us hope so, but either way, the sooner that man is out of our club, the better.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:06 am

saladthedragon wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:Ridsdale has made it clear that the investment/takeover wouldn't happen before the closure of the January transfer window, i.e. February at the earliest.

So why would we expect to hear any news now, at the end of December?

This is one of the things that arouses so much suspicion about the proposed investment. Peter blatantly stated that the Malaysians "had already invested." Not intimated, blatantly that they HAD invested. They haven't. Then he said that this substantial investment was imminent. It was and is not. Now he says it will be February at the earliest. Do you believe him? He also said, on the same day the winding up order was issued, that TG had joined the board. Has he? There is no proof of this, while judging by the propaganda he spins that the Nazis & Tony Blair would be proud of, was it just a good news story to bury bad news? Allied with the blatant lies already documented, he was economical with the truth about the HMRC debt and not just to us, whilst his performance at the Municipal meeting was utterly unbelievable. To lie as blatantly as he did regarding how much debt we are in I found astonishing, whilst how he was given such an easy time in the face of it, especially as there were people there who can see right through him I found strange.

I make no apologies for using the words "liar," it is emotive language for me to us, but the audacity of his constant lying and deceit is astonishing. There of course is a small possibility that this investment will come off, let us hope so, but either way, the sooner that man is out of our club, the better.

How do you know the Malaysians haven't made an initial investment, what evidence do you have to conclude that? Also PR clearly stated that substantial further investment was 'imminent' once due diligence was completed, which now won't be until February.

There has been an official announcement that TG has joined the board as a non-excutive director and he is listed in the programme notes and has attended several games. Just what further 'evidence' do you want?

Also the HMRC petition has been withdrawn so where does that leave your bad news story?

Finally don't have a pop at those who attended the Muni Club meeting with Ridsdale. PR was given far from an easy ride and if you thought differently then why didn't you question him on the things that concern you instead of blaming others?

In conclusion you are calling Peter Ridsdale a liar on the back of presumptions not facts. By all means raise concerns if you have them, but that doesn't allow you to become personal and use such slanderous language against someone who just might be a big hero in a few weeks time.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:14 am

corky wrote:This is a messageboard for fans to put their opinions across and sometimes we will guess or speculate about things, especially when we lose a game or when it goes quiet on the news front.

This can cause rumours that can sometimes worry people, I see TNT has been involved in a couple of threads Tonight and some posters on here respect his views even accepting that they have no idea who he might be, although he is widely regarded to be an ex chair of a football club....but again its speculation. There is not a problem with that because some of the posts he makes are thought provoking and interesting. What the members of this forum have to understand though is the fact that this poster will only make suggestions or possible senarios that could be true...nothing he says is backed up... not even by his username because he is anonymous so please try not to worry too much about what he says.

Annis ,Big Gwyn , Owain, Ben, Jonah,Steve Davies etc etc etc...or others on the board that you know have more credibility when they post because you know who they are and they are accountable.

So what I am trying to say is that there is actually no new news on the investors...GOOD or BAD...Also we do not know what players will come or go in January either...just specualtion on here and other boards...but nobody really they?

So come on...cheer up...get up to Posh Tomorrow and lets bring home the three points, when the New Year comes I am sure Annis will hear if there is any news and he will post it here, so will I and others who find things out....we have to be ready for anything following City but don't write everything off just may be our time for a change of fortune...

I mean no offence to TNT at all and I enjoy his posts and his right to remain anonymous...I just want people to know that the Malaysian situation has not really changed...and we should not be unduly worried...NOT YET


always the eternal optomist and i respect you for that god knows this club needs as many as it can get
but read your last paragraph and you after telling people not to take much notice about tnt's speculation are telling people that the malaysian situation has not changed.
The due diligence has changed totally the way the malaysians look at this club and the way it has been run.
i hope one persons continual greed does not finally cut the fine thread holding this deal together.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:22 pm

Tony, Peter stated several weeks ago that the Malaysians had already invested in the club. His exact quote is;

"TG has put in an amount of money with another amount due this week,” said Ridsdale. “I cannot say how much that is, but I will say it is in the millions. This is the link ... -25292482/. When pressed on this, there appears to be no truth in this statement, leaving Peter to be somewhat vague and then intimating the investment had perhaps not happened but was "imminent." Several weeks later, this changed again with due diligence to being "February at the earliest" and the season ticket scenario that risks destroying the club due to Peter's continuously shambolic mismanagement of our finances. So, from actually having already invested millions, in the space of a few weeks it is now a maybe in February at best. How else can that be described other than a lie? As far as I'm aware, there is no proff whatsoever that the Malaysians have invested and it's the clubs responsibility to provide that proof. One might call it transparency perhaps.

