Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:47 pm

Boycott now the end of january to the middle of febuary there will be nothing we can do.

The media is our only hope right now

if you own a season ticket make a banner wait for the whistle and leave the banner there.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:50 pm

harold pinta wrote:
tenerife_blu wrote:why do some people jump up and always say that the op is talking bollocks everytime something is said that affects the rebrand, Just wait and see what happens because this has happened loads of times where the person saying its a load of boolocks gets egg on their face :roll:
I wouldn't put it past Tan do do something like this as it would piss us off and I am now convinced that what he is doing is his complete intention. He thinks of our beloved club as his toy and when he's finished playing with it he just throws it away. A sad deluded man indeed :evil:
As it says in my signature, "The Bluebirds will NEVER die" :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Tan has showed that he is not a man to be crossed. He has a spiteful and vindictive character, I would not put it past him get revenge on the fans for not towing the line and conforming.

Harold, Unfortunately you are correct. He is a billionaire so money to him is nothing, he is just a vindictive son of a bitch and don't give 2 hoots for us or the tradition of our football club, I'm afraid he is out to spoil it all for us and kill this once great club :(

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:58 pm

ive already called it a day a few games in to this season and wont be renewing

this is the one that will really test the limits of the fans... its one of the hardest decisions ive had to make walking away

honest genuine fans will have there true support questioned... but if this is going to work, in the long run this is the best support you can give the club, the real club, the club we all used to know and love

it will break your heart, but its not as if tan didnt do that already

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:58 pm

tenerife_blu wrote:
harold pinta wrote:
tenerife_blu wrote:why do some people jump up and always say that the op is talking bollocks everytime something is said that affects the rebrand, Just wait and see what happens because this has happened loads of times where the person saying its a load of boolocks gets egg on their face :roll:
I wouldn't put it past Tan do do something like this as it would piss us off and I am now convinced that what he is doing is his complete intention. He thinks of our beloved club as his toy and when he's finished playing with it he just throws it away. A sad deluded man indeed :evil:
As it says in my signature, "The Bluebirds will NEVER die" :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Tan has showed that he is not a man to be crossed. He has a spiteful and vindictive character, I would not put it past him get revenge on the fans for not towing the line and conforming.

Harold, Unfortunately you are correct. He is a billionaire so money to him is nothing, he is just a vindictive son of a bitch and don't give 2 hoots for us or the tradition of our football club, I'm afraid he is out to spoil it all for us and kill this once great club :(

Well it's good to see there is still fight in the fans. My dismay at the way the club has become a circus has been tempered by the recent uprising in anti rebrand feeling. I'm starting to get a good feeling about this, my faith in our fans is starting to return.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:01 pm

bluemoon wrote:ive already called it a day a few games in to this season and wont be renewing

this is the one that will really test the limits of the fans... its one of the hardest decisions ive had to make walking away

honest genuine fans will have there true support questioned... but if this is going to work, in the long run this is the best support you can give the club, the real club, the club we all used to know and love

it will break your heart, but its not as if tan didnt do that already

Well put bluemooon, you are not on your own. It is heartbreaking to walk away but it feels very much the right thing to do. I sincerely regret not walking away in 2012, but what's done is done. We can still get our club back.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:02 pm

if true then shame on you Tan shame on you. :twisted:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:07 pm

Rydogsccfc wrote:if true then shame on you Tan shame on you. :twisted:

He's already turned us red, given us a dragon badge, pretty much killed the Bluebird and put a load of red seats in. Shame on him indeed. His time at our club will go down as a dark time in our history.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:10 pm

harold pinta wrote:
Rydogsccfc wrote:if true then shame on you Tan shame on you. :twisted:

He's already turned us red, given us a dragon badge, pretty much killed the Bluebird and put a load of red seats in. Shame on him indeed. His time at our club will go down as a dark time in our history.


Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:13 pm

harold pinta wrote:
bluemoon wrote:ive already called it a day a few games in to this season and wont be renewing

this is the one that will really test the limits of the fans... its one of the hardest decisions ive had to make walking away

honest genuine fans will have there true support questioned... but if this is going to work, in the long run this is the best support you can give the club, the real club, the club we all used to know and love

it will break your heart, but its not as if tan didnt do that already

Well put bluemooon, you are not on your own. It is heartbreaking to walk away but it feels very much the right thing to do. I sincerely regret not walking away in 2012, but what's done is done. We can still get our club back.

i really hope so, its also one of the hardest things staying away :lol: the amount of times ive said to myself ill go just once more, but ive managed to stay away, and spend some quality time with my kids or what have you

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:16 pm

Rydogsccfc wrote:
harold pinta wrote:
Rydogsccfc wrote:if true then shame on you Tan shame on you. :twisted:

He's already turned us red, given us a dragon badge, pretty much killed the Bluebird and put a load of red seats in. Shame on him indeed. His time at our club will go down as a dark time in our history.

Certainly It really is a shame that we had to be the victims of an example of how bad foreign ownership can be. :(

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:39 pm

It's all out WAR then

Let's have it !!!!!

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:07 am

You have to fight Fire with Fire!!!! This club is not coming back to us while Tan sees people watch the games.. Im not coming back until hes gone! I cant.. What I'm Hearing is not Bluebirds on or off the pitch!! Goodbye Tan! Get Out! You will never know what it is to be a Bluebird!!

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:43 am

here we go, lets all go hysterical over 1 post and think the absolute worst........ this message board is nuts fair play.

Ill cross that bridge when its official, until then why speculate, wind yourself up and go loopy

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:10 am

when I got to starting in January that's when I made up my mind its probably bollocks :bluescarf:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:12 am

This is just like the Cardiff dragons rumours

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:20 am

wez1927 wrote:This is just like the Cardiff dragons rumours

Wez, Who knows if this will happen? But you know as well as I do anything like this could happen under Vincent Tan and none of course can really say this is not true,I really hope it is not true :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:56 am

f*ck Tan, if everyone wants to protest then they should do it now before this clown completely destroys this football club!

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:01 am

harold pinta wrote:
Rydogsccfc wrote:if true then shame on you Tan shame on you. :twisted:

He's already turned us red, given us a dragon badge, pretty much killed the Bluebird and put a load of red seats in. Shame on him indeed. His time at our club will go down as a dark time in our history.

And SEVENTY fans did something about it :sad7:
(and at least two of them were kids who had the decision made for them).

I hate Tan for what he has done and is doing but when he said he was going to do it I walked. Red - for the premier league dream. I think he delivered that. Is it such a surprise to everyone after Sam and Risdale that the money he spent doing that is charged against the club? :roll: I couldn't watch a team playing in red (as a nod to Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal, three teams I've spent my life despising for attracting a legion of armchair South Walians who use the word 'we' when referring to 'their' club 150-200 miles away that they've never seen or experienced on a live-bouncing terrace).

Seems to me the only real backlash happened AFTER Tan's money had bought his version of Cardiff City the Championship trophy and got his version of Cardiff City to the Premier League, had his free scarves waved all over the stadium. :oops: Even then the few organising the demonstrations were accused of being self-serving or encouraging intimidation/violence with a stream of lies/exaggerations thrown their way.

While Cardiff were beating Manchester City and Swansea at home, for most, everything was sweeter than ever. Once there was a downturn in results and the more and more likely that relegation was looming there was a huge sway toward tradition, identity and a growing Anti-Tan feeling. I can understand why VT was surprised that all of a sudden it seemed more than a vocal minority were against his vision, why he is maybe now turning the screw in a vindictive way. (Or is he just continuing with his plan that he thought was accepted by the grateful PAYING majority).

Maybe now Tan sees Cardiff fans as the spoilt child who promised to clean their bedroom every week for the new toy they wanted but when the toy didn't turn out to be half as much fun as it was supposed to be, the deal didn't seem fair. He has only increased the club debt but for those who thought there was a genuine chance that he would clear all our debts recall every owner we've had since the late 70's and ask yourself how many times do you have to be bitten to be shy? :shock:


I keep hearing that 'we'll always be blue' but the FACT is club has been red for two and a half years and while I'd like to give every fan that turns up in blue or waves their blue scarf a pint (about as much chance of that happening as VT clearing the debt...sorry), as long as people keep paying their hard-earned to watch the side AT HOME then the club will be red.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:30 am

It isn't even as if he has converted us to red in a professional manner. We are an amateur set up from top to bottom even though we are worth tens of millions of pounds.

