Cardiff City Forum

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Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:43 am

Underhill1927 wrote:Take race out if it, a man in a position of power kicked a man in the head while he was down. If you think that’s acceptable then there’s something wrong with you.

I’m all for force where needed but that was unnecessary force.

I wonder if you’d all be saying the same thing had it been one of our fans getting kicked in the head and not a supposed “invader”. I doubt it very much.

It was there solicitor bringing the racist card into it not me the guy on the ground had a hand free if you look at tge footage he may the copper may not have wanted to grab him with his arm as he could have grabbed his gun
You could turn it also on its head
Yousaying we would be up in arms if it was a cardiff fan
If this guy had broke your missis nose for no reason you would have given him i right good talking to
and he was
about to get up again off the ground you would have talked him down again by telling he was a naughty boy.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:44 am

The ex copper who called police racist should be prosecuted for inciting hatred? Got more protests about police racism if he said nothing wouldn't be having such protests...

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:34 am

montyblue wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:Take race out if it, a man in a position of power kicked a man in the head while he was down. If you think that’s acceptable then there’s something wrong with you.

I’m all for force where needed but that was unnecessary force.

I wonder if you’d all be saying the same thing had it been one of our fans getting kicked in the head and not a supposed “invader”. I doubt it very much.

It was there solicitor bringing the racist card into it not me the guy on the ground had a hand free if you look at tge footage he may the copper may not have wanted to grab him with his arm as he could have grabbed his gun
You could turn it also on its head
Yousaying we would be up in arms if it was a cardiff fan
If this guy had broke your missis nose for no reason you would have given him i right good talking to
and he was
about to get up again off the ground you would have talked him down again by telling he was a naughty boy.

I’m not a paid and supposedly trusted policeman. If I did it I’d expect to be reprimanded too.

I’m not naive enough to know it’s a stressful job and situations like this, emotions are running high but unless there is a grave threat, kicking a man while he’s done is never acceptable

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:42 am

If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:52 pm

litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:42 pm

I am so disappointed in the police , they should have kicked him harder and for longer .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:57 pm

MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:31 pm

epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:07 pm

MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:21 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

There’s a lot of money in the racial grift.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:30 pm

Jock wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

There’s a lot of money in the racial grift.

Agree mate. A lot of money in dividing and conquering in general. That’s all we see nowadays. You’re either for something or against it, we’ve lost the middle ground, the ability to debate.

For Trump or against him
For Brexit or against it
For immigration or against it
For Labour or for Conservative

That kind of black and white thinking just leads to more conflict and lines being drawn in the sand.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:36 pm

The copper just lost it, it was like watching a coked-up Bouncer back in the day.

All this pride day,show your soft side, recruiting for quotas has made things worse, they have lost their authority. Why did they have Tazers out? They were not terrorists. Lippy, aggressive with no respect chavs, their colour/race was irrespective.

The police need a big rethink, all this taking a knee, pride day has not improved their relationships with anyone.

Nobody was in mortal danger, so it doesn't matter what happened before. The cooper will be heavily reprimanded

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:41 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:56 pm

MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:02 pm

This is the quality of coppers today.There was the rape and murder of Sarah Everard.Now this.
A Metropolitan Police officer is facing jail after he stole money belonging to a man who had died in the street.
PC Craig Carter, 51, took cash from the wallet of the unnamed victim after his death in September 2022, when it was meant to be kept as evidence.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:05 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

It's already been said that it wasn't a terrorist attack but I think most would agree that it probably was. Another cover up!

I certainly wouldn't argue with your "deranged" comment.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:24 pm

MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

It's already been said that it wasn't a terrorist attack but I think most would agree that it probably was. Another cover up!

I certainly wouldn't argue with your "deranged" comment.

If it turns out to be racially motivated then of course I’ll condemn it completely (not saying that I don’t already of course).

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:31 pm

NP20BLUE wrote:Its about time, maybe if so called citizens of this country and in this i include white British scum who have no respect for the law, thought this is what they would get back if they assault emergency workers they would think twice. Lets just remember one of his colleagues a female one at that had her nose broken in whatever incident lead to this, we can all see our country descending into lawlessness tough times require tough action.

It started on plane the men's mother was in argument with a passenger on flight it carried on after left baggage the mother was hurt when a trolley was pushed into her the sons got involved police intervened then they attacked police ...... the one kicking the bloke was filmed pepper spraying a man about 10mins earlier so incident was about 15mins long...

