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Who gets your vote on July 4th?

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Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:14 pm

blemmy wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:So all those voting for Reform. Are you happy with moving to a n insurance based health care system as Farage has stated ?

If you are can you then explain where the extra, minimum, £750 per adult per month is going to come from in your household budgets ?

That £750 per month will give you the bare minimum cover too.

Are wages going to increase to that extent to cover it ? People really need to read what Reform stand for. Stopping the boats is just a side show, their real policies make the Tories look tame in terms of threatening the economy.

If you think that Farage and the rest of his posh boys is going to look after the real working man then I think, if they ever got into power, you would live to regret that .

Don't worry about that - the Tories may get back in after about 10 years bur Reform have already peaked at zero seats and will disappear in a few months time exactly like UKIP and the Brexit Party did - of course there may be another Farage resurrection at some future date under another new name!!
:laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5:

Germany and France have better systems than ours. Farage wants the same, Ukip haven't disappeared, they just changed names after achieving their Brexit objective. After this election Reform are going to have a massive platform & access to government aid due to their vote share. Reform and the sentiment that's propelling them is going nowhere, Europeans are waking up and don't want to be replaced wholesale.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:56 pm

I think the conservatives have been infiltrated by labour sleeper agents myself. That can be the only reason for their sheer incompetence surely?!

I can’t vote labour. I’m not left leaning with my politics. I do not believe taxing everything that moves is the right move. It stifles growth, creates barriers to earning and disincentivises additional work.

I understand that we need taxes to pay for services but clearly the conservatives have demonstrated that record levels of taxing haven’t fixed anything which makes me confident labour wont fix things either.

I do find calls to wipe out the conservatives a bit spiteful even accounting for their incompetence. Those to the left of politics have plenty of voting options.

Labour. Plaid Lib Dem’s snp. Greens. Workers party to name a few.

Those to the right have until recently had - the conservatives. Do we not deserve a voice ?

I suspect reform may be assuming that role but it would be nice to have extra parties!!!

A lot of animosity is directed towards people like myself as I want lower taxes and less state interference. It’s assumed I just want to line the pockets of big business or persecute the poor. That’s absolute nonsense. I want everyone to benefit and do well. I just believe it can be achieved in a different way to tax tax tax tax.

I’m in a safe labour seat. The conservatives don’t deserve my vote this time so I’ll go reform. I like their tax proposals and I like the support they propose for small businesses and independent contractors. I accept it won’t make any difference but my opinion can still be voiced and I reserve the right to whinge about things as I exercise my right to vote.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:13 am

I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:27 am

blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:50 am

blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:25 am

Thing is people make up things about farage because on the political field they can't out talk him and they are scared of what he can do,why don't people bring up things like how Chris Bryant for the labour party lied in the house of commons about farage which got him debanked and has been proven to have lied and has still not apologised or retracted his statement,that's the thing with the left when they lose the argument they call people far right or racist

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:20 pm

Jock wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:So all those voting for Reform. Are you happy with moving to a n insurance based health care system as Farage has stated ?

If you are can you then explain where the extra, minimum, £750 per adult per month is going to come from in your household budgets ?

That £750 per month will give you the bare minimum cover too.

Are wages going to increase to that extent to cover it ? People really need to read what Reform stand for. Stopping the boats is just a side show, their real policies make the Tories look tame in terms of threatening the economy.

If you think that Farage and the rest of his posh boys is going to look after the real working man then I think, if they ever got into power, you would live to regret that .

The NHS is in crisis, we spend similar amounts per capita as France and Germany but with worse outcomes, I don’t want an American system but change is long overdue.

I agree with that wholeheartedly which is why I’m pleased to see Starmer not just talking about more money in the NHS but reforming it too.

Too many managers with very little responsibility on £50k+. In the area if work I was in I was managing a team of 400+ before i got that sort of money, in the NHS on the admin shed people are being paid that to manage a team of 20-30.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:24 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:So all those voting for Reform. Are you happy with moving to a n insurance based health care system as Farage has stated ?

If you are can you then explain where the extra, minimum, £750 per adult per month is going to come from in your household budgets ?

That £750 per month will give you the bare minimum cover too.

