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Who gets your vote on July 4th?

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Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:00 am

I think the overall result is inevitable, my take is , if a Labour government in London can hold the WAG to accountability that can only be a good thing . Labour run WAG been a rule unto themselves in recent years .

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:09 am

blemmy wrote:
stickywicket wrote:latest poll Labour 40 Tories 19 Reform 17
Perhaps Sunak should be attacking Farage.
Reform UK is shaking up the general election campaign pulling to within two points behind the Tories in a shocking YouGov poll.

The latest survey conducted just before the ITV debate has put Labour leading the race with 40%, the Tories on 19%, Reform UK on 17%, the Liberal Democrats on 10% and the Greens on 7%.

If that wasn’t enough nightmare for Rishi Sunak, he is being investigated by the UK’s official statistics regulator for his claim that Labour will hike household taxes by £2,000.

The investigation by the statistics regulator is very much merited and Sunak's "performance" in the debate now pales into pathetic due to him knowingly lying about fabricated figures. Many people will see that as desperation and he should never be believed again.

Some people say that Sunak and Starmer are two cheeks of the same arse. If that's the case then Farage is the arsehole in the middle. Farage is a hateful extreme right winger who has no interest in Clacton, the Reform Party or the UK. The only thing making Farage throw his lot in with Reform is that it gives him the vehicle whereby he can bring about the decimation and humiliation of the Tory Party at the election. This has been his overriding aim in life ever since the Tories expelled him for extremism. Neither he or Reform will win a single seat but he will ensure a landslide victory for Labour at the Tories expense by splitting the Tory vote wherever Reform stands - a Tory vote shared is a Tory vote halved. With no seats but the Tories decimated and job done for Farage; I expect him to declare himself as not electable in the eyes of the UK electorate shortly after the election and to be on the plane back to his mentor Donald Trump shortly thereafter; who unfortunately is a right wing extremist who does have a good chance of power in the USA.

Me - I will just stay loyal to my working class roots on the back of 30 years in coal mining and vote Labour - only choice to me. :old: :old:

Extreme right wing bwhahahaha.
Tell me which of their policies are extreme right wing and what alternatives would you put in place?
Just watched some Labour guy refusing to answer simple questions on Sky, “Will you increase capital gains tax or property tax”slimy duplicitous lightweight just repeatedly bodyswerved it. Politicians really do treat the electorate as fools.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:25 pm

Blemmy.. this is new weird Labour. Kinnock didn’t back the Miners and nor did Britain in 83 when the country voted to make the coal industry profitable again as it was losing so much money.
Coal was a great industry and without it most of us wouldn’t be here nor Cardiff City exist. As to the parties they’re both a crock atm.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:02 am

rumpo kid wrote:Blemmy.. this is new weird Labour. Kinnock didn’t back the Miners and nor did Britain in 83 when the country voted to make the coal industry profitable again as it was losing so much money.
Coal was a great industry and without it most of us wouldn’t be here nor Cardiff City exist. As to the parties they’re both a crock atm.

The closure of the mines however political, happened and we still have no solution for the de-industrialization of our country. Thatcher wanted to nullify the power of the unions and did, but unless it's a communist/fascist state they always will be there. Nowadays the power of the NUM or ASLEF has been replaced by the BMA and nursing unions, mainly working/middle class professionals wanting to look after themselves and their mates, which sounds the same as the 70's.

Labour hasn't looked after their heartlands when in power, they have no solutions. The Tories have lost the plot in middle England. The SNP imploded after a decade and Plaid barely travels outsound of west Wales and Anglesey, it's a rural (and Pontcanna) party.

Leaving Reform who i dismissed two weeks ago. I don't think they are the answer, but I know the others are not.

I started off a liberal and wanted PR, but then drifted to its served us for 300 years why fix it when its not broke, but the established parties have buggered it up so much they need to adapt or die.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:27 pm

No matter what political party anyone follows it's all gone mad ,unite union said they won't back labours manifesto that says it all ,I think reform will do a lot better than anyone thinks because people don't want to vote for neither of the main parties,

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:17 pm

ion wrote:No matter what political party anyone follows it's all gone mad ,unite union said they won't back labours manifesto that says it all ,I think reform will do a lot better than anyone thinks because people don't want to vote for neither of the main parties,

Unite have now said they will back the labour manifesto all of them as bent as a fourpenny bit :banghead:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:47 pm

Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:48 pm

Bakedalasker wrote:Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

I read similar :thumbup:

My biggest worry is the havoc that could be caused by a Labour landslide, who may feel they have a mandate to do carry out some of their more secretive policies; the ones they daren’t mention in their pre-election canvassing

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:58 am

Where have unite union said they now endorse the labour manifesto,I might be wrong as far as I can see they haven't

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:21 am

It was on the news

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:25 am

I would trust this poll before the official one's

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:27 pm

On our poll, reform are now leading Labour by one vote. Would fuckin love it if this was replicated across Britain. :lol:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:56 pm

