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Who gets your vote on July 4th?

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Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 6:46 am

Sven wrote:Always going to be vast majority Labour on here (a Wales-based Forum) but this will be the election of a generation, so careful consideration required

I don't have an allegiance to any given political party; preferring instead to judge on deed and substance

For me, Tony Blair was the last 'in a generation' Prime Minister but he mucked it up big-time with the Iraq War and the broken promises he made

Since he went, the Tories have pretty much ruled the roost, aided by Labour's Jeremy Corbyn's inelectibility

Since then, we have had Boris, Covid, Theresa May, Ukraine and other major issues, which all threw our country's economy into array

I'm no supporter of Rishi Sunak but I do believe he has taken tough decisions that are slowly but surely pulling our economy back on course

So the question for me is 'Do I trust Sunak to finish the recovery job'? Or, 'Do I trust Labour to take over the running of our country and do a better job?'

It's a toughy for me and undecided, as the Tories will always pander to the so-called elite (rich) but Labour, in the main, have rarely delivered when they are in power

Either way, in Wales, my one little vote won't make a difference but I will post it; I'm just not sure where yet

Sven, I know the historical perception is Tories pander to the elite. But under Cameron and Johnson (and Rishi was his chancellor) the Tories have been more socialist than any Labour governments I’ve lived under. They’ve taxed the bollox out of anyone earning more than £40k or so. We’re taxed the highest now since WW11 recovery taxation, and spent sh*t loads on woke and ego causes and benefits. So I can’t see what Labour can claim to do that they haven’t, other than give more away.
It’s not a pretty option either way.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 7:26 am

Simplesimon wrote:
Sven wrote:Always going to be vast majority Labour on here (a Wales-based Forum) but this will be the election of a generation, so careful consideration required

I don't have an allegiance to any given political party; preferring instead to judge on deed and substance

For me, Tony Blair was the last 'in a generation' Prime Minister but he mucked it up big-time with the Iraq War and the broken promises he made

Since he went, the Tories have pretty much ruled the roost, aided by Labour's Jeremy Corbyn's inelectibility

Since then, we have had Boris, Covid, Theresa May, Ukraine and other major issues, which all threw our country's economy into array

I'm no supporter of Rishi Sunak but I do believe he has taken tough decisions that are slowly but surely pulling our economy back on course

So the question for me is 'Do I trust Sunak to finish the recovery job'? Or, 'Do I trust Labour to take over the running of our country and do a better job?'

It's a toughy for me and undecided, as the Tories will always pander to the so-called elite (rich) but Labour, in the main, have rarely delivered when they are in power

Either way, in Wales, my one little vote won't make a difference but I will post it; I'm just not sure where yet

Sven, I know the historical perception is Tories pander to the elite. But under Cameron and Johnson (and Rishi was his chancellor) the Tories have been more socialist than any Labour governments I’ve lived under. They’ve taxed the bollox out of anyone earning more than £40k or so. We’re taxed the highest now since WW11 recovery taxation, and spent sh*t loads on woke and ego causes and benefits. So I can’t see what Labour can claim to do that they haven’t, other than give more away.
It’s not a pretty option either way.

More than £50,270 someone £40,0000 would pay the same rate as someone on £12,571.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 7:37 am

RobbieS wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Labour haven't the brains to manage the economy. Their record is disastrous.
Ideally Cardiff should become a micro-state, with the Senedd moving to Gogland where it belongs.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you think the parasitic troughers down the Bay of Pigs have made wales a better place?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 7:52 am

Jock wrote:
RobbieS wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Labour haven't the brains to manage the economy. Their record is disastrous.
Ideally Cardiff should become a micro-state, with the Senedd moving to Gogland where it belongs.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you think the parasitic troughers down the Bay of Pigs have made wales a better place?

That was YET ANOTHER Blair mistake, devolution as it stands is such a huge waste of money and as we saw with Drakeford power can go to people's head.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 7:57 am


Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 9:17 am

Neither Labour nor the Tories will be getting my vote both have a crime sheet which make them unfit to govern. Plaid is just another version of Labour whilst the Greens have lost the plot and would take our cars away and ban us from leaving our homes. That only leaves Reform or the monster raving looney party.

It is hard to believe it has come to this.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 2:04 pm

Xenonbluebird wrote:Labour are the lesser of the two evils for me. With the leadership in Westminster we have had in the past 14 years. I wouldn't be surprised if the tories take a hamering in this one.

Dead right mate. The Tories have had 14 years to get it right and have messed things up time and time again. I can never forgive the Tories for partying when I couldn't visit or bury relatives who died with covid. No-one can say with any accuracy how the current Labour Party will deal with the issues facing them as this group hasn't yet had a chance in government but what we definitely know is more of the Tories balls ups is unacceptable as they have proven that can't cut it and before the blue rinse brigade start chanting what about the effects of covid and Ukraine; they weren't responsible for the Liz Truss debacle!! It's Labour all the way for me.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 4:06 pm

Blemmy.. they're supposed to tell us what they're going to do before we vote. Unfortunately, they tell lies. The Tories are shocking, but I wouldn't raise ya hopes with Labour in power. They're both poor.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 6:57 pm

Bluebina wrote:
Simplesimon wrote:
Sven wrote:Always going to be vast majority Labour on here (a Wales-based Forum) but this will be the election of a generation, so careful consideration required

I don't have an allegiance to any given political party; preferring instead to judge on deed and substance

For me, Tony Blair was the last 'in a generation' Prime Minister but he mucked it up big-time with the Iraq War and the broken promises he made

Since he went, the Tories have pretty much ruled the roost, aided by Labour's Jeremy Corbyn's inelectibility

Since then, we have had Boris, Covid, Theresa May, Ukraine and other major issues, which all threw our country's economy into array

I'm no supporter of Rishi Sunak but I do believe he has taken tough decisions that are slowly but surely pulling our economy back on course

So the question for me is 'Do I trust Sunak to finish the recovery job'? Or, 'Do I trust Labour to take over the running of our country and do a better job?'

It's a toughy for me and undecided, as the Tories will always pander to the so-called elite (rich) but Labour, in the main, have rarely delivered when they are in power

Either way, in Wales, my one little vote won't make a difference but I will post it; I'm just not sure where yet

Sven, I know the historical perception is Tories pander to the elite. But under Cameron and Johnson (and Rishi was his chancellor) the Tories have been more socialist than any Labour governments I’ve lived under. They’ve taxed the bollox out of anyone earning more than £40k or so. We’re taxed the highest now since WW11 recovery taxation, and spent sh*t loads on woke and ego causes and benefits. So I can’t see what Labour can claim to do that they haven’t, other than give more away.
It’s not a pretty option either way.

More than £50,270 someone £40,0000 would pay the same rate as someone on £12,571.

I’ll admit I’ve been a Tory voter all my life. But Looking at things in general mate. Not just the tax bands. You look at travel/petrol which we all pay. Property landlords with additional stamp and regs. Which most of them are just trying to supplement their income for retirement. Etc. a lot of stealth taxes for so many. Very insidious and creeping taxation.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 6:59 pm

niniancalled wrote:Neither Labour nor the Tories will be getting my vote both have a crime sheet which make them unfit to govern. Plaid is just another version of Labour whilst the Greens have lost the plot and would take our cars away and ban us from leaving our homes. That only leaves Reform or the monster raving looney party.

It is hard to believe it has come to this.


Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 8:10 pm

blemmy wrote:
Xenonbluebird wrote:Labour are the lesser of the two evils for me. With the leadership in Westminster we have had in the past 14 years. I wouldn't be surprised if the tories take a hamering in this one.

Dead right mate. The Tories have had 14 years to get it right and have messed things up time and time again. I can never forgive the Tories for partying when I couldn't visit or bury relatives who died with covid. No-one can say with any accuracy how the current Labour Party will deal with the issues facing them as this group hasn't yet had a chance in government but what we definitely know is more of the Tories balls ups is unacceptable as they have proven that can't cut it and before the blue rinse brigade start chanting what about the effects of covid and Ukraine; they weren't responsible for the Liz Truss debacle!! It's Labour all the way for me.

Labour had 20yrs in Wales to goven wouldn’t say its been very successful apart from smoking ban!
Better hope starmer got better idea than Labour leaders in Wales have had.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 10:09 pm

JulesK wrote:
Jock wrote:
RobbieS wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Labour haven't the brains to manage the economy. Their record is disastrous.
Ideally Cardiff should become a micro-state, with the Senedd moving to Gogland where it belongs.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you think the parasitic troughers down the Bay of Pigs have made wales a better place?

That was YET ANOTHER Blair mistake, devolution as it stands is such a huge waste of money and as we saw with Drakeford power can go to people's head.

I will never understand ‘Welsh’ people wanting to be run by the country next door. Full on beta male vibes that.

It only makes sense if you think Wales isn’t a country, and just a county of England. In which case, fair enough.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 23, 2024 10:21 pm

Sounds good. Let Wales run itself as a country and stop scrounging off the English. Let’s be Alpha Wales.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 7:00 am

tcblue wrote:
JulesK wrote:
Jock wrote:
RobbieS wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Labour haven't the brains to manage the economy. Their record is disastrous.
Ideally Cardiff should become a micro-state, with the Senedd moving to Gogland where it belongs.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you think the parasitic troughers down the Bay of Pigs have made wales a better place?

That was YET ANOTHER Blair mistake, devolution as it stands is such a huge waste of money and as we saw with Drakeford power can go to people's head.

I will never understand ‘Welsh’ people wanting to be run by the country next door. Full on beta male vibes that.

It only makes sense if you think Wales isn’t a country, and just a county of England. In which case, fair enough.

Alpha Males like Adam Price?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 8:36 am

Alpha Males like Adam Price?[/quote]

I remember him on question time a few years back and the possibility of Wales becoming a majority Muslim country came up. His response was so what?

In other words, our whole way of life would be transformed and sent back to the dark ages with women required to wear Burques and walk seven paces behind men, plus men would have to grow beards and pray seven times a day and his response was so what?

It is frightening that people like that who have so little conviction in defending our values and culture are in such influential positions.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 11:03 am

As a lifelong Conservative voter - not because I have Money or privilege , Born in a council house in Llanrumney ! :o

But, I have seen Both Conservative and Labour Governments come and Go since my early teens and as I grew up and studied the "university of Life" I matured with good ethics (I think?) and also an appreciation of other views (I think ?).

For the younger Voters, you may only have witnessed the Blair years (and that is not all sweetness and light with Iraq war, granting devolution has been a disaster, the principal that all school leavers deserve to go to university at the downgrading of apprenticeships, etc), then way back in 1979, the winter of discontent - Bins not collected for months, unions in control of even more discontent, it was shocking, really, and you think it is bad now ?

Socialist Governments have done some great things and I do think that a few of Labours policies are Good.

I do think that the Conservatives Have messed up big time within lots of areas and the biggest regret for me is that they won the election with an 82 seat majority (that does not happen very often) and could have and should have used it for major reform and to GET THINGS DONE, but instead they have been infighting and fannying around and , I agree we are now in a bad situation on most things.

Yes, Conservatives have made lots of mistakes in the past and the present, and I wish there were a credible right of centre alternative to vote for but I will grit my teeth and Vote Conservative as the alternative, which I have no doubt will be a next Labour Government, really frightens me.

Starmer and most of the front bench all hand picked on the moderate wing of the party, say the right things, don't rock the boat, etc But if/when they form a majority Government, all the left wing, hard socialists and even Communists who ARE in the background will start getting their way and as history tells us, A Labour Government will leave us in deeper shit, financially, defensively, educationally, and on most areas of Peoples lives here in UK (just look at Labour in Wales , - A Joke to us here and to the rest of the UK).

That's my take on things but I do appreciate others views.


Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 11:22 am

niniancalled wrote:

Alpha Males like Adam Price?[/quote]

I remember him on question time a few years back and the possibility of Wales becoming a majority Muslim country came up. His response was so what?

In other words, our whole way of life would be transformed and sent back to the dark ages with women required to wear Burques and walk seven paces behind men, plus men would have to grow beards and pray seven times a day and his response was so what?

