Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City


Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:48 am

The club is on a mission to sell anyone of worth , there will be no money to buy and the lack of creativity and penetration is so obvious a child could see it. What will be the outcome ?I for one really fear relegation as an actual likelihood.Worrying times for City I am afraid.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:49 am

Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Excellent post :thumbright: :thumbright:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:53 am

Rydogsccfc wrote:Its still early doors we are under huge transition at the moment with the new system give it time.

I am fed up with the word transition, heard it so much from Slade and now from some of the supporters


Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:57 am

Forever Blue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Excellent post :thumbright: :thumbright:

Was being positive about game, but steve you say we were going to lose before ball even kicked to me that's a defeatest attitude my opinion of course! So by yours and others realistic outlook we will lose wed as well because it be same 11 probably with no strikers: thumbup:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:58 am

valleyrambill wrote:We could have Rooney up front but unless the service improves we will never score the midfield is to weak for this system don't forget Wales have Ramsay Allen & Ledley with Bale in front of them but our midfield is to weak and need support and he changes to 442 then both times against Rovers and today against QPR and all we did was hit high balls in the air , terrible football

A valid point there, we are also not providing any service.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:49 am

pembroke allan wrote:Could have had Pele renaldo Messi up front without service never going to score !

Allan, Well thats true, so Trollope sort it out now.

We play Blackburn on Wednesday, 3pts have to be for us :thumbright: :thumbright:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:51 am

DandoCCFC wrote:Took 73 minutes I think to make the subs yet we didn't have a shot on target.

I am baffled how you can be that non reactive when you are playing at home and haven't had a shot on target for 50 minutes let alone 70 odd.

Trollope is showing the same traits as Slade already with his non reactive ways like not making subs earlier than the last quarter of an hour of the game.

And Jazz Richards is woeful, wing back with no pace and can't even cross a ball.

Lennie should be advising Trollope,thats what he's there for, an older head when needed and its needed now.

The jury is out on Richards for me.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:32 am

pembroke allan wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Excellent post :thumbright: :thumbright:

Was being positive about game, but steve you say we were going to lose before ball even kicked to me that's a defeatest attitude my opinion of course! So by yours and others realistic outlook we will lose wed as well because it be same 11 probably with no strikers: thumbup:

No, I don't think we will lose because although we have the same players they will not be playing against the same players as yesterday. I have us down for a 2-0 win on the match thread, and don't for one minute think we will be in the relegation battle this season. However, I am realistic enough to accept that our current squad are not going to be close to the promotion battle either. As much as I would love us to be top of the league, sometimes you have to take a step back and look at things from a neutral point of view rather than through blue tinted glasses.
I am not gutted just because we have no chance of promotion. I spent long enough watching us play in front of 3 or 4,000 gates knowing that Championship football was just a distant dream. Right now we are where I would hope a club of our size should be, and it's nice to be able to dream of Premier League football rather than worry about us just being able to stay in the Football League.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:39 am

Forever Blue wrote:
Logie wrote:Had to leave after the Pen, was so angry at how Cardiff were in the second half.

Richards did well and tried hard, John tried but alot of the time he was isolated and didnt seem to have the confidence to try beat his man, but glad he didnt because as i said half the time he was isolated and if he lost the ball QPR could break away.

Fred did well with all the shit balls given to him, he seems to have decent control and can head the ball decently. If he has no one to help, or if hes only getting shit balls how can we expect him to score?

But what i noticed was the gaping chasm in the middle of the pitch, when we had the ball in defence the forwards went up top, then we had 3 CBs, 2 WBS and 2 CMs are sitting inline with the ball holder, so we had to kick the ball up

Where is our midfield presence?

We are not commanding the midfield or in front of goal, these needs sorting now.

Agree we are too lightweight O'Keefe was missed yesturday and whits best days are behind him


Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:31 pm

declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:17 pm

Jimmy Scoular wrote:The club is on a mission to sell anyone of worth , there will be no money to buy and the lack of creativity and penetration is so obvious a child could see it. What will be the outcome ?I for one really fear relegation as an actual likelihood.Worrying times for City I am afraid.

