A forum for all things Cardiff City
Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:32 pm
wez1927 wrote:Charlie Harper wrote:I would love to look as unfit as Ricky Lambert, you should have gone to spec savers

I think this thread should go in the whoppers section

He was brought in to score goals so may be worth leaving the whoppers section until the end of the season.
Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:28 pm
It was clear to see Lambert needed support up top.. From where I was sat and from what I saw I thought Lambert is prob a bit unfit but tbh his 1st touch and control was fantastic.. Need to play to his strengths. Gunnar for me worked his socks off but was looking sluggish 60mins in, thought Whitts again played fairly well but we need a creative midfielder who ain't afraid to faint and beat a man (successfully and consistently)
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