Are wages going to increase to that extent to cover it ? People really need to read what Reform stand for. Stopping the boats is just a side show, their real policies make the Tories look tame in terms of threatening the economy.

If you think that Farage and the rest of his posh boys is going to look after the real working man then I think, if they ever got into power, you would live to regret that .

Don't worry about that - the Tories may get back in after about 10 years bur Reform have already peaked at zero seats and will disappear in a few months time exactly like UKIP and the Brexit Party did - of course there may be another Farage resurrection at some future date under another new name!!
:laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5:

Germany and France have better systems than ours. Farage wants the same, Ukip haven't disappeared, they just changed names after achieving their Brexit objective. After this election Reform are going to have a massive platform & access to government aid due to their vote share. Reform and the sentiment that's propelling them is going nowhere, Europeans are waking up and don't want to be replaced wholesale.

But, certainly with the French, you’re not comparing like with like:
In France
Long-term illnesses and corresponding prescription medicines are covered 100%. However, for doctors' visits, hospitalisations, visits to specialists, and many other prescriptions and treatments, the state only covers a percentage of the costs – typically 70%.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:42 pm

piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:So all those voting for Reform. Are you happy with moving to a n insurance based health care system as Farage has stated ?

If you are can you then explain where the extra, minimum, £750 per adult per month is going to come from in your household budgets ?

That £750 per month will give you the bare minimum cover too.

Are wages going to increase to that extent to cover it ? People really need to read what Reform stand for. Stopping the boats is just a side show, their real policies make the Tories look tame in terms of threatening the economy.

If you think that Farage and the rest of his posh boys is going to look after the real working man then I think, if they ever got into power, you would live to regret that .

Don't worry about that - the Tories may get back in after about 10 years bur Reform have already peaked at zero seats and will disappear in a few months time exactly like UKIP and the Brexit Party did - of course there may be another Farage resurrection at some future date under another new name!!
:laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5:

Germany and France have better systems than ours. Farage wants the same, Ukip haven't disappeared, they just changed names after achieving their Brexit objective. After this election Reform are going to have a massive platform & access to government aid due to their vote share. Reform and the sentiment that's propelling them is going nowhere, Europeans are waking up and don't want to be replaced wholesale.

But, certainly with the French, you’re not comparing like with like:
In France
Long-term illnesses and corresponding prescription medicines are covered 100%. However, for doctors' visits, hospitalisations, visits to specialists, and many other prescriptions and treatments, the state only covers a percentage of the costs – typically 70%.

For completeness the Germans are as follows:

A part of the employee's gross wage, totaling 14.6%, plus an average extra contribution of 1.7% (which varies depending on the provider), and possibly up to 4% for long-term nursing care insurance (for individuals over 23 without children), is deducted for your public healthcare.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:49 pm

piledriver64 wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:So all those voting for Reform. Are you happy with moving to a n insurance based health care system as Farage has stated ?

If you are can you then explain where the extra, minimum, £750 per adult per month is going to come from in your household budgets ?

That £750 per month will give you the bare minimum cover too.

Are wages going to increase to that extent to cover it ? People really need to read what Reform stand for. Stopping the boats is just a side show, their real policies make the Tories look tame in terms of threatening the economy.

If you think that Farage and the rest of his posh boys is going to look after the real working man then I think, if they ever got into power, you would live to regret that .

Don't worry about that - the Tories may get back in after about 10 years bur Reform have already peaked at zero seats and will disappear in a few months time exactly like UKIP and the Brexit Party did - of course there may be another Farage resurrection at some future date under another new name!!
:laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5:

Germany and France have better systems than ours. Farage wants the same, Ukip haven't disappeared, they just changed names after achieving their Brexit objective. After this election Reform are going to have a massive platform & access to government aid due to their vote share. Reform and the sentiment that's propelling them is going nowhere, Europeans are waking up and don't want to be replaced wholesale.

But, certainly with the French, you’re not comparing like with like:
In France
Long-term illnesses and corresponding prescription medicines are covered 100%. However, for doctors' visits, hospitalisations, visits to specialists, and many other prescriptions and treatments, the state only covers a percentage of the costs – typically 70%.