As for TG, the announcement of his appointment to the board was only made on the same day as the 90 day winding up order was issued became public. Effectively all we have as prove that TG is on the board is Peter's word. If that's enough for you, so be it, but having his name in the programme and attending the games occassionally are not proof. I would suggest official documentation and nothing less would suffice as proof of his directorship. Some kind of statement from TG would carry some weight too, but Peter's word simply will not suffice.

I wasn't having a pop at the fans at the meeting, indeed I appreciate the views of Since62 more than any other on these boards who was present. I was merely stating my surprise that it seemed he was not pressed more on what were blatant lies. At the time of the meeting, debts stood at at least £37m, but he blatantly lied by saying the debt was "somwhere around" £24m. The subsequent renegotiation of the debt to Langston is indeed positive, but given that under Ridsdale the debt has risen from £27.1m to a conservative £37m prior the recent renegotiation, despite making a profit of £20m+ on transfers and reaching a Cup Final, do we really have any confidence in him to ensure that the debt is paid on time, thus negating the £1m a year penalty for every year we are late in repaying? The facts documenting our finances are undeniable and in the public domain for all to divulge, they do not make good reading.

His boardroom appointments are also grounds for huge concern, something others with far more knowledge than me have voiced before. Spencer & Harris are especially questionable as to what they do, but they pick up one hell of a wage for doing it. Ridsdale's wages and bonuses are huge and simply inaffordable for us also, but for that I blame PMG as who wouldn't pay themselves huge wages if they could get away with it? All Ridsdale wants to do is make as much money as possible, if he can exorcise demons of the past in the meantime, great for him, but given that Leeds & Barnsley both went into administration, with City on the brink too if this ever distant investment doesn't come off, the only fact that can be gleaned is that he stands on the precipice of a rather inglorious hat-trick.

As for him being a hero, if the investment comes off as substantially as we are led (by Peter) to believe, then he will indeed have served his purpose and despite complete financial mismanagement, can justifiably claim to be our saviour. However, it would appear that his personal greed is now becoming a stumbling block in these negotiations. That of course is speculation, what is fact is that he has racked up incredible debts by operating way beyond our means, only saving some kind of face by the renegotiation with Sam. All good and well you may say, but how would you feel if the missus racked up a huge debt and got it reduced a little, would you be quite so forgiving then?

I will re-iterate again, Peter Ridsdale is a very affable gentleman, but when it comes to running the football club I care about, it is not hard to see through his lies and deceit and realise that he has and continues to lie to us and treat us with nothing but contempt, that there are fans out there who actually defend him I'm sure sends him to sleep chuckling every night.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:44 pm

saladthedragon wrote:Tony, Peter stated several weeks ago that the Malaysians had already invested in the club. His exact quote is;

"TG has put in an amount of money with another amount due this week,” said Ridsdale. “I cannot say how much that is, but I will say it is in the millions. This is the link ... -25292482/. When pressed on this, there appears to be no truth in this statement, leaving Peter to be somewhat vague and then intimating the investment had perhaps not happened but was "imminent." Several weeks later, this changed again with due diligence to being "February at the earliest" and the season ticket scenario that risks destroying the club due to Peter's continuously shambolic mismanagement of our finances. So, from actually having already invested millions, in the space of a few weeks it is now a maybe in February at best. How else can that be described other than a lie? As far as I'm aware, there is no proff whatsoever that the Malaysians have invested and it's the clubs responsibility to provide that proof. One might call it transparency perhaps.

As for TG, the announcement of his appointment to the board was only made on the same day as the 90 day winding up order was issued became public. Effectively all we have as prove that TG is on the board is Peter's word. If that's enough for you, so be it, but having his name in the programme and attending the games occassionally are not proof. I would suggest official documentation and nothing less would suffice as proof of his directorship. Some kind of statement from TG would carry some weight too, but Peter's word simply will not suffice.