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:34 pm

stickywicket wrote:This is the quality of coppers today.There was the rape and murder of Sarah Everard.Now this.
A Metropolitan Police officer is facing jail after he stole money belonging to a man who had died in the street.
PC Craig Carter, 51, took cash from the wallet of the unnamed victim after his death in September 2022, when it was meant to be kept as evidence.

Its just piss poor policing. The salary has gone, the perks have gone, and promotions are based upon characteristics rather than deeds. I have a few friends who have hit 55 and retired or gone a little earlier, they just shake their heads at this.

These would be firearms trained, these are meant to be psychologically sound.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:11 pm

The Police, just like members of the public, may use reasonable force. This has to be proportionate and justified and within the realms of the law. No matter how much provocation the Officer's faced, they are not allowed within the law to use force when it is not justified and proportinate. Kicking someone to the head when the are on the floor handcuffed can not be justified. I expect the Officer to be sacked and served a term of imprisonment. Hopefully, the scumbag who broke the female officer's nose will also receive a custodial sentence.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:25 pm

If you kick off in an airport of all places and break a female coppers nose you deserve to be kicked in the head .

I notice the BLM lot were quickly out in Manchester . Let’s take a knee for the poor tw*t .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:27 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

It's already been said that it wasn't a terrorist attack but I think most would agree that it probably was. Another cover up!

I certainly wouldn't argue with your "deranged" comment.

If it turns out to be racially motivated then of course I’ll condemn it completely (not saying that I don’t already of course).

It sounds to me that you believe everything the corrupt media tells you and that's why this and most other western countries will eventually fall to islamic power. You and millions of others need to open your eyes, this is just the beginning.........

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:36 pm

MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

It's already been said that it wasn't a terrorist attack but I think most would agree that it probably was. Another cover up!

I certainly wouldn't argue with your "deranged" comment.

If it turns out to be racially motivated then of course I’ll condemn it completely (not saying that I don’t already of course).

It sounds to me that you believe everything the corrupt media tells you and that's why this and most other western countries will eventually fall to islamic power. You and millions of others need to open your eyes, this is just the beginning.........

Agree mike

Some people really need to smell the coffee and see the bigger picture
as to how thinks are turning but some are to wrapped up with been mr pc

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:03 pm

I don’t think it was a racist attack but there is no need to stamp on someone’s head. If it was racist then he’s a tosser.

The guy was obviously dangerous and would have been shot in many countries for allegedly punching a WPC and attacking other officers and terrifying families at an airport.

He let his colleagues and the force down for the stamp on the guy after the kick.

Many of us have seen OTT police behaviour at the football so I have little sympathy for over vioilent law enforcement officers.

The huge thing for me is how there is hardly any footage of what started this and then, more disturbingly, there is so much coverage for this when Khaled Hussein reportedly tried to murder a uniformed British soldier in a potential terror attack allegedly influenced by Anjem Choudary. Insane! And I’m a bloody lefty.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:17 pm

Fergy1927 wrote:I don’t think it was a racist attack but there is no need to stamp on someone’s head. If it was racist then he’s a tosser.

The guy was obviously dangerous and would have been shot in many countries for allegedly punching a WPC and attacking other officers and terrifying families at an airport.

He let his colleagues and the force down for the stamp on the guy after the kick.

Many of us have seen OTT police behaviour at the football so I have little sympathy for over vioilent law enforcement officers.

The huge thing for me is how there is hardly any footage of what started this and then, more disturbingly, there is so much coverage for this when Khaled Hussein reportedly tried to murder a uniformed British soldier in a potential terror attack allegedly influenced by Anjem Choudary. Insane! And I’m a bloody lefty.

Exactly mate. People need to wake up and see what's happening before it's too f**king late, cos that's not far off.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:26 pm

Fergy1927 wrote:I don’t think it was a racist attack but there is no need to stamp on someone’s head. If it was racist then he’s a tosser.

The guy was obviously dangerous and would have been shot in many countries for allegedly punching a WPC and attacking other officers and terrifying families at an airport.

He let his colleagues and the force down for the stamp on the guy after the kick.

Many of us have seen OTT police behaviour at the football so I have little sympathy for over vioilent law enforcement officers.

The huge thing for me is how there is hardly any footage of what started this and then, more disturbingly, there is so much coverage for this when Khaled Hussein reportedly tried to murder a uniformed British soldier in a potential terror attack allegedly influenced by Anjem Choudary. Insane! And I’m a bloody lefty.

There is coverage of the whole incident at airport but police only showed it to internal complaints department to distressing for family To see it for now .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:39 pm

Anybody who defies the Police, and actually physically assaults them, AT AN AIRPORT, is very lucky to be alive right now.

You wokeists need to get a grip if you actually believe in law and order in our country.