Ive been told there is no money to buy and I stand by Tan wanting out as soon he has the majority of his money back.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:19 pm

wez1927 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Logie wrote:Had to leave after the Pen, was so angry at how Cardiff were in the second half.

Richards did well and tried hard, John tried but alot of the time he was isolated and didnt seem to have the confidence to try beat his man, but glad he didnt because as i said half the time he was isolated and if he lost the ball QPR could break away.

Fred did well with all the shit balls given to him, he seems to have decent control and can head the ball decently. If he has no one to help, or if hes only getting shit balls how can we expect him to score?

But what i noticed was the gaping chasm in the middle of the pitch, when we had the ball in defence the forwards went up top, then we had 3 CBs, 2 WBS and 2 CMs are sitting inline with the ball holder, so we had to kick the ball up

Where is our midfield presence?

We are not commanding the midfield or in front of goal, these needs sorting now.

I am with you 100% on both those players Wez :thumbright: :thumbright:
Agree we are too lightweight O'Keefe was missed yesturday and whits best days are behind him


Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:20 pm

paulh_85 wrote:declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.

Totally disagree with you Paulh, John is for me a good Championship player and Joe Ralls.

But thats what football is about different opinions :thumbright: :thumbright:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:23 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.

Totally disagree with you Paulh, John is for me a good Championship player and Joe Ralls.

But thats what football is about different opinions :thumbright: :thumbright:

correct yopu are.

but if they are good championship players i hope they show it soon


Mon Aug 15, 2016 2:27 pm

paulh_85 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.

Totally disagree with you Paulh, John is for me a good Championship player and Joe Ralls.

But thats what football is about different opinions :thumbright: :thumbright:

correct yopu are.

but if they are good championship players i hope they show it soon

Paulh, I Def have faith in Declan John :thumbright: :thumbright:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:00 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.

Totally disagree with you Paulh, John is for me a good Championship player and Joe Ralls.

But thats what football is about different opinions :thumbright: :thumbright:

correct yopu are.

but if they are good championship players i hope they show it soon

Paulh, I Def have faith in Declan John :thumbright: :thumbright:

I rate Declan quite highly but he's so inconsistent even within the course of a match. He starts off well full of running and trying to get past his man but then drops deeper and deeper. Maybe it's a physical thing and he needs to build up his match fitness. Some of his runs into the penalty area are very promising... Brum away springs to mind when he put it on a plate for Fred.

Hopefully we'll see him develop over the course of the season


Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:07 pm

BrightBlueFuture wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
paulh_85 wrote:declan john was bloody awful as was ralls.

John is a league 1 player at absolute best.

Totally disagree with you Paulh, John is for me a good Championship player and Joe Ralls.

But thats what football is about different opinions :thumbright: :thumbright:

correct yopu are.

but if they are good championship players i hope they show it soon

Paulh, I Def have faith in Declan John :thumbright: :thumbright:

I rate Declan quite highly but he's so inconsistent even within the course of a match. He starts off well full of running and trying to get past his man but then drops deeper and deeper. Maybe it's a physical thing and he needs to build up his match fitness. Some of his runs into the penalty area are very promising... Brum away springs to mind when he put it on a plate for Fred.

Hopefully we'll see him develop over the course of the season

I reckon we will see a strong/confident Declan John if he's given a run of 10 games :thumbright: :thumbright:


Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:09 pm

OriginalGrangeEndBlue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Good post. You get a fair bit of stick from some as being a negative poster but I've found you, usually, to be very sensible and a realistic poster.

Provided you believe in one swallow making a summer :o

I don't mind posters point out our short comings but it gets to a point where they hope we lose just for the 'I told you so' moment, a bit like the post above unfortunately.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:13 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
I reckon we will see a strong/confident Declan John if he's given a run of 10 games :thumbright: :thumbright:

Declan put over a low cross yesterday which was just intercepted before Lex could of connected. It is my belief if Lex was playing further forward instead of Pilkington he would have got on the end of it and scored.

DJ played very well yesterday but we have to get the right players into the box so that his excellent work isn't for nothing.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:44 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
OriginalGrangeEndBlue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Good post. You get a fair bit of stick from some as being a negative poster but I've found you, usually, to be very sensible and a realistic poster.