I wasn't having a pop at the fans at the meeting, indeed I appreciate the views of Since62 more than any other on these boards who was present. I was merely stating my surprise that it seemed he was not pressed more on what were blatant lies. At the time of the meeting, debts stood at at least £37m, but he blatantly lied by saying the debt was "somwhere around" £24m. The subsequent renegotiation of the debt to Langston is indeed positive, but given that under Ridsdale the debt has risen from £27.1m to a conservative £37m prior the recent renegotiation, despite making a profit of £20m+ on transfers and reaching a Cup Final, do we really have any confidence in him to ensure that the debt is paid on time, thus negating the £1m a year penalty for every year we are late in repaying? The facts documenting our finances are undeniable and in the public domain for all to divulge, they do not make good reading.

His boardroom appointments are also grounds for huge concern, something others with far more knowledge than me have voiced before. Spencer & Harris are especially questionable as to what they do, but they pick up one hell of a wage for doing it. Ridsdale's wages and bonuses are huge and simply inaffordable for us also, but for that I blame PMG as who wouldn't pay themselves huge wages if they could get away with it? All Ridsdale wants to do is make as much money as possible, if he can exorcise demons of the past in the meantime, great for him, but given that Leeds & Barnsley both went into administration, with City on the brink too if this ever distant investment doesn't come off, the only fact that can be gleaned is that he stands on the precipice of a rather inglorious hat-trick.

As for him being a hero, if the investment comes off as substantially as we are led (by Peter) to believe, then he will indeed have served his purpose and despite complete financial mismanagement, can justifiably claim to be our saviour. However, it would appear that his personal greed is now becoming a stumbling block in these negotiations. That of course is speculation, what is fact is that he has racked up incredible debts by operating way beyond our means, only saving some kind of face by the renegotiation with Sam. All good and well you may say, but how would you feel if the missus racked up a huge debt and got it reduced a little, would you be quite so forgiving then?

I will re-iterate again, Peter Ridsdale is a very affable gentleman, but when it comes to running the football club I care about, it is not hard to see through his lies and deceit and realise that he has and continues to lie to us and treat us with nothing but contempt, that there are fans out there who actually defend him I'm sure sends him to sleep chuckling every night.

What a very good posting and very acurate too.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:37 pm

Salad for someone to be branded a 'liar' they must have an intention of misleading you. When Ridsdale made the statement more cash was to follow it may well have been his belief.

We are not actually sure that it didn't arrive (the HMRC have been paid after all?) but even if it didn't then the circumstances why could be beyond his control; for example the Malaysians needed further information before releasing funds.

At Muni Club (I was there) Ridsdale made everyone aware that due diligence was taking place. At that time (30th November) he might not have been aware of just how long the Malaysians take on that process. He didn't give a definite date and I don't remember him saying a takeover was 'imminent' but he did hope it would happen soon.

Again I don't believe you can conclude that Ridsdale is a lair it is more like the Malaysians are conducting due diligence before committing millions of pounds.

With regard to TG's directorship I don't think it is normal practise to supply supporters with official documentation proving someone is a director. The biggest proof for me is TG himself who seems happy to be described as a non-executive director or are you calling him a liar to?

As for pressing Ridsdale about his 'blatant lies' at the Muni Club, he was pressed very hard by several supporters on all kinds of issues including the ones you have highlighted. He dealt with them all comfortably and explained everything reasonably and convincingly.

On Harris' role and the size of Ridsdale's wages I actually agree with you, although if they deliver the new investment will anyone complain then?

BTW I'm not sure Ridsdale was at either Leeds or Barnsley when they went into administration. Ridsdale left Leeds 2003 and I'm sure LUFC didn't enter admin until 2007. Barnsley went into admin in 2002 when Ridsdale was still at Leeds.

With regard to the 'debt' which has raised from £27m to £37m (yes like hundreds of others I have read the public documents), that is almost all explained by the money loaned to the club by PMG. Whoever was running the club needed to lend that cash in order to finish the stadium due to a shortfall in funding for the project, so it is very unfair to tag that on as Ridsdale's mismanagement.

I would agree his take on what is actually owed is one of several different scenarios and certainly his version is the 'best case' but it is not a deliberate lie just his opinion which may or may not turn out to be correct.

I think you are so blinded by your personal opinion of Ridsdale that it is hard for you to see other options. PR might spin a line but it’s with good intentions as running a football club is extremely difficult thing to do and to be successful you need fortune and that favours the bold.

If nothing else Ridsdale is bold.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:19 pm

i may be a bit naieve here but is there any chance tnt is sam?

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:34 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:Salad for someone to be branded a 'liar' they must have an intention of misleading you. When Ridsdale made the statement more cash was to follow it may well have been his belief.

