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Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:59 pm

markeMark wrote:Not giving Tan your money is the only thing he will understand. Even then he may dig his heels in, he seems a very stubborn man.

Your right, money is the only thing he understands.

We've been treated like mugs and embarrassed for long enough

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:37 am

Vince Alm (FB):Tony do you think £4 million pound of season ticket money will make that much of a difference to him?

Sorry to say but hit the nail on the head - exactly the fans mean nothing - protests mean nothing - to him but no fans will embarrass him - using the city as a toy to promote Malaysia for his profile with home government he doesn't give a Scooby doo about football or its fans

Vince Alm: (FB) My opinion of Ken Choo is he is a good man who wants to make a difference and is keen to learn and listen to the fans whether he can remains to be seen but at least he is the first one in a while who is making the effort.

When have they ever listened and why start now with small offerings ?

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:52 am

mallo wrote:Vince Alm (FB):Tony do you think £4 million pound of season ticket money will make that much of a difference to him?

Sorry to say but hit the nail on the head - exactly the fans mean nothing - protests mean nothing - to him but no fans will embarrass him - using the city as a toy to promote Malaysia for his profile with home government he doesn't give a Scooby doo about football or its fans

Vince Alm: (FB) My opinion of Ken Choo is he is a good man who wants to make a difference and is keen to learn and listen to the fans whether he can remains to be seen but at least he is the first one in a while who is making the effort.

When have they ever listened and why start now with small offerings ?

As someone said yesterday, it won't only be the season ticket sales that will stop, also all the extra things that are part of a lot of peoples matchday experience like catering and merchandise.Sponsors will not be so eager to advertise in an empty stadium, or be linked to a club that is constantly in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:02 am

Forever Blue wrote:
carlccfc wrote:
Ruislip Blue wrote:Who's this Mr Green?

The poster who was redordead

Very interesting and I wonder who Redordead is? Hmmmmmmmm

Partywithole ?? Lol :lol:

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:36 am

SBF1 wrote:I have to be honest, I never thought I would ever try to dissuade Cardiff fans from renewing season tickets, but I believe it is for the right reason.
Has anyone on here got any direct contact with the Echo/BBC/ITV ? Some publicity is needed now!!

Respect Steve :thumbup:

I know you tried to talk me out of it back when the red was first announced and I was wavering like hell, especially because of the 'not so young now' lad. Missing the promotion party and the Premier league hurt like hell I can tell you but missing this mediocre season hurts too.

Things must be really desperate down there now for it to come to this. To think that something that you live for and has given us so much joy/pain, elation/despair, pride and passion has been reduced to a shell of its former existence is sickening. :sad7:

Now is definitely "the right reason" and the right season to stand up and make the change. We've all suffered enough. :bluescarf:

Fantastic heartfelt opening post Mallo. :bluescarf:

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:34 pm

nubbsy wrote:
markeMark wrote:Not giving Tan your money is the only thing he will understand. Even then he may dig his heels in, he seems a very stubborn man.

Your right, money is the only thing he understands.

We've been treated like mugs and embarrassed for long enough

You are right but do you think enough people will stay away to seriously affect his income? He's a billionaire. I'd much rather it if the really clever people who support the City get their heads together and put together a marketing package highlighting all the amazing potential of our Football Club and the fantastic benefits of being in the Premier League and then try and get it out to as many billionaires around the world as they can in an attempt to "sell" the Club on Tan's behalf. There must be takers out there, it's just a case of finding them. :thumbup: :bluescarf:

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:42 pm

We the fans can hurt him where it hurts him most. His pocket. He doesn't give a shite, but he will when he reviews his sales forecast. Protest the cancer out of cardiff!!!

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:37 pm

mallo wrote:Malky - racist text messages etc. etc. :bluescarf: YOUR HAVING A LAUGH

So what do you believe you are then Mr VT ?

Took away the working class people club, SLOWLY bit by bit with your power -
dangled your millions of pounds in front of greedy people and lit there eyes up and filled their greedy pockets up

To many names to list but they have all become very wealthy overnight so why would they care about the badge the colour as long as they pockets filled with gold till its dripping out of their socks

Tan you have been fleeced but you have broken people who have for all their lives and family's before them by your antics
removing badge and colour and abusing us at a very sensitive time introducing a third kit white of all colours

constantly making our club look stupid in the media world

to many cyber warriors talking shit all the time - red - blue

Well I will state that the real people and fans behind this club have now had as much as we can take and were coming to take our club back

so we will empty your stadium of bully stewards that we have allowed to get away with murder for so long -
this been to long coming and should of been delt with the first time it ever happened

rip out all the shit red seats and place carefully for your collection and we will replace ourselves with blue

rip your stupid badge and red stock and flood with our own blue brand

we will fill the stadium with die hard fans that will peacefully sing and back the squad for 90 mins win or lose

bring back the whit and banter back to the fish bowl and create a real club atmosphere that fans are flocking back to week in week out with Pride


your Kula lumpa dragons wont be coming to south wales - the circus is going to be closed down for good


all the above will be done peacefully :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

topman mallo.RED IS DEAD. :ayatollah: k.r.o

Re: ' MASSIVE message to Tan '

Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:19 pm

keep the faith we,ll always be blue :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: