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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:34 pm

GrangeEndStar wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:Spain’s Ione Belarra:

“Seeing the US Congress applauding a true terrorist, a child murderer like Netanyahu, gives me chills. That support is what allows him to do what he does. The US is as responsible as he is for the genocide.”

There are more people seeing the Zs for what they are Annis and speaking out as the genocide is 24 x 7 on our phones for the world to see.

Action is needed though, not words and immediate massive sanctions against Israel at the very least. Bibi needs to be taken out and his supporters too.

It sickens me to see the AIPAC bought-off congress licking their paymasters arse whilst children are getting shot and blown to bits as a terror genocide tactic. I'd off the lot of them.

The world has to wake up to the Zs big time and destroy their web. Difficult though as they've been so clever about it. Sly, cowardly parasites.

Paul the world sees what's happening know what's happening but no-one Arabs or usa europe are willing to say your a war criminal to him... he's publicaly said no to a two state solution something usa and rest world say needs to happen! that should be enough for usa to say right if you don't want that we stop funding you it is that simple ..... zionists are masters of world and they know it and use the haulocost as excuse after excuse to murder children. Its about time ghey got over it and stop punishing innocent civilians my mind they are as bad as nazis as want to exterminate Palestinians what's the difference between then and now? No gas chambers that's it.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:46 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
GrangeEndStar wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:Spain’s Ione Belarra:

“Seeing the US Congress applauding a true terrorist, a child murderer like Netanyahu, gives me chills. That support is what allows him to do what he does. The US is as responsible as he is for the genocide.”

There are more people seeing the Zs for what they are Annis and speaking out as the genocide is 24 x 7 on our phones for the world to see.

Action is needed though, not words and immediate massive sanctions against Israel at the very least. Bibi needs to be taken out and his supporters too.

It sickens me to see the AIPAC bought-off congress licking their paymasters arse whilst children are getting shot and blown to bits as a terror genocide tactic. I'd off the lot of them.

The world has to wake up to the Zs big time and destroy their web. Difficult though as they've been so clever about it. Sly, cowardly parasites.

Paul the world sees what's happening know what's happening but no-one Arabs or usa europe are willing to say your a war criminal to him... he's publicaly said no to a two state solution something usa and rest world say needs to happen! that should be enough for usa to say right if you don't want that we stop funding you it is that simple ..... zionists are masters of world and they know it and use the haulocost as excuse after excuse to murder children. Its about time ghey got over it and stop punishing innocent civilians my mind they are as bad as nazis as want to exterminate Palestinians what's the difference between then and now? No gas chambers that's it.

The problem is Al is that they are now so ingrained into the elementary "fabric of global society" at it's highest levels it's going to be difficult to break down. But it can be and will be done.

They are much worse than any tyrant in history and indeed were right behind some of the biggest ones. They are the global mafia on steroids and must and will be taken down and recognised for the evil that they are.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:11 pm

GrangeEndStar wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
GrangeEndStar wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:Spain’s Ione Belarra:

“Seeing the US Congress applauding a true terrorist, a child murderer like Netanyahu, gives me chills. That support is what allows him to do what he does. The US is as responsible as he is for the genocide.”

There are more people seeing the Zs for what they are Annis and speaking out as the genocide is 24 x 7 on our phones for the world to see.

Action is needed though, not words and immediate massive sanctions against Israel at the very least. Bibi needs to be taken out and his supporters too.

It sickens me to see the AIPAC bought-off congress licking their paymasters arse whilst children are getting shot and blown to bits as a terror genocide tactic. I'd off the lot of them.

The world has to wake up to the Zs big time and destroy their web. Difficult though as they've been so clever about it. Sly, cowardly parasites.

Paul the world sees what's happening know what's happening but no-one Arabs or usa europe are willing to say your a war criminal to him... he's publicaly said no to a two state solution something usa and rest world say needs to happen! that should be enough for usa to say right if you don't want that we stop funding you it is that simple ..... zionists are masters of world and they know it and use the haulocost as excuse after excuse to murder children. Its about time ghey got over it and stop punishing innocent civilians my mind they are as bad as nazis as want to exterminate Palestinians what's the difference between then and now? No gas chambers that's it.

The problem is Al is that they are now so ingrained into the elementary "fabric of global society" at it's highest levels it's going to be difficult to break down. But it can be and will be done.

They are much worse than any tyrant in history and indeed were right behind some of the biggest ones. They are the global mafia on steroids and must and will be taken down and recognised for the evil that they are.

Think his downfall will be fact he does not want two state solution? The whole eorld wants it so something will have to Israel no matter who will be in charge after Netanyahu will have to give the land back as cannot put Palestinians in a wedge of land that Netanyahu wants them to go after the conflict ...... he's so blinded by power he cannot see that he's digging his own grave slowly but surely......