It is frightening that people like that who have so little conviction in defending our values and culture are in such influential positions.[/quote]
He’ll be saying “so what” when he’s thrown off a roof.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 5:23 pm

tcblue wrote:
JulesK wrote:
Jock wrote:
RobbieS wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Labour haven't the brains to manage the economy. Their record is disastrous.
Ideally Cardiff should become a micro-state, with the Senedd moving to Gogland where it belongs.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Do you think the parasitic troughers down the Bay of Pigs have made wales a better place?

That was YET ANOTHER Blair mistake, devolution as it stands is such a huge waste of money and as we saw with Drakeford power can go to people's head.

I will never understand ‘Welsh’ people wanting to be run by the country next door. Full on beta male vibes that.

It only makes sense if you think Wales isn’t a country, and just a county of England. In which case, fair enough.

Being 100% Welsh/ Ancient Briton IF you read the post it clearly says * AS IT STANDS *, I am all for self rule but by the career politicians down the Bay? Nah.
Self indulgent, greedy,bent, Prima Donnas who will bend to any Wokism to look good.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 5:39 pm

How ate we going to pay for independence? Plus how many labour AMs will the party decide is needed to run country.... way labour as stiched up voting they will be permanent encombants of the glass house very scary thought.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 5:53 pm

100% Ancient Britons don't exist.. you'll likely have some Arab and Viking in there somewhere.
Wales could easily afford to be independent al. It means everyone would have to work, but that would never do for the scroungers or the Labour Party.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 6:04 pm

rumpo kid wrote:100% Ancient Britons don't exist.. you'll likely have some Arab and Viking in there somewhere.
Wales could easily afford to be independent al. It means everyone would have to work, but that would never do for the scroungers or the Labour Party.

I'm not working will go on strike! Seriously where would income come from ? Only worthwhile thing would be tax on everything! But the scary thing is labour no matter how bad they are won't be able to be removed from office they're changing boundaries changing the way people vote and all this will give them absolute control of who people vote for THEM!!!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 24, 2024 6:37 pm

rumpo kid wrote:100% Ancient Britons don't exist.. you'll likely have some Arab and Viking in there somewhere.
Wales could easily afford to be independent al. It means everyone would have to work, but that would never do for the scroungers or the Labour Party.

Nonesense, the British are an easily identified group using DNA testing. We do exist and should be protected from the effects of immigration. For example, an Oxford demogrphics expert has predicted the native British are set to become a minority by 2060, why isn't this discussed by the media or politicians? It's so wrong.
All the parties on offer are terrible, Conservatives have repeatedly lied about immigration levels and have overseen record levels of immigration.
Reform Party are the best of a bad bunch but they aren't great.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sat May 25, 2024 9:38 pm

Always amazing how parties in opposition have the answers to all the countries woes and yet when they get into power nothing ever works, things go to rat shit and suddenly then the new opposition have all the answers again.
Having said that, Labour will be a disaster. Again.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 7:48 am

Carpe Diem wrote:Always amazing how parties in opposition have the answers to all the countries woes and yet when they get into power nothing ever works, things go to rat shit and suddenly then the new opposition have all the answers again.
Having said that, Labour will be a disaster. Again.

I'm in the camp of we need new direction away from what we know.

This island will never elect a left wing socialist Government that would be led by the likes of Kinnock and Corbyn. The right of centre ground under Thatchet and then Blair perhaps is the most comfortable areas us British like. I've got to admit I feel most comfortable there but not under a majority Government. That's a recipe for exploitation and that is what we have suffered since the turn of the century.

I've preached a parliament of about 200 Independents which I believe will at least give the people its say. I know its wishful thinking but I live in hope. I could never vote for any of the main parties.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 8:57 am

Politically I am lost. None of them represent me.

On the main policies I am probably closer to reform, but no way can i vote for those loonies. No one should be paying income tax on less £20K, then you can get rid of a chunk of the inwork benefits.

It should be easier to migrate to the country but based on locality, not the UK and it should be fixed term until. If you complete that term without committing crime and work, you should have citizenship. Illegal migrants need to be sent to whatever country you come from immediately, you just left the EU which is very safe and accommodating.