Provided you believe in one swallow making a summer :o

I don't mind posters point out our short comings but it gets to a point where they hope we lose just for the 'I told you so' moment, a bit like the post above unfortunately.

No Tony. I predict what I think the score will be, not what I want it to be. I had us for 0-0 at B'ham and had us to lose 2-0 to QPR. If you check the Blackburn thread, I have us to win 2-0. I just put down what I think the score will be rather than put us down for a 3-0 win every game which is the result I would always hope for.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:47 pm

Steve Zodiak wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
OriginalGrangeEndBlue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Good post. You get a fair bit of stick from some as being a negative poster but I've found you, usually, to be very sensible and a realistic poster.

Provided you believe in one swallow making a summer :o

I don't mind posters point out our short comings but it gets to a point where they hope we lose just for the 'I told you so' moment, a bit like the post above unfortunately.

No Tony. I predict what I think the score will be, not what I want it to be. I had us for 0-0 at B'ham and had us to lose 2-0 to QPR. If you check the Blackburn thread, I have us to win 2-0. I just put down what I think the score will be rather than put us down for a 3-0 win every game which is the result I would always hope for.

I would never predict a City loss never mind crow about getting it right when we did. I just have a real bug bear about a 'I told you so' statement because we never here about when posters get it wrong, as your reply confirms.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:53 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
OriginalGrangeEndBlue wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:I was one of quite a few on this forum who predicted the correct score on the match thread. Pembroke Allan told us all about six changes from the Bristol match and called us a bunch of defeatists. Perhaps he can see now that he would have been better calling us a bunch of realists who are not living in the same fantasy land that some seem to be living on. Even those who refuse to take off their blue tinted glasses must be able to see that we have a weaker squad than last season, and that the league is a stronger one. There is no way we can finish as high as last season without money being spent, and there is no way money is going to be made available.
Just as well that the next match is Blackburn, and the opportunity is there to gain a bit of confidence. Whether or not we can score is the main issue, but I think we may sneak a win there. Too early to worry, but I have seen nothing to suggest anything other than an average season ahead with possibly a top twelve finish if we can score a goal now and again.

Good post. You get a fair bit of stick from some as being a negative poster but I've found you, usually, to be very sensible and a realistic poster.

Provided you believe in one swallow making a summer :o

I don't mind posters point out our short comings but it gets to a point where they hope we lose just for the 'I told you so' moment, a bit like the post above unfortunately.

No Tony. I predict what I think the score will be, not what I want it to be. I had us for 0-0 at B'ham and had us to lose 2-0 to QPR. If you check the Blackburn thread, I have us to win 2-0. I just put down what I think the score will be rather than put us down for a 3-0 win every game which is the result I would always hope for.

I would never predict a City loss never mind crow about getting it right when we did. I just have a real bug bear about a 'I told you so' statement because we never here about when posters get it wrong, as your reply confirms.

Well if you would never predict a City loss not much point in you putting a score down on the match thread. If you think City are never going to lose you really are living on a different planet. I thought that what was the match predictions were about, guessing what you think the score will be. Or should I just be stupid and put us down for a win every time we play.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:59 pm

Steve Zodiak wrote:Well if you would never predict a City loss not much point in you putting a score down on the match thread. If you think City are never going to lose you really are living on a different planet. I thought that what was the match predictions were about, guessing what you think the score will be. Or should I just be stupid and put us down for a win every time we play.

Who said I did put a prediction in the match thread :?

I rarely do but if I did I would never bet against City as it is pointless believing your team is going to lose before kick-off. I actually have no problem with you making loss predictions my gripe (as explained) is crowing about it in a 'I told you so' statement post match.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:04 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:Well if you would never predict a City loss not much point in you putting a score down on the match thread. If you think City are never going to lose you really are living on a different planet. I thought that what was the match predictions were about, guessing what you think the score will be. Or should I just be stupid and put us down for a win every time we play.

Who said I did put a prediction in the match thread :?

I rarely do but if I did I would never bet against City as it is pointless believing your team is going to lose before kick-off. I actually have no problem with you making loss predictions my gripe (as explained) is crowing about it in a 'I told you so' statement post match.