For completeness the Germans are as follows:

A part of the employee's gross wage, totaling 14.6%, plus an average extra contribution of 1.7% (which varies depending on the provider), and possibly up to 4% for long-term nursing care insurance (for individuals over 23 without children), is deducted for your public healthcare.

In addition, in Germany:

Basic rates of tax are around the same as in Britain (ranging from 19% to a top rate of 45%), but workers have to pay an extra 10% for state pensions, 8% for health, 1.5% for unemployment cover and 1% for care insurance.

So maybe Farage needs to explain exactly how we will pay for his proposals because, on the face of it, it looks like people like you and me will be massively worse off under his proposals.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:26 pm

Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:18 pm

Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:24 pm

ion wrote:Thing is people make up things about farage because on the political field they can't out talk him and they are scared of what he can do,why don't people bring up things like how Chris Bryant for the labour party lied in the house of commons about farage which got him debanked and has been proven to have lied and has still not apologised or retracted his statement,that's the thing with the left when they lose the argument they call people far right or racist

Before you take the stance that any thing said about Farage is nonsense propaganda written by terrified lefties, please go onto You Tube and search for a video titled "Who is Nigel Farage". Make your own decision if all that evidence which is factual and can be verified as it is all information in the public sphere.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:32 pm

blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:49 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Does that include the anti-semites that infest the Labour Party and BBC?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:06 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Anyone who fought in the second world war shot fascists. That is not shooting a political opponent unless you are in support of what the Nazis did in the war and to countenance anything else is to criticise our veterans fir their actions and to show total contempt for the Holocaust. I hope to God we never have to rely on the likes of you or Farage for that matter to defend this country against fascist aggressors!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:10 pm

rumpo kid wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Does that include the anti-semites that infest the Labour Party and BBC?

Answer the FACTS about Farage in that video - explain to me how he could ever be Prime Minister with that baggage firmly around his neck and please stop using the usual shield that people use who can't defend the indefensible = blame everyone else!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:13 am

blemmy wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Anyone who fought in the second world war shot fascists. That is not shooting a political opponent unless you are in support of what the Nazis did in the war and to countenance anything else is to criticise our veterans fir their actions and to show total contempt for the Holocaust. I hope to God we never have to rely on the likes of you or Farage for that matter to defend this country against fascist aggressors!!

I'm sorry but you are absolutely clueless.

World War 2 is different to now, Facism is a legitimate political ideology and you want to shoot your political opposition. :lol:
You don't even know what Fascism is, if you did you wouldn't call Farage a fascist. He is not a Fascist, i'm a Fascist and i can tell you now Farage is a free market, small state, capitalist. Fascism is authoritarian with a big government, with the banks nationalised and the people all pulling in one direction for the nation.

On WW2, I recommend watching a documentary called Europa: The Last Battle

an eminent American general during ww2 stated after the war, that Germany were
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Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:31 am

blemmy wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Anyone who fought in the second world war shot fascists. That is not shooting a political opponent unless you are in support of what the Nazis did in the war and to countenance anything else is to criticise our veterans fir their actions and to show total contempt for the Holocaust. I hope to God we never have to rely on the likes of you or Farage for that matter to defend this country against fascist aggressors!!

You really are ill informed, French Facists fought against the Nazis. I realise we live in the era of simple politics for simpletons but politics and life is much more nuanced than Leftwing good Rightwing bad.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:59 am

Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:02 am

piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

So we destroy our economy in the race to net zero while China builds a new coal fired power station every week.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:51 am

piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

PileDriver, The French and Germans aŕe generally more left wing societies than ours and their health system has better outcomes than ours. Farage wants to copy them and pay for it with the approx. 18 billion saved by dropping net zero, i'm sorry but the figure you're quoting is scaremongering nonesense and probably conflated with the American insurance system that is appallingly exspensive.
I'm actually accepting net zero personally as i'm a bit of an environmentalist, although i'm not entirely convinced that global warming is caused by man, i do think we should be living far more sustainably. For me though, the biggest issue for most people by far is immigration and Farage is the best candidate of a bad bunch.