Brexit has been a disaster, whether you voted for it or not the country is incapable of doing anything itself, the same as Germany,France, Italy and Spain, they just realise it, so share the responsibility of non achievements and fudging every issue.

The devolved governments are just wasteful and pointless. We either all have regional parliaments and scrap the House of Lords and make parliament federal or scrap the regional governments.

The NHS needs a totally different model. None of them are brave enough to do anything, but most corporations have private healthcare nowadays so its two-tier anyway and doesn't affect those in charge.

The Blair education, education, education failed so much his son is a millionaire from forming a skill-based academy .
The first thing I do when i look at a graduate's CV is to see what university they attended. That wasn't the intent, but academically the top 10% are still the top 10% and the Universities know what the schools are sending them. We need to get back to skills-based apprenticeships with city & Guild or Btec higher.

The Tories have messed it up and Boris proved he was unfit for office and really a liberal. No normal person would have voted for Truss with the tories totally forgotting they work for us and need to win votes ever four or five years.

We are having Starmer, hopefully with a decent majority so the left wing has no say whatsoever. He will be thinking of a second term so won't go to radical. The tories will tear themselves to shreds and be no opposition for three years.

I am glad it only six week away and the Euro's will be in full swing.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 9:14 am

llan bluebird wrote:Politically I am lost. None of them represent me.

On the main policies I am probably closer to reform, but no way can i vote for those loonies. No one should be paying income tax on less £20K, then you can get rid of a chunk of the inwork benefits.

It should be easier to migrate to the country but based on locality, not the UK and it should be fixed term until. If you complete that term without committing crime and work, you should have citizenship. Illegal migrants need to be sent to whatever country you come from immediately, you just left the EU which is very safe and accommodating.

Brexit has been a disaster, whether you voted for it or not the country is incapable of doing anything itself, the same as Germany,France, Italy and Spain, they just realise it, so share the responsibility of non achievements and fudging every issue.

The devolved governments are just wasteful and pointless. We either all have regional parliaments and scrap the House of Lords and make parliament federal or scrap the regional governments.

The NHS needs a totally different model. None of them are brave enough to do anything, but most corporations have private healthcare nowadays so its two-tier anyway and doesn't affect those in charge.

The Blair education, education, education failed so much his son is a millionaire from forming a skill-based academy .
The first thing I do when i look at a graduate's CV is to see what university they attended. That wasn't the intent, but academically the top 10% are still the top 10% and the Universities know what the schools are sending them. We need to get back to skills-based apprenticeships with city & Guild or Btec higher.

The Tories have messed it up and Boris proved he was unfit for office and really a liberal. No normal person would have voted for Truss with the tories totally forgotting they work for us and need to win votes ever four or five years.

We are having Starmer, hopefully with a decent majority so the left wing has no say whatsoever. He will be thinking of a second term so won't go to radical. The tories will tear themselves to shreds and be no opposition for three years.

I am glad it only six week away and the Euro's will be in full swing.

That's a pretty good assessment. Just as the hard left made Labour unelectable so the so the far right Tory MP's are doing the same to their government.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 9:20 am

Carpe Diem wrote:Always amazing how parties in opposition have the answers to all the countries woes and yet when they get into power nothing ever works, things go to rat shit and suddenly then the new opposition have all the answers again.
Having said that, Labour will be a disaster. Again.

Absolutely Spot on.

Plus Conservative were nothing but Shit and lies just like our Hierarchy.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 9:24 am

We cant afford another corrupt tory government :banghead:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 10:22 am

Always wondered why Keir starmers COVID party was deemed not a party..and he was indoors...and Boris party in the garden was the worst ever... both reform this time...a massive change is needed if only to stir the pot..the labour and Tory socialists have been around too long and take everybody for granted

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 5:08 pm

litoblues wrote:Always wondered why Keir starmers COVID party was deemed not a party..and he was indoors...and Boris party in the garden was the worst ever... both reform this time...a massive change is needed if only to stir the pot..the labour and Tory socialists have been around too long and take everybody for granted
