Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:17 pm
CjBluebird17 wrote:Can I just say that theyre not very balanced questions. Everyone is going to say pretty much the same thing and you wont get an acutal reason why the rebrand was accepted by the majority of the fan base.
. How long have you been supporting Cardiff City? Nearly 15 years 17th Febuary 1998
2. Is the premiership the be all and end all including having our identity taken from us? No far from it
3. Did/does our badge mean anything to you? :Yes
4. Does the bluebird mean much to you? Yes
5. What hurt the most, the loss of the badge or colour of the shirt? The colour as I could deal with having a rubbish badge
6. Did our colour mean anything to you? Yes
7. Are you bothered about the identity? Yes
8. Has it split our fans? Yes
9. Has your opinion changed on the re-brand since it was announced and if so in what way and why? No, I dislike it but I understand that it was necassary for the club to be able to one day become debt free and finacially secure