What is the source of the figure you quoted?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:17 am

blemmy wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
blemmy wrote:
Jock wrote:
blemmy wrote:
blemmy wrote:I note that there seems to be a good deal of support on this forum for Nigel Farage's Reform Party and that is understandable as on the face of it Farage comes over very well to any Tory voter disgruntled by the performance of the Tories over the last 14 years and appears to be an exciting alternative to anyone who cannot bring themselves to believe Keir Starmer and his New Labour party.

However. if the content of Farage's £140 Billion "Contract" is anything to go by, (which has been described as being unachievable, unaffordable, unrealistic nonsense by independent experts and more of a "Pact for the Cracked" wish list, written by Hans Christian Anderson and costed by the Tooth Fairy), some people may be having second thoughts!!

I have posted on here before respectfully offering Reform supporters the opportunity to view a factual - not opinionated - video that came to my notice about Nigel Farage for their consideration. Unfortunately, to now, I've not had the ability to post a link on here but that has now changed and the web address is posted below. Please, please copy and paste into your browser and view it before voting on 4th July - the content is very illuminating to say the least and I would be interested to hear your views on here.


NB The link in my post above will not work - I'm crap on IT!! - please print the web address as I have written it direct into Your browser the video is called "Who is Nigel Farage".

Still waiting on you providing details on Farage’s expulsion from Tory’s

Nigel Farage’s membership in the Conservative Party came to an end in the early 1990s. He tore up his Tory membership card in protest at then-leader John Major signing the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union. His apparent dislike of the EU is VERY surprising as Farage, then stood and was elected as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2020 where he enjoyed a potential salary over those 21 years of anything up to £5 Million, not including a further circa £1 Million of public funds he inappropriately used for personal reasons including the payment of salaries to both his mistresses at the same time for acting as his personal secretaries - all proven and a matter of public fact - which the EU Commissioners forced him to pay back!! I accept he was not thrown out of the Tory party for his racist views as I originally stated. However, In addition, he had twice in the early1990s requested Enoch Powell's endorsement for his candidacy for the UK Parliament as a UKIP member and Powell twice refused. It is widely felt that refusal took away any chance of Farage winning that election. The Tory party and Farage have never seen eye to eye since and Farage's hate for the Tories (and his overriding aim to decimate them) and vice versa is evident from the fact neither side will consider a pact which will result in the decimation of the Tories and simultaneously ensure Reform's chance of any substantial number of seats being won at the election is minimised.

Now you've had what you want from me, now will you respond on this forum to the issues - all matters of public fact and not any biased opinion - which are inherent in that video which anyone can watch by going on You Tube and searching for "Who is Nigel Farage" or will you do the Reform "thing" and say what are matters of public fact are nonsense propaganda made up by whimpering lefties. My father fought in the war and he always said in this country we shoot fascists we don't vote for them!!

You and your family advocate "shooting" political opponents? And you think you're the good guys? :lol: Honestly, Labour(Tory lite) have already won the election, you're doing more damage here than good. Don't ever take up politics as a career :lol:

Does that include the anti-semites that infest the Labour Party and BBC?

Answer the FACTS about Farage in that video - explain to me how he could ever be Prime Minister with that baggage firmly around his neck and please stop using the usual shield that people use who can't defend the indefensible = blame everyone else!!

You've already admitted to lying on here, so anything else you say is rightly questionable.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:11 pm

piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

Piledriver, I believe climate change is man-made. In my eyes it's population. In 1950 there were 2.5 billion of us, today there are 8 billion. All living breathing beings generate heat, carbon and waste.
Even with the population boom, the UK uses less fossil fuels now than in that period. The excess fossil fuel usage is the developing world.
The West's corporations all depend on "growth". Growth is the magic word that takes 1 billion dollar company in assets to 1 trillion dollar corporation and the West is maxed out. Any growth in the West is organic. The global growth of the last 30~40 has all been down to China. India is next and Russia won't play ball, so we probably need regime change.

The World Economic Forum funds enough politicians in the west to control policy, and to allow growth in the developing world we must turn a blind eye but address the climate change issue apparently.

I am 57 years old, living through this population, technology and climate change. How has climate change or global warming,Ozone layer, the new ice age affected you?