I genuinely could do a better job at marketing the club.


Sometimes I think tan believes that any type of press coverage is good coverage. He is one of the most well known chairmen in WORLD football after all of this and in turn one of the most known businessmen. I think that was his plan from the get go.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:30 am

I didn't want to go down this route but how about burning malasian flags and pictures of tan,?

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:49 am

Tan is a Jack

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:46 pm

trotskie wrote:I didn't want to go down this route but how about burning malasian flags and pictures of tan,?

Thats should piss him off....but then what? expect him to sell the club at a reduced rate to someone to help the fans? More likely just close us down for good.

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:33 pm

trotskie wrote:I didn't want to go down this route but how about burning malasian flags and pictures of tan,?

You would prob get niked for burning a national flag!

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:20 am

This story could be a total non event,lets hope it is not true :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:27 am

wez1927 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
wez1927 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:Friend is obviously not a football fan as every man and his dog knows about city! Mind you Even non football people (ladies) know which surprised me! :o

Allan, there are more plans by Tan to bury the Bluebird,sadly he does want to finish us off. In my opinion Tan seems now obsessed with hurting us and everything to do with our identity :cry: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=151487 :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

thought he wanted out ?

He Does ASAP,but Ive said many times,he cant get out.

Seems strange that they are going to change more and he wants out ,I think he's so rich that he doesn't care what he spends on us

Wez, I have made enquires and Tan has NO intentions of spending another penny of his money,at this moment in time on Cardiff City,so it wont be happening in my opinion :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:13 pm

Be Blue wrote:Over the past couple of years I have been a supporter of Tan, voicing my support of the man on this forum on more than one occasion, but recently I have been given some information that has completely changed my point of view on the man, and indeed on the football club that I have supported since I was born. Before I was a supporter of 'the red' and to some extent the beer mat badge we have, but this is no longer the case. The club is being stripped of its identity and what I heard has put a further nail into the coffin of the blue and the Bluebird, like many, I am now anti-red.

A colleague of mine was told by a friend of his who works for a design agency in England (I'm not going to be naming names here for personal reasons). This design agency has been contacted by Cardiff City FC with regards to a redesign of the stadium. I'm not aware of the full extent of the redesign, but after asking for more information, here's what I do know:
- The club has approached a design agency in England about redesigning the stadium to make the red and the dragon more prominent.
- This redesign will include the changing rooms and the interior of the stands, and presumably the outside.
- I can't say if this means that the colours of the seats will be changed, but it'l looking likely
- The contract for the work has it starting as soon as January 2015 - next month.

This is 100% genuine and I even got my colleague to ring his friend and ask him in more detail, he isn't aware of the situation at Cardiff so he didn't think it was a big deal. It seems that Tan is trying to bury the blue and any remnant of the Bluebird. If we value our club and its history something needs to be done.

so... was there any legs to this story / rumour in the end :old:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:30 pm

Its bullshit

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:07 pm

wez1927 wrote:Its bullshit

I think not Wez, stirring it up again when we are all excited.

Tan right up to Xmas was still all go Red.

Then bang thanks to Choo,Dalman and an empty stadium, with world press
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=152640 :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Rem, I spoke directly to our club twice for over an hour yesterday and heard it all first hand :thumbright: :thumbright:

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=152567 :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Re: Tan's plans to redesign the stadium and bury the Bluebir

Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:22 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
wez1927 wrote:Its bullshit

I think not Wez, stirring it up again when we are all excited.

Tan right up to Xmas was still all go Red.

Then bang thanks to Choo,Dalman and an empty stadium, with world press
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=152640 :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:

Rem, I spoke directly to our club twice for over an hour yesterday and heard it all first hand :thumbright: :thumbright:

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=152567 :thumbright: :bluescarf: :bluescarf: :bluescarf:
I didn't bring this topic today Annis ,why would he change to red the stadium when as you said you are all excited that he's changed his mind going back to blue ?