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Tue May 17, 2016 8:11 pm
BluebirdsTilIDie wrote:Probably wouldn't tag city players in messages like this Annis only because some people don't rate John and could slate him etc not nice to read
Your right, sad to see and he's never been given a chance.
Tue May 17, 2016 8:41 pm
Coco wrote:Welsh youngsters ?! Provided they're quality- for once Tan , I agree with you !#spew
Exactly. Providing they're good enough. No point in putting them in just for the sake of it. Did any of the two players mentioned make an impact at the clubs they were loaned to? Not really from reports
Tue May 17, 2016 8:42 pm
They cant find anyone dull enough to do the job for peanuts like russell.
No transfer budget as well.
Tue May 17, 2016 9:13 pm
carlccfc wrote:' BREAKING NEWS : VINCENT TAN '
Four candidates have been interviewed for the position of Cardiff City manager.
All four have been told that Vincent Tan wants to see more youngsters brought through the system and given the opportunity in the first team.
Tan wants to see young talented players making the step up to the first team squad and wants players like Declan John and Tommy O'Sullivan given more chances at City.
The owner wants to see more emphasis on Welsh talent in the City line up.
Some may consider this as cost cutting but I personally see this as a good thing going forward and would love to see our youngsters given more opportunities to play at this level.
I hope you enjoy 3rd/4th division football then.
Tue May 17, 2016 9:45 pm
stickywicket wrote:They cant find anyone dull enough to do the job for peanuts like russell.
No transfer budget as well.
Obviously you haven't read what Carl has put?
Tue May 17, 2016 10:31 pm
I actually think John could do well enough at championship level and he's still young enough to improve,he reminds me of cresswell who's gone from Ipswich to west Ham and imo should be in the English squad.sounds like he wants to sell more players to me Fabio probably hence he mentioned John
Tue May 17, 2016 10:32 pm
"Tan wants to see young talented players making the step up to the first team squad and wants players like Declan John and Tommy O'Sullivan given more chances at City."
Well that says a lot about the Slade regime.
Tue May 17, 2016 10:37 pm
Steve the Tea TM (c) wrote:"Tan wants to see young talented players making the step up to the first team squad and wants players like Declan John and Tommy O'Sullivan given more chances at City."
Well that says a lot about the Slade regime.
Steve, it does...and I think it is likely one of the main reasons he was removed (amongst others, of course) and maybe why Paul Trollope (ITK with the current group) is the front runner at the moment
Tue May 17, 2016 11:17 pm
No disrespect, but how the f**k do you know?
Wed May 18, 2016 1:22 am
barrybloo wrote:No disrespect, but how the f**k do you know?
I don't think he's applied, fella!
Read the post properly (quote)
"I THINK it is likely ONE of the main reasons"I don't think I claimed to be ITK
Wed May 18, 2016 6:46 am
Yes, Tan did get it wrong in appointing Slade. Trollope probably saved us from a lot worse. Slade has generally been uninspiring despite making those necessary cuts.
Wed May 18, 2016 9:17 am
Mr Shed wrote:cost cutting or not, it's a great plan.
the last time we had no money and played our youth, Ledley, Ramsey, Gunter and Mathews came through.
Well excited for next season already.
Totally agree.
The 2000's (or noughties) were brilliant for bringing local talent through and for an age now I have wanted to see more youngsters make the step up.
People think Declan John isn't good enough but when compared to Scott Malone he is more than capable IMO.
Wed May 18, 2016 9:32 am
Sven wrote:bluemun wrote:Well, Tan appointed Slade and got it wrong, so I'm not optimistic. If he knew something about football it might help.
Did Tan get that appointment (quote) "wrong"??
I think most are now in agreement that Slade did a decent job in difficult circumstances, had Tan to contend with, oversaw a culling of the high earners in the squad and narrowly failed to get us to the play-offs
Hardly a failure; turned out to be a steady hand but just not the man to take us forward further

I agree Sven.
I now view Slade's time as one where a manager had to do a specific job which included a savage cost cutting exercise whilst keeping us competitive despite an extremely small transfer budget.
TBH top 6 was always a bit too optimistic and in a way Slade was too successful for his own good. He got us into a brilliant position which just seemed to vanish before our eyes after half-time at Fulham. Now all anyone remembers is that pathetic run in.
With hind sight those who said he had taken us as far as he could were probably right. That doesn't distract that he did a good job in the short term bringing stability to CCFC. When all circumstances are taken into account VT made a good call in appointing Slade.
There is a train of thought that any success was down to the appointment of Trollope as head coach. Well if that was true then that simply means VT made another good call with that decision.
Wed May 18, 2016 10:26 am
TAN OUT !!!!
Wed May 18, 2016 3:47 pm
pontlliwblue wrote:Heard on the grapevine in jacksville that Bristol city sniffing around Lloyd humphries. If this is true we need to stamp this out as he is definately one for the future.
How did that Cardiff lad playing for Bristol City now in the Wales squad slip through the net?
Wed May 18, 2016 4:45 pm
Great news about time.
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