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Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 6:28 pm

From Facebbok

Lee Beames Everyone had a choice from day one ' I chose to watch the club I love' many of my friends chose to walk away and I respect there choice' tan could and may one day put 33'000 red seats in the ground but if we fill the place and all where blue know one will ever see a red seat while the games on' keep wearing blue and cheer the players and sing real football songs and tan will feel the stress. Tan is slowly getting worn down. . Blue on 19.27 is great and must be kept going but the rest of the game we need to get back to supporting the team..
2 hrs · Like · 4

Gareth Ccfc Fox Just refuse to sit down every time u get asked to
1 hr · Like

Gareth Gagsy Stephens Glenn Villis I have also sacked my ST for next season, I have chosen too spend my money on Wales away games instead, ironically watching another poor team play in red with a dragon on there badge
58 mins · Like

Simon Underhill Day by day it's less and less a club I have any feelings for and it hurts.
57 secs · Like

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 6:49 pm

2blue2handle wrote:This article is lost on me, why can't they just sit in a section that has blue seats?

Because this is not the true reason for them wanting a refund. If their only concern was sitting in a red seat they would have asked to be relocated.

Obviously just a means to an end.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 7:00 pm

So they did accept the rebrand in the first instance but now city are in the championship they are sickened by a red seat. So why did they accept the rebrand and why do they think it's not a good idea anymore. Typical sellout supporters if you ask me

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 7:14 pm

Seems others read it the same as me. Hope they don't get a penny back.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 8:17 pm

From Facebbok

LurchCcfc Jenko Tan ain't got a business plan. If he bought a subway franchise he'd make it red. Fuckin clown. With the drop in demand next season, he will have red in his face.

Anthony Parris I doubt many fans will sit on the seats without a blue seat cover
So I can see more and more problems

Joe Mackay Well done Conrad Pheasant. Great stand to take. I'm saddened but glad I haven't renewed this season. I just can't understand why anyone would want to sit in a red seat. Our club has totally sold out. I've had dealings with Gorringe on behalf of BU and he is just tans yes man!!

Wayne Dibs Anderson I've gone up there , and I'm blue , my hope is enough up there to hide them , I'll be taking my flags too , they will hide 36 seats , 18 each
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Joe Mackay Let's hope so Dibs, your giant flag should cover a good few rows of red.
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Conrad James Pheasant It really is with regret that I am walking away Dibs but the way in which the club lied to me when I queried moving from there or obtaining a refund was the straw that broke the camel's back! I am looking forward to seeing plenty of blue flags up there!:-)
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Joe Mackay I wouldn't mind betting the club stop any blue flags being laid out.
about an hour ago · Like · 1

Conrad James Pheasant Am sure Tan's foot soldiers will be out in force to stop the flags being shown Joe!
about an hour ago · Like

Wayne Dibs Anderson I admire you mate , I hope change happens soon and guys like you don't stay away for long , they will be my 2 welsh ones, might have something to say about the badge on the one

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 8:54 pm

I take it these quotes are from bu's Facebook page.
I'm glad their leaving the club,I'll be in the new stand and the last thing i want is to sit next to fans who do nothing but moan especially about the colour of a seat,good riddance to bad rubbish,Bu rubbish :thumbup:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 10:29 pm

Will the same fans ask for a refund if it's a yellow/white seat? Pathetic if you ask me, how is that in anyway a legit refund, because you don't like the colour of the season you want a full re-fund?

Laughable, absolutely laughable, they knew what they were getting into

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Tue May 20, 2014 10:48 pm

It was obvious the seats were going to be red to be honest.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 9:24 am

Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 9:27 am

Nuclearblue wrote:Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Nukes, Our fans should totally boycott the new despicable Red stand, just my opinion :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 9:35 am

This guy is just a shit version of Dave Sugarman.

Didnt make a stand when the shirts changed, or the badge changed, or the CCS become a shrine to Malaysia but wants a refund because the new seats are red :lol:

Fair play to Sugarman he stuck to his principles from the start.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 9:36 am

Forever Blue wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Nukes, Our fans should totally boycott the new despicable Red stand, just my opinion :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Why stop there? If people are that serious then stop lining Tans pockets and boycott altogether.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 9:39 am

CF47 BLUEBIRD wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Nukes, Our fans should totally boycott the new despicable Red stand, just my opinion :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Why stop there? If people are that serious then stop lining Tans pockets and boycott altogether.

