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Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:30 am

Wow I don't post often but felt compelled too. A super read that is exactly my feelings. The rebrand has literally sucked the passion for the city over the past few seasons. Anyone who knows me would tell you I am 100% die hard bluebird ever since 1992. Rightly or wrongly I for some reason felt a connection back then that not many people understood. I was the minority city fan in school but by god I was proud of it. From Lincoln to Mansfield to Scarborough. Those days you felt like a small army supporting city. A real connection with the players and generally would always applaud them in defeat. As long as there was effort! I made the painful decision this summer that this would be my last season supporting city at home. I really have tried but cannot get used to the red kit. I plan to take my young boy to more away games and will deliberately pick games where we.wont be in red. This will be my own personal protest to tan. No more home money from me although what difference would it make? The fact I have made the decision now makes it easier to accept. After toying all summer I relented once more. But the lack of.soul and passion in the stands is honestly heart breaking to see how this once passionate fan based club has fallen as it has grown....

Who knows perhaps there is a god to help us get back our identity. When it does I will be there with my little pick and shovel.

Thanks op as your words struck a chord and whether anyone cares or not it's nice to get my emotions out there too. Nicer that to know I am not alone in my feelings.

Always blue always bluebirds...


Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:45 pm

A very insightful post.Remember this is not confined to CCFC we are engaging with the forces of "uber" capitalism here.Fan bases are merely servants who replenish the pot so to speak.Some time ago I likened CCFC to a burger franchise, that is what Tan thinks, does anyone on here actually believe he gives a hoot about football, fans or opinions?Why is it I can watch Hertha Berlin with my brother and be asked to pay 12 Euros each only a couple of years ago? This year after going down Tan the man wanted an extra £100.00 plus, in a month I lose my job and I am 54.I cannot justify £600.00 plus to my family when I will struggle because of my age to find a reasonably paid job.To make matters worse some people pretend its the same, it is clearly not ask the prices for the Welsh game in Brussels!! Football has lost its soul alright no more running battles on the bob bank or kicking off in the Grange I know but the commercial cancer of today's world has enveloped football. We in the UK do not complain enough or protest enough that is all too obvious.This odious man and his slavish cohorts will soon dump the club and what then? Some might say "oh but he saved us" well let see how long he stays.Finally one thing I cannot tolerate are players on film star wages not trying or saying they are tired this merely compounds matters and insults those who spare what little cash they have in an attempt to support the club.

Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Wed Nov 05, 2014 6:58 pm

Brilliant post :bluescarf: :ayatollah:

Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:17 am

Great post mate. Sadly things will never be the same again.

Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:40 pm

Jimmy Scoular wrote:A very insightful post.Remember this is not confined to CCFC we are engaging with the forces of "uber" capitalism here.Fan bases are merely servants who replenish the pot so to speak.Some time ago I likened CCFC to a burger franchise, that is what Tan thinks, does anyone on here actually believe he gives a hoot about football, fans or opinions?Why is it I can watch Hertha Berlin with my brother and be asked to pay 12 Euros each only a couple of years ago? This year after going down Tan the man wanted an extra £100.00 plus, in a month I lose my job and I am 54.I cannot justify £600.00 plus to my family when I will struggle because of my age to find a reasonably paid job.To make matters worse some people pretend its the same, it is clearly not ask the prices for the Welsh game in Brussels!! Football has lost its soul alright no more running battles on the bob bank or kicking off in the Grange I know but the commercial cancer of today's world has enveloped football. We in the UK do not complain enough or protest enough that is all too obvious.This odious man and his slavish cohorts will soon dump the club and what then? Some might say "oh but he saved us" well let see how long he stays.Finally one thing I cannot tolerate are players on film star wages not trying or saying they are tired this merely compounds matters and insults those who spare what little cash they have in an attempt to support the club.

Youre spot on Jimmy. As soon as the Premier League model started in this country football as we knew it began to slide. The real reason for the Premier League breakaway with its vital SKY component was to milk the fans and mske obscene money for the privileged few. There's no way anyone can use the argument of improving the football standard, the cream will always rise to the top as it always has done. In fact, quite the opposite has happened; how many clubs have overpaid mercenaries playing for them who fail to add passion or value? Like all Capitalist cons this is just another attempt to fool the proles by clever cynics. One day the penny will drop! By the way, I'd love you to come back as manager, you would be awesome compared to Young & SLade :bluescarf:

Re: " Cardiff City - How the hell did it come to this? "

Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:06 pm

alfie sherwood wrote:Cardiff City was a great old football club. Not in the sense that it ever won much, nor in the sense that it had a particularly huge following, but it was great in plenty of other ways.

In a small country with a rugby obsessed media it was great to feel that you were part of something that felt anti establishment and always pretty edgy. It was great that when the chips were down - as they were for much of its history - the homely underachieving South Wales club could muster almost as many supporters away from home as it could at Ninian Park. What was particularly great though was that no matter how bad things were on the pitch, no matter what factions there were in the fanbase, come match day there was a real unity of purpose. We all wanted Cardiff City to win so much it literally hurt. I swear there were times when a few thousand half pissed Welshman almost physically sucked the ball into the net when a late late goal was desperately needed.

We were in it together.

No boycotters, nobody struggling to identify with a team in the 'wrong' colour, no fans feeling apathetic because a good result might prolong something unwanted, nobody feeling that the experience was a tad diminished.

It was real. It was often shit but it was totally authentic. The Cardiff City experience was one of lots of lows but...oh, bloody hell! the highs were immense! Whether tumbling 30 yards down the terrace when Tony Bird stuck one in over in Liege or evading the grasps of Dai Hunt after a mental scrambled equaliser at some nondescript division 4 ground, watching the bluebirds was a nerve shredding, soup of mentalness.

Truth be told, unlike a lot of other long standing fans, I wasn't unduly troubled by the move to CCS. I was no longer in danger of wading ankle deep in piss everytime I got caught short, nor was I at risk of catching something potentially life threatening by biting into a half time burger. We could still get the new stadium rocking too. The late derby day win over the jacks, the night we clung on against Leicester after Gabors 'rugby' tackle. The play off semi against the same opponents and a fervent January evening versus Palace. All life affirming, spine tingling, special nights.

Of course nothing last forever.

One man had a really terrible idea. A couple of people in a position of influence acted as apologists. Some previously respected fans gave it their seal of approval and attempts at protest were shouted down.

And here we are two and a half years later. A club up to its eyeballs in debt, in a lower league position than they were before the nonsense started and with a fair chunk of the fanbase either totally disconnected from the club or in a state of progressive disconnection. To cap it all, the bluebirds play in colours that are totally alien to the football club.

I'm fully aware that there are still fans who feel the same passion as ever. Fair play to you.

No doubt there'll be lots of people who'll dismiss my ramblings as those of an old sentimentalist but bring it on, as far as I'm concerned we've surrendered something really special here.

What's the answer? How do we get our club back? I just don't know. I do know that there's nothing wrong with red, nothing wrong with dragons but they just don't belong at Cardiff City and neither does Vincent Tan.

My thoughts to the letter.TAN OUT. :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: