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Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:34 pm



“We know our real real problems is not Bulut or the team “

We can’t do anything … is frustrating and soul destroying.

Yes we have real problems with our team (players) and with our manager and his staff ….and with our Board and the way we are being run …..and most importantly with our Owner …..all those are very very true facts …..

But what about the “FANS” ?

Collectively we are shit fans at the moment and it hurts to see.

We are disjointed , not unified , with no collective vision or purpose or drive .

Once upon a time ….the Bluebirds fans could move mountains ….and influence owners and boards .

We were legendary fans and we never walked over by the previous Boards.

Some fans leaders … are now compliant, they are told stuff they then tell the rest of the City fans it’s all great, building for the future, the Hierarchy have great plans etc etc lol

Others and many more ….no longer have any oomph or drive.

Collectively the fans are ….. lambs . OUR Club is being slaughtered over a loooong period of time …..but with no reaction or should I say action .

Where are the men of Harlech ?

Our fans are like “the silence of the lambs” ….So next time you criticize the manager , Board , Owner … or whoever …..why not look at yourself and the fans ?

The Bluebirds ….have the potential of being massive - massive - massive …..up there with the Very best !

But do we ….the fans deserve it ??

Like fxxk we do …..because we don’t …..not the way we are now .

Everyone at OUR Club is a failure ….. and so are you ! ……good in patches …..but no where near good enough . Very disappointing, We want Our Club back and Fans with Passion and Pride again.


Over the years I have been involved, led against Durban etc Clemo’s , Kumar Brothers , Peter Ridsdale , Vincent Tan etc etc

The New City fan needs to stand up and say how they feel about OUR Club being Slowly killed and drained each season passes.
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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:48 pm

Annis this is what I have been saying, we as fans have let down our beautiful club.

No way should we all lie down and let this happen but we do we have failed not just our club but ourselves.

We need to all get together and fight for change at our club.

Surley we can't all be happy with constantly wondering who will be in charge next what little will we be spending on players, if ever our debts will be paid off!

I'm sick of it now and we all need to unite and drive the dictatorship out for the sake of our club!

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:57 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:02 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:06 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:07 pm

Absolutely spot on, the level of our support has dropped drastically over the last ten years or so.

People will say they don’t like the owner but you stand up for your club and support the team.

Not many of us want this owner but we have to carry on supporting the team or properly protest against him. There have been no real protests since the rebrand was reversed.

Our fans for years have just stood by and let all this happen to us, sadly I don’t see that changing now - but it should.

I don’t see things getting drastically better under this owner, he got lucky with Warnock (despite my severe concerns about Warnock personally).

That won’t happen again.

But while fans stand by and let this all happen, we will carry on going nowhere.

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:09 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:10 pm

Time for the banners to be made up then

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:17 pm

People go on about the results can't be blamed on the board, but it's the board that put us in this mess with years of extremely poor running of this club

If we are to have a good future we need a fresh ownership and new plan


Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:30 pm

I agree wholeheartedly with this. We have been in a rut for years and it's slowly downward spiral that has led us to here.

And yet again, the all too predictable silence from the board despite even WOL popping a faffy story out today about how bad things are, and they are MDs echo chamber.

We really should be where Brighton and notable others are now and perhaps better after years of wasted opportunity plus we are in a unique position of a well connected single club capital city with a catchment area of 1.5M people.

Whatever happens with EB, until there is change at the top, this will continue, how can it not? If EB gets replaced, the all too predictable cycle resets and once again, we start at zero. Yet another 'transition season', a poor manger choice and more important, an unrealistic budget and with no real plan on achieving what we all want. Which is sustainable premier league football.

Tan can then sell and walk away which is his and his families wishes and we all move on.
But the only way this is going to happen is if he either sells at a loss or if he makes changes, big changes in how the club is run. Everyone knows it.

We as fans have our part to play in this as this is a key board room issue and when we have risen before, such as the rebrand, the message was clear and a change was made, so don't underestimate our influence or potential influence.

The FAB really should be front and foremost pushing this every day which they may well be but I really think that it has to come from the fan base to show that we are not happy and are massively concerned.

VT wants most of his money back and also wants to walk gracefully away, "leaving us in a better position than when he found us" and debt free. His words, not mine.

There are options available for VT to finally appoint someone with experience to run the whole football show which would give us the best chance for us all to get what we want.

Tan won't of course sell at the moment but he can make the changes above. He knows this but is stubborn and he has to break the cycle and downward spiral he has created - only he can do that as it stands. In this case, his stubbornness and pride is his weakness and it has to give, one way or the other. He was stubborn before but we rose up and in a non belligerent manner, protested and we couldn't be ignored. And change happened.

I personally think it's beyond time to do something as I just don't see how else change is going to happen and especially when he and the club have a common goal and sustained PL football is eminently achievable and with a realistic budget.

We all get what we want.

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:34 pm

We were never an ordinary club, since the 70s hooliganism was the largest part of our notoriety rather than accomplishments.

If you were kicking around in those days you must be at least in your 50s, if you have hung around since then you probably have calmed down, and lets face it football culture has changed, there are still pockets but for all intent and purpose its gone, and probably so have the fans who missed that scene.

The next generation wants us to be a premier league or at least a challenging championship outfit. Their attention will soon drift to more attractive activities.

Protesting 14 months after turning red and sacking Malky was a good enough reason for the majority of our fans to protest. Not being very good seems a little entitled.

Our "we want you to stay" fans are partly responsible for this mess. He was mildly backed.

Anyway, I am not sure how you run an aging overseas owner and a non-existent CEO out of town, they are never here!