It was'nt crowing. It was getting a point of view across after being called a defeatist, pointing out that I believed that I and many others were being realistic by predicting a 2-0 loss. I had us down to beat Bristol & I have us to beat Blackburn. I try to say what I think the outcome will be, irrespective of what I hope it to be. I am not stupid enough to think I am going to get more than about 1 in 10 scores correct.


Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:16 pm

Steve Zodiak wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:Well if you would never predict a City loss not much point in you putting a score down on the match thread. If you think City are never going to lose you really are living on a different planet. I thought that what was the match predictions were about, guessing what you think the score will be. Or should I just be stupid and put us down for a win every time we play.

Who said I did put a prediction in the match thread :?

I rarely do but if I did I would never bet against City as it is pointless believing your team is going to lose before kick-off. I actually have no problem with you making loss predictions my gripe (as explained) is crowing about it in a 'I told you so' statement post match.

It was'nt crowing. It was getting a point of view across after being called a defeatist, pointing out that I believed that I and many others were being realistic by predicting a 2-0 loss. I had us down to beat Bristol & I have us to beat Blackburn. I try to say what I think the outcome will be, irrespective of what I hope it to be. I am not stupid enough to think I am going to get more than about 1 in 10 scores correct.

I'm sorry it came over as crowing due to the 'I told you so' way you worded it. As I stated at the start posters who do that only when they get a score correct lack credibility because they never mention the times when they get the result or score wrong.

You could have easily made the same point without that reference and in any case isn't a bit early to be stating you are a realist when there are still 44 games to play?


Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:38 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Steve Zodiak wrote:Well if you would never predict a City loss not much point in you putting a score down on the match thread. If you think City are never going to lose you really are living on a different planet. I thought that what was the match predictions were about, guessing what you think the score will be. Or should I just be stupid and put us down for a win every time we play.

Who said I did put a prediction in the match thread :?

I rarely do but if I did I would never bet against City as it is pointless believing your team is going to lose before kick-off. I actually have no problem with you making loss predictions my gripe (as explained) is crowing about it in a 'I told you so' statement post match.

It was'nt crowing. It was getting a point of view across after being called a defeatist, pointing out that I believed that I and many others were being realistic by predicting a 2-0 loss. I had us down to beat Bristol & I have us to beat Blackburn. I try to say what I think the outcome will be, irrespective of what I hope it to be. I am not stupid enough to think I am going to get more than about 1 in 10 scores correct.

I'm sorry it came over as crowing due to the 'I told you so' way you worded it. As I stated at the start posters who do that only when they get a score correct lack credibility because they never mention the times when they get the result or score wrong.

You could have easily made the same point without that reference and in any case isn't a bit early to be stating you are a realist when there are still 44 games to play?

Even with 44 games to play, we still know most of the players and their capabilities. I believe we have a weaker squad than last time, a tougher league, and I don't see where our goals are going to come from. As far as predictions are concerned, I went for 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 defeat from our opening 4 games. That is why I could'nt understand being called a defeatist as I am sure that most fans would have taken that at the start of the season. I certainly did'nt see the Rovers result coming, and although we all know about our lack of firepower, i never expected us to play the first 3 games without a goal.


Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:20 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
DandoCCFC wrote:Took 73 minutes I think to make the subs yet we didn't have a shot on target.

I am baffled how you can be that non reactive when you are playing at home and haven't had a shot on target for 50 minutes let alone 70 odd.

Trollope is showing the same traits as Slade already with his non reactive ways like not making subs earlier than the last quarter of an hour of the game.

And Jazz Richards is woeful, wing back with no pace and can't even cross a ball.

Lennie should be advising Trollope,thats what he's there for, an older head when needed and its needed now.

The jury is out on Richards for me.

I agree but then again you can't be blind even a 7 year old City fan would easily spot that changes were needed, regardless of who was on that bench to go even 55 minutes or 60 minutes without a shot on target at home then you know something needs to change and the fans need something to get going because it's hard sometimes to give the energy to cry for a goal or an attack when you playing that energy of attacking.

Richards is super slow and the amount of times he had passes 5 yards in front of him to run on to and they went straight out, it was embarrassing to watch especially from a fullback.