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:02 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
GrangeEndStar wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
GrangeEndStar wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:Spain’s Ione Belarra:

“Seeing the US Congress applauding a true terrorist, a child murderer like Netanyahu, gives me chills. That support is what allows him to do what he does. The US is as responsible as he is for the genocide.”

There are more people seeing the Zs for what they are Annis and speaking out as the genocide is 24 x 7 on our phones for the world to see.

Action is needed though, not words and immediate massive sanctions against Israel at the very least. Bibi needs to be taken out and his supporters too.

It sickens me to see the AIPAC bought-off congress licking their paymasters arse whilst children are getting shot and blown to bits as a terror genocide tactic. I'd off the lot of them.

The world has to wake up to the Zs big time and destroy their web. Difficult though as they've been so clever about it. Sly, cowardly parasites.

Paul the world sees what's happening know what's happening but no-one Arabs or usa europe are willing to say your a war criminal to him... he's publicaly said no to a two state solution something usa and rest world say needs to happen! that should be enough for usa to say right if you don't want that we stop funding you it is that simple ..... zionists are masters of world and they know it and use the haulocost as excuse after excuse to murder children. Its about time ghey got over it and stop punishing innocent civilians my mind they are as bad as nazis as want to exterminate Palestinians what's the difference between then and now? No gas chambers that's it.

The problem is Al is that they are now so ingrained into the elementary "fabric of global society" at it's highest levels it's going to be difficult to break down. But it can be and will be done.

They are much worse than any tyrant in history and indeed were right behind some of the biggest ones. They are the global mafia on steroids and must and will be taken down and recognised for the evil that they are.

Think his downfall will be fact he does not want two state solution? The whole eorld wants it so something will have to Israel no matter who will be in charge after Netanyahu will have to give the land back as cannot put Palestinians in a wedge of land that Netanyahu wants them to go after the conflict ...... he's so blinded by power he cannot see that he's digging his own grave slowly but surely......

His downfall is that the world has seen Bibi and the Zs for what they are. He's broken the Deception Code and the spotlight is on a tiny country committing worse or equal atrocities than any tyrant in history and they can't play the victims anymore.

He and the Zs think more false flags, assassinations, cancels and old Father Time will mean their return to the status quo but I think (hope) this is a turning point as he and they are the face of evil.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:58 pm

The new Labour Government has dropped the plan by the previous Government to object to the ICC’s decision to seek an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:10 pm

Saturday 27th July 2024


BBC are saying they can confirm that women and children were again killed today by the IDF

70% of the 40,000 Palestinian that have been killed in the last 10 months in Gaza are Woman and Children
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:35 am


UK ABANDONS Benjamin Netanyahu!

The UK Will No Longer Oppose The ICJ's Arrest Warrant of Netanyahu

— Keir Starmer's Office

This is huge.

Let’s get the Nazi Evil b*stard Arrested and put on Trial for the Slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians including 16,000 Palestinian Children
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:16 pm


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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:20 pm


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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:24 pm

The USA Congress gave 58 standing ovations for this.
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:11 pm

BREAKING: Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

“Just as the genocidal Hitler met his end, so will the genocidal Netanyahu.

Those who tried to eliminate the Palestinians will be held accountable, just like the genocidal Nazis.

Humanity will stand with the Palestinians.

You will not be able to eliminate the Palestinians.”
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:36 pm

Syrian Girl

The story of the Golan heights. It has been part of Syria for thousands of years. It held many of Syria’s ancient churches.

Then 50 years ago it was invaded by Jewish terrorists.

They started slaughtering everyone and burning the churches. All that was left was the Druze Village of Majdal Shams.

Then they moved the wife and kids in and started occupying the houses of the people they slaughtered.

That’s Israel.

When syria took back a part of the Golan in 1973, they found the city of quneitra in rubble. Syria left it in that state to remind the world of the barbaric demonic nature of the Zionist entity.

We will never forgive. Never forget.
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:55 pm

I don't know if you guys get to watch John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" show over there but this Sunday just gone was all about the West Bank & well worth a watch if you can catch it on YouTube. The show is actually titled "The West Bank".

Other than that I'm not getting involved in any discussion here because I come here for CCFC news & not to get into a political argument & get bullied if I say the wrong thing.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:32 am

Welshman in CA wrote:I don't know if you guys get to watch John Oliver's "Last Week Tonight" show over there but this Sunday just gone was all about the West Bank & well worth a watch if you can catch it on YouTube. The show is actually titled "The West Bank".

Other than that I'm not getting involved in any discussion here because I come here for CCFC news & not to get into a political argument & get bullied if I say the wrong thing.

Thanks will watch it, hopefully not made to suit Israel, but thanks

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:53 am

You didn't hear about it because the entire Western media and political class immediately memory-holed it, but Ismail Haniyeh proposed Hamas laying down arms and accepting a two-state solution months ago. Israel assassinated him because they want genocide.

They want peace , but Israel does not, they want to wipe Palestine totally out.
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:40 pm

Anwar El Ghazi:

Whilst I would sacrifice my career a million times over to stand against tyrants mercilessly killing and maiming innocent children, l am fortunate that my incarceration from doing what I love was only a matter of months. I am now ready to go again and play football at the highest level thanks to the support and love of those around me. In particular, I would like to thank my family, my friends and Nujum Sports for standing beside me and supporting me through the trials and tribulations of the last 9 months when the silence of many inside and outside football was deafening.

Finally, to the children of Gaza, I love you and will stand for you until my last breath.

Anwar with his parents at Cardiff City Stadium yesterday:
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:50 pm

Displaced children in Gaza send thank-you message to Anwar El Ghazi, Sam Morsy, Adama Traore and all players who joined yesterday’s ‘Children of Gaza’ charity game.

“From Gaza, we love you”
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:43 am

Sky finally reports some truth:

Last Nights Israel’s Nazi IDF Burnt Children alive in their beds :cry: :cry:
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:26 pm

Israel handed over 80 unidentified and decomposed bodies Palestinians to Gaza Ministry of Health today.

They had been taken away from their homes by the IDF and locked up, now all dead.

The civilians were detained by Israel and buried in a mass grave in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip.

Their body parts were stolen.

Why is this not World National News?
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:33 pm

Annis all Netanyahus supporters usa UKas well as Israelis know he is only keeping these atrocities going so that he can stay in power! Yet they just sit doing nothing but say hamas needs to come to negotiating table? Even there Netanyahu is stalling things... how can people be so stupid to support a man even his own people are despising?

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:22 am

Horrifying footage released of the IGF covering themselves with shields as they RAPE a Palestinian hostage inside the “Sde Teiman torture camp.

The poor woman was taken to hospital with a torn rectum, broken ribs, ruptured bowels and damaged lungs
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:59 am

If you said you were Jewish and went to Israel you are immediately made an Israeli Citizen.

If your Palestinian and born in Israel you can not become a Citizen of Israel

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:01 am

pembroke allan wrote:Annis all Netanyahus supporters usa UKas well as Israelis know he is only keeping these atrocities going so that he can stay in power! Yet they just sit doing nothing but say hamas needs to come to negotiating table? Even there Netanyahu is stalling things... how can people be so stupid to support a man even his own people are despising?


Your right he is only keeping this massacre continuing for himself and has Stopped Hamas making peace time and time again.

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:57 am

The month September 2023 before October 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu

Did a press conference in America and held up a map with NO PALESTINE ON IT:

Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestine did not exist.

Benjamin Netanyahu He has nothing but Blood and Massacres on his hands.

Over 40,000 Palestinians Slaughtered by him and his IDF

Over 16,000 Palestinian Children Murdered / Raped / Beheaded / Burnt alive by Benjamin Netanyahu and his IDF

Just under 10,000 Palestinian Hostages held by Benjamin Netanyahu and his IDF

150 Journalists killed by Benjamin Netanyahu

300 UN Officials killed by him

350 Doctors / Nurses killed by him
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:12 pm

Palestinians released from Ofer concentration camp, describe Israel "receiving" new hostages by stripping them to their underwear, putting them in a tiny room, and blasting them with extremely loud music and a very powerful current of air. This goes on for 1-3 days.
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:58 am



Over 16,000 Palestinian Children had futures and Dreams

Israel’s Nazi IDF took it from everyone of them
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:25 am

Annis the world are treating Israel as if they're above the laws of humanity? Another atrocity this morning and as bbc commentator said yet again IDF say hamas command centre was targeted with everything done to mitigate civilian casualties? The truth is they just bomb any target they like and use same excuse without evidence! Like all their atrocities they will look into it themselves..... bit of a joke asking perpetrators to investigate themselves... :evil:

Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:25 am

pembroke allan wrote:Annis the world are treating Israel as if they're above the laws of humanity? Another atrocity this morning and as bbc commentator said yet again IDF say hamas command centre was targeted with everything done to mitigate civilian casualties? The truth is they just bomb any target they like and use same excuse without evidence! Like all their atrocities they will look into it themselves..... bit of a joke asking perpetrators to investigate themselves... :evil:


Sadly so true.

They killed 93 Palestinian Chidden and Civilians today.

Imagine if Palestinians killed say 5 Israelis their would be World Condemnation.

The IDF are just Killing any Palestinian actually for No reason at all other than wanting their land.
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:04 am


The murdering and Massacre of 40,000 Innocent Palestinians

The burning/ beheading and raping of 16,000 Palestinian Children

And if one Israeli is killed UK & USA make it big news

Yesterday Nazi Israel burned and killed 93 more innocent Palestinians

Goodbye, Papa :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Confirmed: Shocking / Unbelievable / Been Going on for M

Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:11 am

Only a sick, genocidal maniac could harm one of these children…
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