Chris, I would love that to happen, but we would get a max of say another few hundred. Its also easier said than done, its hard just to walk away from the club u love so much, we all have different views on that side :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

So by staying inside we have kept the BLUE bigger than ever and the protests going :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 10:06 am

Seems to me the solution/answer is simple:

People who are not happy sitting in red seats can with ask for a transfer or walk away; preferably without a refund IMHO as it was pretty obvious from the start there was a good chance those seats would be red

After two years of watching a team in the dreaded red (40+ if you include watching in blue), I have to say this all smacks of hypocrisy from those NOW moaning and/or threatening to leave and I have to be very suspicious (as I was with some after the "play-off" loss two years ago) as to some peoples motives for waiting until AFTER we are relegated to start moaning and demanding their money back

Where have you been for two years?

Do you really think YOUR decisions to move to the "new" stand was Tan's fault? :?

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 10:22 am

Sven wrote:Seems to me the solution/answer is simple:

People who are not happy sitting in red seats can with ask for a transfer or walk away; preferably without a refund IMHO as it was pretty obvious from the start there was a good chance those seats would be red

After two years of watching a team in the dreaded red (40+ if you include watching in blue), I have to say this all smacks of hypocrisy from those NOW moaning and/or threatening to leave and I have to be very suspicious (as I was with some after the "play-off" loss two years ago) as to some peoples motives for waiting until AFTER we are relegated to start moaning and demanding their money back

Where have you been for two years?

Do you really think YOUR decisions to move to the "new" stand was Tan's fault? :?

Spot on again Sven. or another idea is to buy up all of the red seats so that it is not visible?

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 10:27 am

Sven yes to me it was obvious what colour the seats would be. I have no interest in that stand. And to be honest for the life of me I can't understand why we don't use this to our advantage. Jesus what statement would it send out if this stand was empty ? It would be another embarrassing own goal by Tan. But hey this is CCFC fans and it takes a while for the obvious solution to kick in. JUST SAY FOOKING NO AND STAY IN YOUR BLUE AND WHITE AND 6 YELLOW SEATS :thumbup:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 10:32 am

Forever Blue wrote:
CF47 BLUEBIRD wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Nukes, Our fans should totally boycott the new despicable Red stand, just my opinion :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Why stop there? If people are that serious then stop lining Tans pockets and boycott altogether.

Chris, I would love that to happen, but we would get a max of say another few hundred. Its also easier said than done, its hard just to walk away from the club u love so much, we all have different views on that side :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

So by staying inside we have kept the BLUE bigger than ever and the protests going :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Well I have made the decision to walk away, havent enjoyed it for a few years now, its become a chore rather than a pleasure and I am not paying £60 a month for something I am not enjoying anymore. The rebrand and Tan making it crystal clear there is no room for compromise has made it easier but this decision isnt soley down to that. Its about modern football in general, I just dont get the same Saturday football buzz like I used to.

My 3 mates who I share the car with are also packing it in for the same reasons and weve done 100 years between us.

I did try to make the break 3 seasons ago to do the same but end up going to most of home games up until Xmas then buying a half season ticket and I dare say when the season starts I will be itching to do the same but at the moment I am walking away.

Re: ' Cardiff City fans see Red & demand their money back '

Wed May 21, 2014 11:13 am

Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebina wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:Lol

Championship football isn't that bad lads lets not join the bunch of excuse makers and stick with the team :bluescarf: :ayatollah:

If you don't want a red seat, switch to a blue one, and keep wearing blue :bluescarf:

I will be there next season and again if we got relegated again and again, but I will 100% stop going if Tan changed our name.
I believe also by the fans who want the Blue back, in us all still going,wearing BLUE, we are keeping the BLUE well and truly alive :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

annis didn't you say before that this season "would be your last" if we didn't go back to blue. stating something along the lines of "i want to see us in the prem, but after that i'm done" ...what happened to that?

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 11:41 am

For goodness sake give the man a refund - after all he's been to Rochdale on a Tuesday night :sleepy2:

Re: ' Cardiff City fans see Red & demand their money back '

Wed May 21, 2014 1:18 pm

AlwaysBBlue wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebina wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:Lol

Championship football isn't that bad lads lets not join the bunch of excuse makers and stick with the team :bluescarf: :ayatollah:

If you don't want a red seat, switch to a blue one, and keep wearing blue :bluescarf:

I will be there next season and again if we got relegated again and again, but I will 100% stop going if Tan changed our name.
I believe also by the fans who want the Blue back, in us all still going,wearing BLUE, we are keeping the BLUE well and truly alive :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

annis didn't you say before that this season "would be your last" if we didn't go back to blue. stating something along the lines of "i want to see us in the prem, but after that i'm done" ...what happened to that?

No I said, if thy dare go any further with the rebrand like a name change.

I honestly feel if we walk away our stadium would be the despicable red for ever, with youngsters knowing no different,we are winning the battle on the terraces :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 1:20 pm

CF47 BLUEBIRD wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
CF47 BLUEBIRD wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:Simple simple solution and it needs everyone to follow and thats everyone to boycott the new stand. But again as supporters we are divided again. It would again send out a visual statement that the red seats isnt wanted. To be constantly empty would send out the message that its a white elephant and another Tan own goal.The Trust, supporters club should of advised its members to boycott. But no this has slipped us by. :(

Nukes, Our fans should totally boycott the new despicable Red stand, just my opinion :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Why stop there? If people are that serious then stop lining Tans pockets and boycott altogether.

Chris, I would love that to happen, but we would get a max of say another few hundred. Its also easier said than done, its hard just to walk away from the club u love so much, we all have different views on that side :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

So by staying inside we have kept the BLUE bigger than ever and the protests going :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Well I have made the decision to walk away, havent enjoyed it for a few years now, its become a chore rather than a pleasure and I am not paying £60 a month for something I am not enjoying anymore. The rebrand and Tan making it crystal clear there is no room for compromise has made it easier but this decision isnt soley down to that. Its about modern football in general, I just dont get the same Saturday football buzz like I used to.

My 3 mates who I share the car with are also packing it in for the same reasons and weve done 100 years between us.

I did try to make the break 3 seasons ago to do the same but end up going to most of home games up until Xmas then buying a half season ticket and I dare say when the season starts I will be itching to do the same but at the moment I am walking away.

Chris, I respect your decision, but we also need to keep the BLUE going at the matches, but thats my belief :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 1:20 pm

Nuclearblue wrote:Sven yes to me it was obvious what colour the seats would be. I have no interest in that stand. And to be honest for the life of me I can't understand why we don't use this to our advantage. Jesus what statement would it send out if this stand was empty ? It would be another embarrassing own goal by Tan. But hey this is CCFC fans and it takes a while for the obvious solution to kick in. JUST SAY FOOKING NO AND STAY IN YOUR BLUE AND WHITE AND 6 YELLOW SEATS :thumbup:

Nukes, you are also spot on, except we also need to remember the reason Tan has had the additional stand built in the first place and it wasn't for the benefit of the fans! :thumbup:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 1:56 pm

Wasn't it obvious it would be red?

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 2:28 pm

Just so you know Conrad was there in the 80's and through the dark days and its not just the Red that has now got to him, but the attitude of our club in general has finally done it for Conrad.

I have total Respect for Conrad. :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 2:55 pm

Blue bin bags . . . sorted :ayatollah:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 3:03 pm

Did any of us ever worry about sitting on the old wooden seats in grandstand of ninian park ? .
Boycott the new stand is out best option so let's make a stand against the stand .

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 3:07 pm

colli wrote:Did any of us ever worry about sitting on the old wooden seats in grandstand of ninian park ? .
Boycott the new stand is out best option so let's make a stand against the stand .

They are in my back garden and I varnish them every year :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 4:04 pm

Forever Blue wrote:Just so you know Conrad was there in the 80's and through the dark days and its not just the Red that has now got to him, but the attitude of our club in general has finally done it for Conrad.

I have total Respect for Conrad. :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

That puppet Tom Gorringe could make a monk scream swear words. His attitude is just so far out of touch its unbelievable.

My email exchange with him a few months back is another reason im not turning anymore of my hard earned cash over to Newco Cardiff Dragons.

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 4:18 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
colli wrote:Did any of us ever worry about sitting on the old wooden seats in grandstand of ninian park ? .
Boycott the new stand is out best option so let's make a stand against the stand .

They are in my back garden and I varnish them every year :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Are they blue?

Re: Updated ' Cardiff fans see Red & demand their money back

Wed May 21, 2014 4:23 pm

Natman Blue wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
colli wrote:Did any of us ever worry about sitting on the old wooden seats in grandstand of ninian park ? .
Boycott the new stand is out best option so let's make a stand against the stand .

They are in my back garden and I varnish them every year :thumbup: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Are they blue?

Funny enough Nat, the backs were painted Blue by our club,but the bottoms are natural wood :thumbup: :bluescarf: