Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City


Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:34 am

Raresoul wrote:What are we protesting about ? Tan out ? Administrators in ???
The ENGLISH FA would love to see us in the welsh league Bangor , Rhyl really people , unless a buyer steps forward I'd be very careful what we wish for !

Firstly Tan out does not mean administrators in so stop it with the dramatics. The protest is going ahead whether you support it or not. If Tan decides to leave due to the protests then we will take our chances as anything is better than to watch him dismantle our club until we have nothing left worth supporting. Oh and Merry Christmas. :ayatollah:


Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:48 am

You just know that some mindless moron is going to kick off through verbal or physical abuse and we will all be vilified as racists by the English press, better to let things settle and let Malay and tan sort it out between them. Let's at least try to be supportive to the manager and the team, rushing in haste may well end up costing us dear, I won't b there at 1!


Wed Dec 25, 2013 11:10 am

Argoed boy wrote:You just know that some mindless moron is going to kick off through verbal or physical abuse and we will all be vilified as racists by the English press, better to let things settle and let Malay and tan sort it out between them. Let's at least try to be supportive to the manager and the team, rushing in haste may well end up costing us dear, I won't b there at 1!

What is the point in predicting something sinsiter might happen. You do not know this for sure so why scaremonger? If its any consolation then our away fans managed to protest and gain respect without the doomsday scenario which you predict. :ayatollah:


Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:26 pm

Gentlemen, today is Christmas Day and I am sure we can call a truce on all this for one day

Agree to disagree for now; otherwise you will run round in circles when your focus should maybe be elsewhere

Merry Christmas :ayatollah: :ayatollah:


Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:35 pm

Happy Christmas, we all have our views, main point is all of us only have the best interests of the club at heart. Let's hope Southampton feel our wrath


Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:11 am

Hey all, as you can tell from the username I am an Everton fan rather than one of yours.

I just wanted to say that I think that whilst your protest will likely to fall on death ears, you've got the backing of pretty much everyone in the league (except maybe Swansea, who from what I have read all appreciate the nightmare you are going through.

I honestly think that by making a stand now, you may help shape the future of many clubs, not just your own. Dramatic maybe, but not that far fetched.

For example, we have been linked (tenuously admittedly) with a Red Bull takeover, who inevitably change the name of their clubs and their colors to a default kit and name.

That this level of uncaring has actually happened to you and isn't just a possibility, and that you are making a public stand against it, and against an owner who's just a complete **** (make your own up there), should be seen by those outside of your club as more than just standing up to Tan, your making a stand for the future of the premier league.

If its successful and Tan steps down and it gets enough attention, it may be a warning against those trying to create an Arsenal Blue Bombers, West Ham Heroes or The Liverpool lilac losers (can live with that one actually).

I appreciate that the potential takeovers at other clubs is probably far from your thoughts right now, but I thought you may want an outsiders view of how important what you are doing is (from my perspective anyway).

Anyway enough rambling, just left to say all the best and hope it goes well and you get your identity back.. also good luck with the season (except against us of course).

Oh and of course Merry Christmas.


Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:01 am

Gentlemen, you guys already made your point last week so has Malky. Tan has got the message on your grievances.
Let's not push this thing too far. The foe of the day is Southhampton. You simply cannot push the owner of the club to get out. In the end, he may choose to get back all his monies and transfer all those monies to another club. Fine, some of you guys may say you don't mind supporting CFCC at a lower division. But is it worth it? How many of us get to live to the day when the club is back to the Premier league? Pride is one thing and letting others know you have pride is commendable. But the harsh reality is where is the money? Everyone work for money. No money no talk. Which manager, player or even investors come into play based on pure love? Know your limitations and let live. Do not let a few spoil the bigger picture.

Merry Christmas.


Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:57 am

Wish tan would go back blue and become the biggest legend in south west premier history !!!?!


Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:10 am

morgz84 wrote:Wish tan would go back blue and become the biggest legend in south west premier history !!!?!

Biggest legend or Biggest flip flop? No chance Tan would allow himself to be called by that.


Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:28 am

Good luck all with the protest today.

My boys and I can not be there today as I have to work so it's the one home game every season we have to miss. Is there any plans for Saturday for a follow up ?


Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:50 am

Argoed boy wrote:You just know that some mindless moron is going to kick off through verbal or physical abuse and we will all be vilified as racists by the English press, better to let things settle and let Malay and tan sort it out between them. Let's at least try to be supportive to the manager and the team, rushing in haste may well end up costing us dear, I won't b there at 1!

Think this is the trouble, there are a few that revel in causing trouble.


Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:02 am

evertonfaninpeace wrote:Hey all, as you can tell from the username I am an Everton fan rather than one of yours.

I just wanted to say that I think that whilst your protest will likely to fall on death ears, you've got the backing of pretty much everyone in the league (except maybe Swansea, who from what I have read all appreciate the nightmare you are going through.

I honestly think that by making a stand now, you may help shape the future of many clubs, not just your own. Dramatic maybe, but not that far fetched.

For example, we have been linked (tenuously admittedly) with a Red Bull takeover, who inevitably change the name of their clubs and their colors to a default kit and name.

That this level of uncaring has actually happened to you and isn't just a possibility, and that you are making a public stand against it, and against an owner who's just a complete **** (make your own up there), should be seen by those outside of your club as more than just standing up to Tan, your making a stand for the future of the premier league.

If its successful and Tan steps down and it gets enough attention, it may be a warning against those trying to create an Arsenal Blue Bombers, West Ham Heroes or The Liverpool lilac losers (can live with that one actually).

I appreciate that the potential takeovers at other clubs is probably far from your thoughts right now, but I thought you may want an outsiders view of how important what you are doing is (from my perspective anyway).

Anyway enough rambling, just left to say all the best and hope it goes well and you get your identity back.. also good luck with the season (except against us of course).

Oh and of course Merry Christmas.

Cheers Toffee fella, merry xmas to you too. I just hope a lot more people on this forum read your post and understand how, having lost our collective bottle previously, we now have a second opportunity to put things right and end this ridiculous nonsense.

As you absolutely bang on said we (and the poor Hull guys for that matter) are in the trenches fighting for football fans throughout the country, and maybe beyond. I hope this realisation helps some out there to regain their senses and enter the fray against evil dictatorship. I've posted on another heading here that who knows where all this nonsense may end. We may end up in some future free market oriented, money grabbing apocalyptic vision as ''Kuala Lumpur Dragons FC'' with many of our home games being played in Malaysia to satisfy the increasingly enthusiastic hordes out there! And how does the thought of you watching ''Shanghai Lucky Lucky Toffeemen'' appeal to you? Maybe playing in a smart, bright yellow, pink and verdant green ensemble?