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Re: ' QPR Could be Relegated Now '

Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:10 am

Stan-QPR wrote:
SwampCCFC wrote:
Stan-QPR wrote:
SwampCCFC wrote:
Stan-QPR wrote:Interesting debate but for me fundamentally flawed in the most obvious circumstances.

A club with financial muscle who want to get out of a league pay players what they FEEL they think they should to get them to sign (yes in hindsight massive mistakes were made), you sign them on two, three year deals otherwise they won't sign, we're not an attractive option! You get promoted and are then told you've spent to much??? Contracts have to be honored by law so what do we do get promoted then rip up everyone's contracts? It's pathetic. You should be given an amount of time once promoted to get the books balanced again otherwise what's the point of trying to buy good players to go up? No point.

I agree FFP has to come in but who's it benefiting and where do these £40,000,000 fines go? Hmmmm

It's already been stated clubs like Man City are getting around it by getting one of their own companies to for example sponsor their training kit for £15m a season when it was previously £1m for example. By the books they are bringing that money in so can then spend it. Ridiculous idea that can't be policed properly in my book.

Much more simple option. Wage cap at £100,000 a week, maximum transfer of £50m, lower the amount sky give clubs so players can't moan that chairman are creaming it all & reduce the cost to the paying public. Get it back to a normal mans game. Personally I think it's to late & greed has ruined it.

the £18m in parachute payments QPR got (overall, a £60m parachute payments package) are meant to bridge the gap between a PL cost base, and a championship one. i don't think thats an unreasonable expectation that all smallish premier league clubs operate with one eye on the potential financial impact of relegation.

the fines go to charity, sorry to disappoint you.

wage caps and maximum fees will never happen, and nor should they. knock it all you want, but the current arrangement has produced the most watched football league in the world, and all the benefits that come with that.

Benefits for who?

fans, in terms of brand new stadia, world class players to watch.

owners and players for obvious reasons.

Yea at a massive cost! That's not benefitting the fans. Why do you think there is so much uproar & banners & the,likes about ticket prices? Because fans are not happy! I haven't benefited from it at all. Costs me more money than it's ever done despite sky's billions so I'll have to disagree with that one.

think of it this way. dacia sandero for £7000 or a golf for £16000? cheap does not mean good value.

the stadia were crumbling away and the standard of football was awful. both are immeasurably better in 2014 than they were in the good 'ol days of 1984. some don't care about either of those, and thats fine, there's non league for that. i would say that the modern day fan would rather pay £800 a year for the 2014 PL than £200 for the awful crap that was served up in the 80's.

QPR are in london, and i'd say £600 or £700 is fantastic value for the quality of players you get to see in the capital. the people i feel sorry for are our fans and leeds who get charged through the nose, when the local economy is still stagnant. my ticket cost almost £700 this year. :thumbup: