Cardiff City Forum

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Re: The Iron Lady

Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:06 pm

Midfield general wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Midfield general wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Midfield general wrote:Well some would say that Blair killed millions so surely more people should be hoping for him to be dead before her ?

Whatever Blair did (& I agree he is a war criminal) that doesn't absolve Thatcher for the terrible pain and hardship she imposed on the working class, whilst at the same time making multi-millionaires of her City friends.

Also give the working classes the opportunity to buy their council homes

Well those who had JOBS had an oppotunity to buy their council homes so that strickly limited the numbers who could benefit.

Also that policy destroyed the stock of affordable social housing (which we have never recovered from) and let's be frank she only introduced that policy because she hoped to suddenly turn whole council estates into Tory voters.

Tony if you go into any council estate you can tell which one are privately owned because the owners look after them far better. Labour have had 13 years in power and still haven't improved the housing stock and some would say even made it worse by giving no-UK nationals housing before local people

That is absolute rubbish. The difference is that the ones who own their houses tend to have a bit more money and because of that they pay for all the improvements themselves.

Whereas with the council houses any improvements made to them are contracted by the councils to the lowest bidder and they tend to be cowboys that do as little work as they can.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:39 am

The selling off of council houses was one of Thatchers biggest scams.
It wasnt to give the working classes more pride blah blah blah...

It was so the banks could dish out millions of mortgages and make
trillions of pounds.

And so Thatcher could slash the budgets to Local Authority's

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:05 am

Midfield general wrote:
taffyapple wrote:The selling off of council houses was one of Thatchers biggest scams.
It wasnt to give the working classes more pride blah blah blah...

It was so the banks could dish out millions of mortgages and make
trillions of pounds.

And so Thatcher could slash the budgets to Local Authority's

Is that not a good thing or would you like paying far more Council tax than you already are..?


Do you have any examples of Local Authoritys lowering the rate of Council tax
following budget cuts. Are you REALLY a councillor??

The council house sell-off was part of the sinking of Britain. EVERYBODY could get a
mortgage, but there were over 3 million unemployed and Thatcher was encouraging
businesses to f**k the unions off and pay shite wages. THEN... up through the roof
went the interest rates.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:10 am

Midfield general wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:Was born in the 90s so don't know much bout her, but I was told she was the worst PM ever in britains history, worse than this clown in charge.

Best PM since Churchill

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You half come out with some peaches sometimes. :lol: :lol:

Fact is she sold the countries assets - assets that were built up by previous governments. She sold them all and then certain parts of the UK, mainly the south east, went on a big party booze up on the money she raised. Now though all that money has gone and we no longer have the assets to show for it. How much is your gas bill going up this year? Money that will now go to overseas share owners rather than being pumped back in to this country. Genius that was.

I'd like to she her in her very own Big Brother house now with cameras 24 - 7. Then we could she her dribbling and pooing herself. Great watching that. :lol: :lol: Oh and I'll give her the same compassion as she showed her victims.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:03 pm

Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:08 pm

blueheaven wrote:
Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

I don't care how un-PC that statement is, it gets a :ayatollah: from me

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:17 pm

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
blueheaven wrote:
Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

I don't care how un-PC that statement is, it gets a :ayatollah: from me

Thanks I thought better than wishing her dead ;) :ayatollah:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:22 pm

blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:37 pm

Sounds like a good film but politics put me to sleep there all out for themselfs and f**k what the people want who live in are country :ayatollah:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:34 pm

Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

That maybe a true statement but perhaps they thought the Argies would not actually do it :o

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:14 am

Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:34 am

Iron Lady.........wasn't sure if it was a film or an order. ;)

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:54 am

really good film watched it on the weekend
there are some really emotional parts in it and really makes you think
im not a political person so never really have opinions of the past
but i am a military man
you can never criticise thatcher for the falklands
otherwise you should criticise the Americans for going to war with Japan after Pearl Harbour
the sinking of the Belgrano though always will be controversial because it was outside of the exclusion zone and steaming away from the zone it did start the end of the war and there for a justifiable action
for the people criticising her for killing soldiers, sailors and airman this is what these people do for a living and though the loss of any serviceman should be grieved and respected they are considered acceptable losses

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:49 am

blueheaven wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Avoid all out war ?? War was already started when the Argies invaded. The fact that a cruel regime used under age conscripts has nothing to do with it, no diplomacy would of kicked them off the island you know that. As for our Boys not wanting to be there ??? Well they got the chance to do what they were trained to do. They joined to fight and even though you may deny it that is the truth, the fact a lot of them lost there lives is extremely sad but they are our islands and the inhabitants want to be part of the UK. And we were right to kick them off our islands

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:03 am

I really want to see this film, and I hardly ever go to the cinema. I am not a Thatcher-supporter, but she was certainly a stronger leader than the people in politics in the UK currently (not just referring to the tory party). So I am interested to see how Streep plays her, and she is a great actress, so I am positive she will do a good job.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:18 am

Midfield general wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:Was born in the 90s so don't know much bout her, but I was told she was the worst PM ever in britains history, worse than this clown in charge.

Best PM since Churchill

oooh yes

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:13 pm

Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Avoid all out war ?? War was already started when the Argies invaded. The fact that a cruel regime used under age conscripts has nothing to do with it, no diplomacy would of kicked them off the island you know that. As for our Boys not wanting to be there ??? Well they got the chance to do what they were trained to do. They joined to fight and even though you may deny it that is the truth, the fact a lot of them lost there lives is extremely sad but they are our islands and the inhabitants want to be part of the UK. And we were right to kick them off our islands

Thatcher wanted that War. She needed it. Sinking the Belgrano backed
Galtieri into a corner leaving him no choice except to enter a war he
knew he could not win.

As for our soldiers?

RIP every one of them

But as you say, they got to do what they trained for. They were chomping at the bit
to get stuck in. My own lad has done Afghan 3 times and is getting out in the next
two months to do Maritime Security. But he's already said that if the Falklands kicks
off, he'll stay in. Daft bugger :lol: But thats the mentality of the lads who wear the
uniform. they like a fight.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:18 pm

The film is seen through his eyes and shows nothing of the devastation it left behind which we see to this day film totally biased. It is undoubtedly an evil and wish him the most painful death imaginable and can it then remains in turmoil.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:53 pm

taffyapple wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Avoid all out war ?? War was already started when the Argies invaded. The fact that a cruel regime used under age conscripts has nothing to do with it, no diplomacy would of kicked them off the island you know that. As for our Boys not wanting to be there ??? Well they got the chance to do what they were trained to do. They joined to fight and even though you may deny it that is the truth, the fact a lot of them lost there lives is extremely sad but they are our islands and the inhabitants want to be part of the UK. And we were right to kick them off our islands

Thatcher wanted that War. She needed it. Sinking the Belgrano backed
Galtieri into a corner leaving him no choice except to enter a war he
knew he could not win.

As for our soldiers?

RIP every one of them

But as you say, they got to do what they trained for. They were chomping at the bit
to get stuck in. My own lad has done Afghan 3 times and is getting out in the next
two months to do Maritime Security. But he's already said that if the Falklands kicks
off, he'll stay in. Daft bugger :lol: But thats the mentality of the lads who wear the
uniform. they like a fight.

i know your not thatchers biggest fans but rewriting history to suit your hatred is a bit strong
now i was born in 1984 but as I understand it Argentina invaded The Falkland Islands so they started the war, yes most controversially the Americans and Europe pleaded with Thatcher to settle things diplomatically, but the Americans had some cheek saying the Falklands are not worth going to war over after the events of 1942 at Pearl Harbour but one rule for one another rule for another.
The sinking of the Belgrano though controversial ended the Naval war and allowed ground operations to begin
The sinking of the Belgrano sent the entire Argentinian Navy back to port
Thatcher didnt start the war the Argentinians did to say otherwise is just idiotic
as for the rest of your post i completely agree.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:09 pm

JONNY012697 wrote:
taffyapple wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Avoid all out war ?? War was already started when the Argies invaded. The fact that a cruel regime used under age conscripts has nothing to do with it, no diplomacy would of kicked them off the island you know that. As for our Boys not wanting to be there ??? Well they got the chance to do what they were trained to do. They joined to fight and even though you may deny it that is the truth, the fact a lot of them lost there lives is extremely sad but they are our islands and the inhabitants want to be part of the UK. And we were right to kick them off our islands

Thatcher wanted that War. She needed it. Sinking the Belgrano backed
Galtieri into a corner leaving him no choice except to enter a war he
knew he could not win.

As for our soldiers?

RIP every one of them

But as you say, they got to do what they trained for. They were chomping at the bit
to get stuck in. My own lad has done Afghan 3 times and is getting out in the next
two months to do Maritime Security. But he's already said that if the Falklands kicks
off, he'll stay in. Daft bugger :lol: But thats the mentality of the lads who wear the
uniform. they like a fight.

i know your not thatchers biggest fans but rewriting history to suit your hatred is a bit strong
now i was born in 1984 but as I understand it Argentina invaded The Falkland Islands so they started the war, yes most controversially the Americans and Europe pleaded with Thatcher to settle things diplomatically, but the Americans had some cheek saying the Falklands are not worth going to war over after the events of 1942 at Pearl Harbour but one rule for one another rule for another.
The sinking of the Belgrano though controversial ended the Naval war and allowed ground operations to begin
The sinking of the Belgrano sent the entire Argentinian Navy back to port
Thatcher didnt start the war the Argentinians did to say otherwise is just idiotic
as for the rest of your post i completely agree.

Idiotic? Argentina invaded. correct. rightly or wrongly, they believed
those Islands to be theirs. They were gagging for an option to avoid
all out war... This is just an example of the Belgrano issue, and of
the Prime Ministers arrogance and refusal to answer questions...

This was Thatcher ducking the issue

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:18 pm

JONNY012697 wrote:
taffyapple wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Not going to get in a huge argument and yes the Argentines had invaded the Falklands which triggered the crisis however attempts were being made to broker a diplomatic solution but once the Belgrano was sunk there was no way the Argentiniams would back down and all out war was inevitable which is exactly what Thatcher and the tories wanted.

With regards to be regarded as a traitor i also knew boys who served in the Falklands and i supported them has i have always supported our forces in any conflict. However one of the boys who was out in the Falklands told me in many cases they were fighting against Argentinian conscripts some who were has young has 15 and basically the soldiers on both sides didn't want to be there but were pawns in a politically motivated war.

With regards the miners i agree about your comments that Scargill was also responsible for the miners strike but Thatcher was determined to smash the Unions come what may and didn't give a damm for anyone else and the suffering she caused has i said an heartless cow and i hope she suffers until the day she finally expires :twisted:

Avoid all out war ?? War was already started when the Argies invaded. The fact that a cruel regime used under age conscripts has nothing to do with it, no diplomacy would of kicked them off the island you know that. As for our Boys not wanting to be there ??? Well they got the chance to do what they were trained to do. They joined to fight and even though you may deny it that is the truth, the fact a lot of them lost there lives is extremely sad but they are our islands and the inhabitants want to be part of the UK. And we were right to kick them off our islands

Thatcher wanted that War. She needed it. Sinking the Belgrano backed
Galtieri into a corner leaving him no choice except to enter a war he
knew he could not win.

As for our soldiers?

RIP every one of them

But as you say, they got to do what they trained for. They were chomping at the bit
to get stuck in. My own lad has done Afghan 3 times and is getting out in the next
two months to do Maritime Security. But he's already said that if the Falklands kicks
off, he'll stay in. Daft bugger :lol: But thats the mentality of the lads who wear the
uniform. they like a fight.

i know your not thatchers biggest fans but rewriting history to suit your hatred is a bit strong
now i was born in 1984 but as I understand it Argentina invaded The Falkland Islands so they started the war, yes most controversially the Americans and Europe pleaded with Thatcher to settle things diplomatically, but the Americans had some cheek saying the Falklands are not worth going to war over after the events of 1942 at Pearl Harbour but one rule for one another rule for another.
The sinking of the Belgrano though controversial ended the Naval war and allowed ground operations to begin
The sinking of the Belgrano sent the entire Argentinian Navy back to port
Thatcher didnt start the war the Argentinians did to say otherwise is just idiotic
as for the rest of your post i completely agree.

Idiotic? Argentina invaded. correct. rightly or wrongly, they believed
those Islands to be theirs. They were gagging for an option to avoid
all out war... This is just an example of the Belgrano issue, and of
the Prime Ministers arrogance and refusal to answer questions...

This was Thatcher ducking the issue[/quote]

they still invaded our territory and I dont care how far away it is from Britain we have the right and a duty to protect those Islands
and ill be damned if the loses from my family are waved away because you believe we should have backed down be all nicey nicey and ended it diplomatically and admit defeat. The Belgrano's tactics through the entire war was sneak into the exclusion zone to launch its weapons and sneak back out. The sinking of the Belgrano ended the Naval war and to be honest i dont care where it was. If the Argentinians didnt have the back bone to fight they shouldnt have started the war in the first place.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:32 pm

Nuclearblue wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

That maybe a true statement but perhaps they thought the Argies would not actually do it :o

The Argies only wanted the Falklands due to the oil in the seas. Oil is a main reason for war, just ask us and our american friends.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:38 pm

Midfield general wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

That maybe a true statement but perhaps they thought the Argies would not actually do it :o

The Argies only wanted the Falklands due to the oil in the seas. Oil is a main reason for war, just ask us and our american friends.

No-one has known about Oil in the Falklands until very recently and at the moment its too difficult to drill out. Trust me as I have shares in Falklands Oil and Gas and its not looking good :cry:

Well, looks like another Tory PM could be dealing with another Falkland war, bloody argies trade blocking it, got all of south america's backing to. Saying that, I think the Prince is going there for training, no doubt he will be heavily guarded, dont do anything stupid argentina. :D Slight bit off topic from what you said I know. :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:42 pm

Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

no she couldnt the military budget was cut and cut the fleet in the falklands leaving it wide open, though the defence review deemed the risk of invasion of the falklands to be minimal at best. The fact the Argentinians invaded came as a complete shock and saw Britain off guard

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:42 pm

Midfield general wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:The Argies only wanted the Falklands due to the oil in the seas. Oil is a main reason for war, just ask us and our american friends.

No-one has known about Oil in the Falklands until very recently and at the moment its too difficult to drill out. Trust me as I have shares in Falklands Oil and Gas and its not looking good :cry:

Well, looks like another Tory PM could be dealing with another Falkland war, bloody argies trade blocking it, got all of south america's backing to. Saying that, I think the Prince is going there for training, no doubt he will be heavily guarded, dont do anything stupid argentina. :D Slight bit off topic from what you said I know. :lol:[/quote]

My cousin is based down there with 2,500 others as he's in the armed forces and he said that they aren't as much of a threat than what we are to believe.[/quote]

Never thought they were, Brazil is the country to look out for. ;) Their economy is booming and I think they are chucking alot of money to their defence.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:43 pm

JONNY012697 wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

no she couldnt the military budget was cut and cut the fleet in the falklands leaving it wide open, though the defence review deemed the risk of invasion of the falklands to be minimal at best. The fact the Argentinians invaded came as a complete shock and saw Britain off guard

I've said it before and I said it again. DONT CUT THE f*cking DEFENSE BUDGET. :evil:

Small rant over. :old:

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:49 pm

Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

no she couldnt the military budget was cut and cut the fleet in the falklands leaving it wide open, though the defence review deemed the risk of invasion of the falklands to be minimal at best. The fact the Argentinians invaded came as a complete shock and saw Britain off guard

I've said it before and I said it again. DONT CUT THE f*cking DEFENSE BUDGET. :evil:

Small rant over. :old:

easier said than done we were in the depths of the Cold War and a recession, I dont think anyone at the time would have argued a real threat in the falklands and the bigger threat came from Russia and the Soviet States, so the money was reassessed and put towards the Cold War, whoever thought some insignificant islands in the South Pacific would have been so important.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:53 pm

JONNY012697 wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
Bridgend_bluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
blueheaven wrote:Murdering Barstard who ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano despite the fact it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. Thus triggering the Falklands war and ensuring many Welsh Guards were killed and badly injured when the Argentinians bomber Bluff Cove then got re elected on the back of our 'glorious victory' in the war that she had caused :twist

She closed the pits and mobolised the police force and made sure they were well paid to hit shit out of striking miners who were protesting to try and save their jobs. Devastated communities in the S.Wales valleys and has blood on her hands because some people committed suicide has they were in utter despair. :(

Personally i hope she doesn't die any time soon but instead lives in misery sitting in her own piss and shit with spittle dribbling down her chin then on the day that she does expire i will open a bottle or 2 to celebrate the old cows passing :twisted:

You what !!! :o You say nothing of the sinking of our ships during the War and our dead. :evil: Those Argies sunk those ships and you bleat over the Belgrano f**k me what side are you on ? The evidence was suggesting it was inside the exclusion zone but any way who f*cking cares ? It was war not a bloody T party. The War was triggered by the Argies invading the Falklands and the deaths of our Lads was down to the Argies not Thatcher. I know several who served in the Falklands and if they read your remarks they would feel insulted and regard you as a traitor.
And with the miners it was Scargill as well as Thatcher that destroyed them, a joint effort by the rest of them. :evil: :evil:

Actually, Thatcher could've sent ships down before it kicked off, which led to alot of deaths.

no she couldnt the military budget was cut and cut the fleet in the falklands leaving it wide open, though the defence review deemed the risk of invasion of the falklands to be minimal at best. The fact the Argentinians invaded came as a complete shock and saw Britain off guard

I've said it before and I said it again. DONT CUT THE f*cking DEFENSE BUDGET. :evil:

Small rant over. :old:

easier said than done we were in the depths of the Cold War and a recession, I dont think anyone at the time would have argued a real threat in the falklands and the bigger threat came from Russia and the Soviet States, so the money was reassessed and put towards the Cold War, whoever thought some insignificant islands in the South Pacific would have been so important.

Not the point, we should be defending our territories no matter what. Perhaps we did know the Argies were gonna attack? Perhaps we didn't.

Re: The Iron Lady

Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:56 pm

Not sure if I'll watch the film but as for Maggie............. f*cking Bitch