We are not actually sure that it didn't arrive (the HMRC have been paid after all?) but even if it didn't then the circumstances why could be beyond his control; for example the Malaysians needed further information before releasing funds.

At Muni Club (I was there) Ridsdale made everyone aware that due diligence was taking place. At that time (30th November) he might not have been aware of just how long the Malaysians take on that process. He didn't give a definite date and I don't remember him saying a takeover was 'imminent' but he did hope it would happen soon.

Again I don't believe you can conclude that Ridsdale is a lair it is more like the Malaysians are conducting due diligence before committing millions of pounds.

With regard to TG's directorship I don't think it is normal practise to supply supporters with official documentation proving someone is a director. The biggest proof for me is TG himself who seems happy to be described as a non-executive director or are you calling him a liar to?

As for pressing Ridsdale about his 'blatant lies' at the Muni Club, he was pressed very hard by several supporters on all kinds of issues including the ones you have highlighted. He dealt with them all comfortably and explained everything reasonably and convincingly.

On Harris' role and the size of Ridsdale's wages I actually agree with you, although if they deliver the new investment will anyone complain then?

BTW I'm not sure Ridsdale was at either Leeds or Barnsley when they went into administration. Ridsdale left Leeds 2003 and I'm sure LUFC didn't enter admin until 2007. Barnsley went into admin in 2002 when Ridsdale was still at Leeds.

With regard to the 'debt' which has raised from £27m to £37m (yes like hundreds of others I have read the public documents), that is almost all explained by the money loaned to the club by PMG. Whoever was running the club needed to lend that cash in order to finish the stadium due to a shortfall in funding for the project, so it is very unfair to tag that on as Ridsdale's mismanagement.

I would agree his take on what is actually owed is one of several different scenarios and certainly his version is the 'best case' but it is not a deliberate lie just his opinion which may or may not turn out to be correct.

I think you are so blinded by your personal opinion of Ridsdale that it is hard for you to see other options. PR might spin a line but it’s with good intentions as running a football club is extremely difficult thing to do and to be successful you need fortune and that favours the bold.

If nothing else Ridsdale is bold.


i asked the chairman at the muni club if he had taken a stadium completion bonus bearing in mind the precarious financial position of the club and he said no that was a lie.
the HMRC will have been paid by the television money loaned off barclays which would have been due in march.
i am looking at the notes i made from the muni and he did say the malaysians were investing later that week and he used the word millions.
He also said the malaysians were aware of the hmrc debt of which they were not(remember the guy with the e.mail from tg which peter refused to look at).
it is my opinion that this deal is close to dying a death as malaysian people are notorious for trust, honesty and loyalty in their business dealings.
the hmrc situation would have breached all of those requirements.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:36 pm

herefordblue wrote:i may be a bit naieve here but is there any chance tnt is sam?

if you knew sam he cant text on his mobile let alone use a computer :lol:

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:50 pm

steve davies wrote:


i asked the chairman at the muni club if he had taken a stadium completion bonus bearing in mind the precarious financial position of the club and he said no that was a lie.
the HMRC will have been paid by the television money loaned off barclays which would have been due in march.
i am looking at the notes i made from the muni and he did say the malaysians were investing later that week and he used the word millions.
He also said the malaysians were aware of the hmrc debt of which they were not(remember the guy with the e.mail from tg which peter refused to look at).
it is my opinion that this deal is close to dying a death as malaysian people are notorious for trust, honesty and loyalty in their business dealings.
the hmrc situation would have breached all of those requirements.

Steve that's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

I seem to remember Ridsdale admitting he received a bonus for the stadium completion, although he has received a number of bonuses so maybe I’m getting them mixed up.

I know we have loaned money off Barclay's I don't know if it was used to pay off HMRC. I accept he used the word 'millions' when he said the Malaysians were due to invest soon, but if they didn't (& we don't know if they didn’t) then it could be for a number of reasons out of PR’s control rather than Ridsdale simply lying to a crowd of 250 and later in the press as Salad has concluded.

I understood Ridsdale's point was that the Malaysians would become aware of the HMRC debt as part of their due diligence, although if the debt had already been paid off by the Barclay's loan, which was taken out 2 October (the meeting was held on 30 November) then surly there was no debt for TG to know about?