I am shocked at how many people have voted reform.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:07 pm

Bakedalasker wrote:Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

My point exactly!! Forget what your political alliances are and just look at the hard numbers!! - Reform will not win a seat - they cannot, because they and the Tories are splitting the anti Labour vote thus giving the seat to Labour in the vast majority of cases!! Farage knows this too - it is a simple matter of mathematics - but he is happy if Reform wins no seats as he will also achieve his revenge ambition to decimate the Tories because they expelled him for his racism! And like he always has done - Farage will then disappear back to his mate Trump.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:25 pm

blemmy wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

My point exactly!! Forget what your political alliances are and just look at the hard numbers!! - Reform will not win a seat - they cannot, because they and the Tories are splitting the anti Labour vote thus giving the seat to Labour in the vast majority of cases!! Farage knows this too - it is a simple matter of mathematics - but he is happy if Reform wins no seats as he will also achieve his revenge ambition to decimate the Tories because they expelled him for his racism! And like he always has done - Farage will then disappear back to his mate Trump.

Farage is 12 points up in his seat hecwill get in

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue Jun 11, 2024 7:00 am

blemmy wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

My point exactly!! Forget what your political alliances are and just look at the hard numbers!! - Reform will not win a seat - they cannot, because they and the Tories are splitting the anti Labour vote thus giving the seat to Labour in the vast majority of cases!! Farage knows this too - it is a simple matter of mathematics - but he is happy if Reform wins no seats as he will also achieve his revenge ambition to decimate the Tories because they expelled him for his racism! And like he always has done - Farage will then disappear back to his mate Trump.

Expelled for racism? When did this happen and which race did he discriminate against?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:26 pm

He left because no lips signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. New Labour would see that as racism Jock, for they are what they rail against.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:31 pm

If you voted FOR Brexit for any reason out of the very many there were, Here is an ex BBC lefty , who is very close to people in the Labour party, Giving an Honest (as he see's it) account of what Labour will really do if they win a large majority.

Most of us who Voted FOR Brexit and are in the Centre or Centre Right of British Voters or even if you are not and voted Brexit, This little video should give you a clue as to what Labour (say one thing and then do another under pressure from the left), really intend to do ?

I admit that, as everyone can feel and see the Conservatives have messed up BIG time but sometimes "Better the devil you know".

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:15 pm

powysblue wrote:If you voted FOR Brexit for any reason out of the very many there were, Here is an ex BBC lefty , who is very close to people in the Labour party, Giving an Honest (as he see's it) account of what Labour will really do if they win a large majority.

Most of us who Voted FOR Brexit and are in the Centre or Centre Right of British Voters or even if you are not and voted Brexit, This little video should give you a clue as to what Labour (say one thing and then do another under pressure from the left), really intend to do ?

I admit that, as everyone can feel and see the Conservatives have messed up BIG time but sometimes "Better the devil you know".

It's a pity you didn't listen properly and Andrew Marr is no lefty. It was mostly observational. I've been listening to Farage closely and his financial policies closely relates to what Marr was saying about how the Labour party might raise the money to fund their polices. Farages biggest problem are not his policies, some of which have merit, but the kind of racist idiots that will try and stick themselves to his cause.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:48 pm

Sneggyblubird wrote:
powysblue wrote:If you voted FOR Brexit for any reason out of the very many there were, Here is an ex BBC lefty , who is very close to people in the Labour party, Giving an Honest (as he see's it) account of what Labour will really do if they win a large majority.

Most of us who Voted FOR Brexit and are in the Centre or Centre Right of British Voters or even if you are not and voted Brexit, This little video should give you a clue as to what Labour (say one thing and then do another under pressure from the left), really intend to do ?

I admit that, as everyone can feel and see the Conservatives have messed up BIG time but sometimes "Better the devil you know".

It's a pity you didn't listen properly and Andrew Marr is no lefty. It was mostly observational. I've been listening to Farage closely and his financial policies closely relates to what Marr was saying about how the Labour party might raise the money to fund their polices. Farages biggest problem are not his policies, some of which have merit, but the kind of racist idiots that will try and stick themselves to his cause.

Marr used to sell the Trotskyist Newspaper in Uni, he asked Priti Patel “what she’s smirking about” during a supposedly impartial interview, his opening line when interviewing John McDonnell was “you entered politics to make life better for people “. He’s very Leftwing. Agree with the clowns who attach themselves to Farrage, a bag of cans and a flag of St George is never a good look.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:51 pm

rumpo kid wrote:He left because no lips signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. New Labour would see that as racism Jock, for they are what they rail against.