I don't give a flying f**k what your nationality is, if you kick off, for whatever reason, and take out an officer of the law, you should be shot dead.

Look forward to your holidays in Spain guys, hopefully the Police will protect you at the airport from the next crazy extremists coming, and they are coming, mark my words. :bluebird:

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:46 pm

[quote="TheHangedMan"]Anybody who defies the Police, and actually physically assaults them,is very lucky to be alive right now.
Using that approach there would 1000s of dead football fans lying about :bluescarf:

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:13 am

pembroke allan wrote:
Fergy1927 wrote:I don’t think it was a racist attack but there is no need to stamp on someone’s head. If it was racist then he’s a tosser.

The guy was obviously dangerous and would have been shot in many countries for allegedly punching a WPC and attacking other officers and terrifying families at an airport.

He let his colleagues and the force down for the stamp on the guy after the kick.

Many of us have seen OTT police behaviour at the football so I have little sympathy for over vioilent law enforcement officers.

The huge thing for me is how there is hardly any footage of what started this and then, more disturbingly, there is so much coverage for this when Khaled Hussein reportedly tried to murder a uniformed British soldier in a potential terror attack allegedly influenced by Anjem Choudary. Insane! And I’m a bloody lefty.

There is coverage of the whole incident at airport but police only showed it to internal complaints department to distressing for family To see it for now .

Thanks for your reply mate. I know there must be coverage out there (bodycam, CCTV and public phone videos). I was just wondering why the initial incident where the police were allegedly attacked wasn’t shown online in news reports to give context (not excusing the stamping on someone’s head). I see your point though. Seeing your family member punched in the pace or attacked at work would be traumatic.

I’ve witnessed coppers being out of order many times but most normal policemen are trying to be fair (unlike the one that went for me at the FA Cup Millwall game away at Cold Blow Lane in the 80s when I was a 14-year-old for absolutely no reason). The footage I see doesn’t give any reason about what started the whole thing. I’m sure it will come out though.

It’s weird how so many coppers treat people so different depending on where you are and what you are peacefully doing. South Yorkshire Police and the Met come to mind! Some might unfairly treat us travelling football fans whilst others like the woman who cornered the knife wielding crazy bloke in London not that long ago, are absolute heroes. Then you had some football coppers who seemed absolutely intent on stopping trouble plus protecting others like the late PC Insole. It is weird thinking back how you could be in a random town on your way to an away game and be sitting having a pint in an out of the way boozer and old potato head would walk through the door and say alright lads! RIP..

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 5:18 am

Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
Underhill1927 wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
epping blue wrote:
MikeO76 wrote:
litoblues wrote:If u kick off in any airport in the world..then you should expect to be smashed..they are trained to bring them down in anyway possible..funny how this gets so much more attention and scrutiny than the soldier that was brutally stabbed to death

There's certainly no mention of the attack on the soldier being a racist attack. I wonder why..............

I'm not sure on the racist comparison or indeed if either of the incidents were racist. On the soldier attack there did seem an absolute desperation to have it declared as not terrorism related and the speed with which the attacker was declared mentally ill was at least questionable. Of course he may have already had a diagnosis. Its becoming the get out of Jail card.

Anthony Esan, a black Muslim from Nigeria stabs a white British soldier several times in an unprovoked attack and you think it's not race related........ I beg to differ!

So you get into a fight with a black guy when you’re out drinking and as you’re white and he’s black it’s automatically race related?

The sooner we move on from all this race baiting the better. There are good people in the world and there are f*cking idiots. No matter what race you are.

Anthony Esan and the British soldier were not out drinking and did not get into a fight.....a very poor comparison at best and an insult to that poor soldier.

Do you agree or not that a terrorist attack by an Asian or black islamic person on a historically white nation is racist? I know and you know that if it was the other way round it 100% would be!

Until the motive behind the attack is known I see it as a deranged man attacking a soldier. To make it automatically about race is a mistake in my opinion.

It's already been said that it wasn't a terrorist attack but I think most would agree that it probably was. Another cover up!

I certainly wouldn't argue with your "deranged" comment.

If it turns out to be racially motivated then of course I’ll condemn it completely (not saying that I don’t already of course).

The rent a gob ex copper, who Sly TV wheeled out, was asked if there was a racial element to the incident, he said he THOUGHT there was. The vile race grifting piece of shite. Yet the Islamist who tried to murder an unarmed British Soldier was simply unwell. The double standard is beyond absurd now.
The parasites who see everything through a racial lense are causing horrendous harm to our society, I fear its irreparable, hope I’m wrong but honestly I could weep for what my grandkids are going to have to live with.