I can understand your point about trust, honesty and loyalty and they might not be Ridsdale's strong points. But no news is good news at this point and I wouldn’t write this club epitaph just yet.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:24 pm

Does anyone seriously think TNT is on the inside and anything he says should be taken with a pinch of Salt. All of us fully understand that the Investment could go either way and all of us could post the same rubbish that this TNT posts. What I have noticed every post that he does is more doom and Gloom and he seems to get the reactions he is after. The so called football chairman ????? certainly Knows how to wind us up. As Corky says take no notice of this avenue of information until it at least shows a slight amount of credibility after all who the hell is he any way. I,m a simple poster (rarely) that enjoys most of the views opinions of you all (true Fans) who have the club at heart unlike this Mr Know All TNT. Listen to Corky he is club through and through is TNT??. In all my years in Business I have never come across a fellow professional such as an ex chair relaying such sensitive information on a messageboard such as he does.besides he's not even a CCFC fan, or is he???.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:31 pm

all these long replys are anoying lol

what you all need to know is RIDDLER IS A c**t AND IS RAPING THIS CLUB!

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:32 pm

Sorry I don't have much time to reply tonight Tony, will try and do so in more detail tomorrow. Suffice to say if personal opinions came into it, that would be positive for Peter as I very much like him as a person. However, what is best for CCFC is the only important thing, not personal agendas whether positive or negative. This is a copy and paste about how I feel about Peter in general;

"I have had the pleasure of speaking directly to Peter after my "Business Strategy" posts and whilst he was a complete gentleman and a genuinely affable guy, apart from one or 2 things, such as paying off Sam for under £10m (this apparently is now £10m), operating with a player wage bill of around £10m and one or 2 other small bits of info, I was just as mystified after speaking to him as I was before I spoke to him. He talks about what he wants to, putting a positive spin on things and cleverly avoiding directly answering questions with a direct answer. Peter resembles a politician when he speaks and rarely divulges anything substantial or in an unequivocal manner, often saying things just because its what we want to hear. These meetings from what I have gathered, are just the same in that only titbits of information are gleaned with the rest of the meeting simply a PR exercise for him to say how great he is and what a great job he has done/ is doing. Ultimately, if this investment comes in as substantially as we are led to believe, he can sing it from the roof tops with some justification, until then the info that documents our perilous financial state do not cover him in the glory he portrays."

That is a very polite version of Peter's traits. You're clearly an intelligent guy Tony and of course we all have different opinions, indeed up until 12 months or so ago, I was a fierce defendant of Peter myself, but I'm truly astonished that you think Peter is and has been remotely truthful during his time here.

Re: Can we say there is no news on investment

Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:37 pm

dannyblue wrote:Does anyone seriously think TNT is on the inside and anything he says should be taken with a pinch of Salt. All of us fully understand that the Investment could go either way and all of us could post the same rubbish that this TNT posts. What I have noticed every post that he does is more doom and Gloom and he seems to get the reactions he is after. The so called football chairman ????? certainly Knows how to wind us up. As Corky says take no notice of this avenue of information until it at least shows a slight amount of credibility after all who the hell is he any way. I,m a simple poster (rarely) that enjoys most of the views opinions of you all (true Fans) who have the club at heart unlike this Mr Know All TNT. Listen to Corky he is club through and through is TNT??. In all my years in Business I have never come across a fellow professional such as an ex chair relaying such sensitive information on a messageboard such as he does.besides he's not even a CCFC fan, or is he???.

I have never claimed to have been on the " inside" as you quote. Yes if you wish please do take what I post as a pinch of salt if you wish. I dont post " doom and gloom" either just reality.

You keep quoting Corky why? The poster Corky has been very pleasant in debate albeit at all times and I enjoy reading his posts .

To turn to name calling in your post regards my posts I find offensive especially when I have tried at all times topoint you in the right direction to look for truth and factual structure instead of listening to Peter Ridsdale. Salad the dragon, Steve Davies and others have but no not yourself.

I was in fear of this previously on posting on another teams messageboard but took in that it was actually a forum by Annis Abraham Jnr ( who lived in our area for many years) and not Cardiff City solely. Annis invited others to this forum.

With the growth of this forum and who it has attracted its probably wise for myself to detract now and that I shall.

Good luck though for the rest of the season, but be sure not to listen to any board member of Cardiff City because the lies are as thick as your Grannies custard. Your investment will not take place whilst Ridsdale insists on employment from them for at least 3 years and demands 45p a share.

Annis, in future lets discuss in private to avoid these confrontations.