A bit different from expelled from the Conservative Party for racism. :D

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:25 pm

Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:Lastest poll I have seen:

Labour 46
Tory 21
Reform 12

This will give Labour 460 seats with the Conservative down to 43 seats with Riski even losing his seat. ... -seat-poll

My point exactly!! Forget what your political alliances are and just look at the hard numbers!! - Reform will not win a seat - they cannot, because they and the Tories are splitting the anti Labour vote thus giving the seat to Labour in the vast majority of cases!! Farage knows this too - it is a simple matter of mathematics - but he is happy if Reform wins no seats as he will also achieve his revenge ambition to decimate the Tories because they expelled him for his racism! And like he always has done - Farage will then disappear back to his mate Trump.

Expelled for racism? When did this happen and which race did he discriminate against?

Go on facebook and look for Paul Evans (avatar is a koi carp) and send me a friend request and I will provide the information you requested.
Last edited by blemmy on Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:26 pm

rumpo kid wrote:He left because no lips signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. New Labour would see that as racism Jock, for they are what they rail against.

Go on facebook and look for Paul Evans (avatar is a koi carp) and send me a friend request and I will provide the information you requested.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:37 pm

Roath_Blue wrote:I am shocked at how many people have voted reform.

Why? The general population tend to be less vociferous as regards their political views and intended support which probably explains why Reform have received so many votes on here but Labour in Wales are continually re-elected by the population of Wales as a whole and why Labour are 20%+ in front in UK national polls. :D

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:47 pm

powysblue wrote:If you voted FOR Brexit for any reason out of the very many there were, Here is an ex BBC lefty , who is very close to people in the Labour party, Giving an Honest (as he see's it) account of what Labour will really do if they win a large majority.

Most of us who Voted FOR Brexit and are in the Centre or Centre Right of British Voters or even if you are not and voted Brexit, This little video should give you a clue as to what Labour (say one thing and then do another under pressure from the left), really intend to do ?

I admit that, as everyone can feel and see the Conservatives have messed up BIG time but sometimes "Better the devil you know".

I’m sorry but seeing what the Tories have done over the years and still thinking “but the others may be worse” is mental to me.

Judge people on what they’ve done not what you think they may do.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:57 pm

blemmy wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:He left because no lips signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. New Labour would see that as racism Jock, for they are what they rail against.

Go on facebook and look for Paul Evans (avatar is a koi carp) and send me a friend request and I will provide the information you requested.

I’m not on Facebook and haven’t requested information from you. So no.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:09 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
powysblue wrote:If you voted FOR Brexit for any reason out of the very many there were, Here is an ex BBC lefty , who is very close to people in the Labour party, Giving an Honest (as he see's it) account of what Labour will really do if they win a large majority.

Most of us who Voted FOR Brexit and are in the Centre or Centre Right of British Voters or even if you are not and voted Brexit, This little video should give you a clue as to what Labour (say one thing and then do another under pressure from the left), really intend to do ?

I admit that, as everyone can feel and see the Conservatives have messed up BIG time but sometimes "Better the devil you know".

I’m sorry but seeing what the Tories have done over the years and still thinking “but the others may be worse” is mental to me.

Judge people on what they’ve done not what you think they may do.

2000% correct!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:12 pm

rumpo kid wrote:
blemmy wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:He left because no lips signed up to the Maastricht Treaty. New Labour would see that as racism Jock, for they are what they rail against.

Go on facebook and look for Paul Evans (avatar is a koi carp) and send me a friend request and I will provide the information you requested.

I’m not on Facebook and haven’t requested information from you. So no.

Well without that option you have removed my opportunity to respond - convenient and characteristic of an obviously disgruntled right wing Tory Reform supporter!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:05 pm

That’s what this forum is for. The inconvenience is yours Comrade.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:42 pm

Polling suggests Keir won tonight’s debate - 64% to 36%.

Both leaders struggled at times in truth, mostly down some very good and targeted questions by Beth Rigby. My only complaint was that she kept interrupting them when there was no need to - wouldn’t have been a disaster if it overran by 20 minutes as it was broadcast on a news channel.

But I have to say that Sunak looked beaten tonight, it’s the first time I’ve seen that in his face. He looked tired, worn out and it seemed like he doesn’t the energy to do this anymore.

I felt this week was now or never for him to make up some decent ground on the polls (this debate and launch of their manifesto) but it won’t happen. It is almost impossible to reverse a 15-20 point deficit in 21 days.

Sunak’s individual popularity is at an all time low. Keir’s ratings are not high by any means, but are at the highest they’ve been since he took leadership of our party.

The concern for him and his party, which is now being publicly said by their candidates, has to now be to retain as much of their core vote as possible.

Reform are hot on their heels. Reform won’t get a huge amount of seats (it’s about building for 2029 for them) but they are likely to take a lot of Tory votes all over the country.

They will also be concerned that the Lib Dems seem to be gaining more support, Lib Dems are second to the Tories in the majority of seats.

I will never say the election is done. I’ve been out campaigning every day since it was announced and I will continue to do that for the next three weeks, because there can be no room for complacency.

But it seems as impossible as ever that the Tories can win.