Today is a shit summer's day, the same as the last 57 years of my experience. We occasionally have good spells, but mainly its like this. Wimbledon and the ashes has always had weather delays. I have had decent snow about four times in my lifetime. If i never had the BBC and Sky constantly telling me about climate change, I'd never know we are years from Armageddon.

I do not believe its a hoax or am a denier, but I think the corrective actions are suspect and do not trust any net zero plans. I have no idea why we haven't hydro dammed half of snowdonia, the highlands and lake district. I am 100% anti nuclear, thats green now (well according to Hitachi and EDF)!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I work with scientists, 99% of the time they are wrong. It's ridiculously far easier to find what doesn't work than what does. Climate change is not underfunded, but there are lots of colleges and organisations chasing those funds and the snappier the headline the more chance of more funding.

I do not know what the answer is, but automatically dismissing people with an alternative narrative to the government-sponsored one is equally an ostrich reaction.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:21 pm

Scientists use data and doomsday scenarios to boost their own agenda.. whatever happened to the hole in ozone layer? It's still here but not as big as forecast.... who's brain wave was it to do away with fossil fuel cars? All we will be left with is very expensive electric ones most cannot afford with no means to charge them or are ever likely too..... all parties promise the world but just deliver them on the size of a postage stamp....

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:53 pm

Allan, i think the ozone contracted in size after we banned cfc gasses that were causing it to expand but maybe i'm guilty of believing media hype as i haven't looked deeply into it. Speaking of media hype i have a meme somewhere containing magazine covers over the decades and in the 1970s the big concern was global "cooling" and another ice age, makes you wonder.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:55 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:Allan, i think the ozone contracted in size after we banned cfc gasses that were causing it to expand but maybe i'm guilty of believing media hype as i haven't looked deeply into it. Speaking of media hype i have a meme somewhere containing magazine covers over the decades and in the 1970s the big concern was global "cooling" and another ice age, makes you wonder.

Yes aerosol spray use started the process but lots more pollution effecting it so it gets bigger before shrinking again like lot of environmental issues it goes in cycles! Cows make more methane gas than anything else on earth and that is high polluter haven't heared of them being replaced with non farting cows? :lol: why don't all these save the world protesters go to China Brazil India and protest on streets there about their pollution which is far worse than UK...... like
said scientists have an agenda for themselves as garaunteed their involved in financial gain with their projects.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:08 am

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

PileDriver, The French and Germans aŕe generally more left wing societies than ours and their health system has better outcomes than ours. Farage wants to copy them and pay for it with the approx. 18 billion saved by dropping net zero, i'm sorry but the figure you're quoting is scaremongering nonesense and probably conflated with the American insurance system that is appallingly exspensive.
I'm actually accepting net zero personally as i'm a bit of an environmentalist, although i'm not entirely convinced that global warming is caused by man, i do think we should be living far more sustainably. For me though, the biggest issue for most people by far is immigration and Farage is the best candidate of a bad bunch.

What is the source of the figure you quoted?

The figures are easily available on line and I have given the lower figures.

Many suggest much higher but by all means look it up and make your own mind up.

My main point is that Farage talks about abandoning Net Zero to pay for this on hand and then on the other hand he talks about an “insurance based” health system. Which is it ?

If it’s Net zero paying for it then the planet and, down the track, our kids will pay for it. Starting the move toward net zero earlier minimises the pain that will have to happen at some point.

If it’s “insurance based” we’d be paying for it out of our pockets, in which case let’s have a discussion about cost.

Farage says he’s the only leader being honest but, on this, he clearly isn’t because any threat to NHS will mean he loses vast swathes of support in one hit. The polls prove that time and time again, get the NHS right and that’s massively popular threaten it and you lose.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:59 am

piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

PileDriver, The French and Germans aŕe generally more left wing societies than ours and their health system has better outcomes than ours. Farage wants to copy them and pay for it with the approx. 18 billion saved by dropping net zero, i'm sorry but the figure you're quoting is scaremongering nonesense and probably conflated with the American insurance system that is appallingly exspensive.
I'm actually accepting net zero personally as i'm a bit of an environmentalist, although i'm not entirely convinced that global warming is caused by man, i do think we should be living far more sustainably. For me though, the biggest issue for most people by far is immigration and Farage is the best candidate of a bad bunch.