I have no idea why Tan doesn't just put it a in trust situation, be the silent owner, and employ a proper management team to run his interest.

Apathy rules, load will stop attending and watch on Sky or the stick, then not renew whatever division we are in, but L1 will be catastrophic

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:36 pm

I don’t get it personally ,its like everyone sits back and says things online about the owner but doesn’t protest or nothing we used to be a proud club and we’d all be one and stand up for our club we’ve let these clowns ruin our club for to long they should have gone when the rebrand happened but our fans didn’t have a backbone then it took a while to stand up to him,it’s like our fanbase waits for a few bad results and then they want tan out again win a few games and all be forgotten again then it’s crazy

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:32 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:40 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:01 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:01 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:02 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:05 pm

The question is why? Why do we not stand up to Tan. Tan is empowered by the fact his money keeps him in complete control of the club, and it's fans, or, as he rather diabolically calls us, his 'customer'.

Football is so money driven, and there is such a chasm between the haves and the have not. We see Tan in two lights... 1. At least he pays the Bills and keeps us 'afloat', and 2. He is somehow seen as someone, that, if things suddenly change, and we get to the Premier League, can fund a serious push to success.

He is neither. Not because he doesn't have the wealth ( that is just me guessing and being presumptive) but because we are not his priority; not important in terms of his larger business plans;As fans we do not show him adoration or adulation; He has no interest in us as a club, a City or community. Everything is to do with money. As such he will stay until he gets his money back ( his prerogative). Everything is also to do with honour and saving face.

Now two things come from that Last statement. Firstly, as, In his opinion, the fans have shown him no respect or honour, he is simply staying out of spite. Secondly, and on the opposite side of coin, he will not lose face by having a failed business on his consciousness. He will keep us, and simply tick us over. No ambition, limited funds or as little as possible to minimise the affect on the other parts of his corporation.

Who gets affected. The club and the fans.

If we are afraid to rise up because without Tan we will fall or Fail as a club, then perhaps we NEED to struggle in order to rise up again.

If we believe I'm better the Devil you know, then we will be stuck with Tan forever.

I advocated increasing our away support at Derby, and have done all aways this year, our support needs to not only be numerical, but now it needs to be brave.

It WILL be short term pain, but long term gain. Don't boycott games, but organise marches to games, protests outside the main entrance. Voice anti Tan opinion during games.

Tennis balls on the pitch? It's a visual opposition to what is going on. Anything will bring the club and it's situation to the eyes of the public, the news and powers that be back in Malaysia.

I'm not afraid of relegation even two relegations. If we don't stand up, we are like sheep that meekly follow Tan. And by following him meekly, we are be de facto supporting him.

We are Cardiff City. We used to be feared. Our ground, our support, our numbers. Now we moan and do nothing about it.

Now is the time. Be brave, rise up, we need to be visual and vocal. We wil either worry about upsetting Tan or finally losing our Identity.

2024/25 should be the return of Cardiff City. The club yes, but mainly the fans. Let's remember what we were, and in remembering what we have lost or forgotten should be incentive enough to put our foot back on the bottom rung of the ladder.

Are we Cardiff City or part of the Vincent Tan corporation?

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:08 pm

I agree wholeheartedly with the OP on this one and now believe it is time for firm but peaceful action…! :thumbup:

Our ‘support’ has changed dramatically over the last few years and thankfully, few are truly aware of what went before; particularly before Sam’s arrival and with the exception of Rick Wright’s short tenure…

We had nothing, expected nothing, but we all got behind the team in the pitch when it mattered; and we saw some of the best games of our lives as the underdogs…

Since Vincent Tan’s arrival, we have had our club go through every emotion from the appreciation of just being ‘alive’ as a club, the euphoria of promotion and (then) regular Wembley appearances, down to the sadness of the Sala situation, the fury of the rebrand and the hierarchy’s own disregard and disrespect for those who sit on the terraces of the Cardiff City Stadium and spend good money following their club around the country…

Something is not right and even for one as generally positive as I am, it is becoming clear that the club is stale and no real effort is being made by the owner to take us to the next level…

Sensible protest seems sadly the only way to get ourselves heard and the more we have on board, the better the message will get across…

Of course money talks; but in all other ways, it’s OUR CLUB and we owe it to ourselves to be heard; the alternative is not a palatable one…! :cry:

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:11 pm


We are the ones who have let the club we love end up being the basket case we are.

We all blame the board etc, but to me its our own fault for letting it get this way.

Would never have happened 30 years ago. The owners would have been run out of the club. How times have changed.

Its our time to step up agian and get OUR club back.

Bulut out Tan out. :bluebird:

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:49 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:42 pm

We live in a society that is not allowed freedom of speech your not allowed to say anything for fear of being arrested.
We live a world a million miles from the world I grew up in I don't like these times to be honest.

Annis is right though they will never listen will they .Mistake after Mistake no director of football and run by utter idiots.

We do have to do something as a fan base .I stood up we were red against all the sell outs .

We been flirting with relagtion for years manager after manager not good enough.

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:11 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:12 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:12 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:18 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:28 pm

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Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Sun Sep 15, 2024 11:17 pm

The Fun Boy 3 - All work away from home CCFC ... No one is there to see the day to day running of the club .

Our problem from last season into this - Fans called it out 2 strikers needed - we buy one and then loan him out .

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:55 am

Choo Dalman wtf are they there for greedy fks just draining the club

Re: Cardiff City Fans: We know our real real problem?

Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:46 am

Great to see some passion coming through in these comments and I do agree wholeheartedly with the OP. my one question though is are we as fans willing to go through a generation back in the lower divisions as I fear that may be the cost we have to pay.