What is the source of the figure you quoted?

The figures are easily available on line and I have given the lower figures.

Many suggest much higher but by all means look it up and make your own mind up.

My main point is that Farage talks about abandoning Net Zero to pay for this on hand and then on the other hand he talks about an “insurance based” health system. Which is it ?

If it’s Net zero paying for it then the planet and, down the track, our kids will pay for it. Starting the move toward net zero earlier minimises the pain that will have to happen at some point.

If it’s “insurance based” we’d be paying for it out of our pockets, in which case let’s have a discussion about cost.

Farage says he’s the only leader being honest but, on this, he clearly isn’t because any threat to NHS will mean he loses vast swathes of support in one hit. The polls prove that time and time again, get the NHS right and that’s massively popular threaten it and you lose.

The NHS has been far from right for decades, anyone who’s had any dealings with it n last ten years, knows reform is necessary

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:19 am

Jock wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:
piledriver64 wrote:
Cardiff_CPT wrote:Farage has explained how he'd fund the health system, i already said in this thread but you ignored it. by scrapping net zero and spending those billions on health. The French and German systems have better health outcomes.
You say Starmer is going to reform the NHS, His right hand man on health, Wes Streeting, is in favour of A lot more privisation in the NHS. That is going to happen because Labour are going to win

No, he said directly that it would be an “insurance based” system, don’t re-write what he said.

That will equate to a minimum of £800 per month per adult for minimum levels of care. The figures fit other countries are there for you to look at. If you have a spare £1600 per month for you and your partner vote Reform. If not, think very carefully, this isn’t just about immigration. Reform are very much a right wing party with little in common with the average family.

But Net Zero is not an option it’s a necessity.

Are you really believing these climate crisis deniers? Surely you’re better than that ?

Farage is taking the approach that “it ain’t going to affect me so we’ll pretend it ain’t happening”.

I’d rather believe the experts/scientists over a failed politician of any party.

Ostrich and sand springs to mind !!

PileDriver, The French and Germans aŕe generally more left wing societies than ours and their health system has better outcomes than ours. Farage wants to copy them and pay for it with the approx. 18 billion saved by dropping net zero, i'm sorry but the figure you're quoting is scaremongering nonesense and probably conflated with the American insurance system that is appallingly exspensive.
I'm actually accepting net zero personally as i'm a bit of an environmentalist, although i'm not entirely convinced that global warming is caused by man, i do think we should be living far more sustainably. For me though, the biggest issue for most people by far is immigration and Farage is the best candidate of a bad bunch.

What is the source of the figure you quoted?

The figures are easily available on line and I have given the lower figures.

Many suggest much higher but by all means look it up and make your own mind up.

My main point is that Farage talks about abandoning Net Zero to pay for this on hand and then on the other hand he talks about an “insurance based” health system. Which is it ?

If it’s Net zero paying for it then the planet and, down the track, our kids will pay for it. Starting the move toward net zero earlier minimises the pain that will have to happen at some point.

If it’s “insurance based” we’d be paying for it out of our pockets, in which case let’s have a discussion about cost.

Farage says he’s the only leader being honest but, on this, he clearly isn’t because any threat to NHS will mean he loses vast swathes of support in one hit. The polls prove that time and time again, get the NHS right and that’s massively popular threaten it and you lose.

The NHS has been far from right for decades, anyone who’s had any dealings with it n last ten years, knows reform is necessary

Which is what Labour are saying and I fully agree with.

Too many managers, A&E needs a full on triage to stop time wasting, care system needs resolving to stop bed blocking (Boris said he’d do that in his acceptance speech and did zilch). A more joined up approach with more preventative/early detection at either GP surgeries or diagnostic centres (again what Labour are proposing).

I’ve seen the good and bad of the NHS in the last year for one of my kids and can some it up as this;
A&E appalling
Bed waiting awful
Specialist care, treatment and aftercare outstanding.

It’s not all bad but needs to be better.