Cardiff City Forum

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:26 pm

soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN

And if Tan had vetoed the deal I bet you would be the first to slam him for interfering :roll:

We wouldn't have known would we?

In the same way as a manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team performance then the bloke who signs off ridiculous contracts like acorns should man up and hold his hands up rather than hang out to dry the next bloke down the chain of command.... Can't have it both ways :roll:

the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........

Already said malky fucked up ( see earlier post) , lim is ultimately responsible for signing off the contract , ffs he should also have been involved in the contract talks and known the type of wages available ( and not available) he signed the cheque and witnessed the contract as club representative,,,, :thumbup:

45k isnt a ridiculous amount for a prem striker...Kjones is and has been on more.............ffs this oh lim should have done this or that...ok your dont give malky any credit for promotion either..cos lim had the final say eh

Mate, got to say , I genuinely don't know what the f**k you are talking about :thumbup:

you dont know what your talking about understanding any point of view that doesnt include worship of malky has no chance

I know exactly what I'm talking about friend and it doesn't involve worshipping anyone, mackay, tan, whoever. You have plainly contradicted yourself in two of your posts IMO , maybe I just didn't get the gist of your argument, maybe you didn't put it over plainly enough. One thing is for certain though , Lim signed the cheques, he was responsible for the purse strings, mackay chose a dud in Cornelius and asked lim to sign him for ridiculous money on ridiculous wages ( for an untested you gather at that level) Lim then made the decision to sign the cheque and countersign the contract. Very simple to understand unlike the point you ( unsuccessfully) tried to make


Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:21 am

BracklaBlue72 wrote:
soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
CraigCCFC wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:
bluebird58 wrote:If Simon Lim signed off on those deals, particularly the Cornelius one, on the so-called expertise of Malky and Moody, then they are clearly to blame and should be sacked or otherwise disciplined. Any business pays its managers to manage, and when they cock up, as they did badly with this one deal, then they have to suffer the consequences.

Malky and Moody were either stupid or conned over the Cornelius deal. Someone somewhere has made a financial killing over it, and taken money from the club. No wonder Mr Tan was pissed off over it, I'm pissed off over it! :!: We could have used that £8.5 million for a couple of decent players for now rather than the future.

Any pay out due to Malky should be set against a percentage of the £8.5m he cost the club. :evil:

Yes it was a judgement call by the manager and a poor one at that, HOWEVER, it's a managers job to nag and cajole the chairman into spending more and more money, into buying bigger and better players, into purchasing better facilities for those players and staff and ,if he felt he could get away with it, into getting gold plated bog roll holders in the training ground changing rooms! It's the RESPONSIBILITY of the chairman/ chief exec and subsequently the board, to reign in managers expectations for the financial good of the club and balance everything up...

I'm sorry , but this whole situation is the fault of Lim, the board and ultimately TAN

And if Tan had vetoed the deal I bet you would be the first to slam him for interfering :roll:

We wouldn't have known would we?

In the same way as a manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team performance then the bloke who signs off ridiculous contracts like acorns should man up and hold his hands up rather than hang out to dry the next bloke down the chain of command.... Can't have it both ways :roll:

the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........

Already said malky fucked up ( see earlier post) , lim is ultimately responsible for signing off the contract , ffs he should also have been involved in the contract talks and known the type of wages available ( and not available) he signed the cheque and witnessed the contract as club representative,,,, :thumbup:

45k isnt a ridiculous amount for a prem striker...Kjones is and has been on more.............ffs this oh lim should have done this or that...ok your dont give malky any credit for promotion either..cos lim had the final say eh

Mate, got to say , I genuinely don't know what the f**k you are talking about :thumbup:

you dont know what your talking about understanding any point of view that doesnt include worship of malky has no chance

I know exactly what I'm talking about friend and it doesn't involve worshipping anyone, mackay, tan, whoever. You have plainly contradicted yourself in two of your posts IMO , maybe I just didn't get the gist of your argument, maybe you didn't put it over plainly enough. One thing is for certain though , Lim signed the cheques, he was responsible for the purse strings, mackay chose a dud in Cornelius and asked lim to sign him for ridiculous money on ridiculous wages ( for an untested you gather at that level) Lim then made the decision to sign the cheque and countersign the contract. Very simple to understand unlike the point you ( unsuccessfully) tried to make

Tan and Lim,are/ were not the football experts at our club..Malky still tries to make a case for signing Acorn {still does }.. they believed at the time in the men they had trusted to be our football experts..........Acorn was a mistake,and trusting M and M was a bigger mistake.........the C.E.O. isnt employed for technical expertise.and id hate to think our current manager or any future manager get the 3rd degree from men that are not qualified to question them over the quality and value of a player..8million is not a ridiculous amount for a striker good enough to start inthe prem, and 45k is not a ridiculous amount to pay him per week either......we all had our fingers crossed he was a sort of new drogba{ malky had found a diamond } only turned into ridiculous when it became clear the boy was miles off prem level.....was a very very bad signing..a waste of money that will most likely cost us anyone can in their wildest dreams want a world where Lims opinion on footballers is taken over our managers beats me...........


Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:35 am

the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........[/quote]

Already said malky fucked up ( see earlier post) , lim is ultimately responsible for signing off the contract , ffs he should also have been involved in the contract talks and known the type of wages available ( and not available) he signed the cheque and witnessed the contract as club representative,,,, :thumbup:[/quote]
45k isnt a ridiculous amount for a prem striker...Kjones is and has been on more.............ffs this oh lim should have done this or that...ok your dont give malky any credit for promotion either..cos lim had the final say eh[/quote]

Mate, got to say , I genuinely don't know what the f**k you are talking about :thumbup:[/quote]
you dont know what your talking about understanding any point of view that doesnt include worship of malky has no chance[/quote]

I know exactly what I'm talking about friend and it doesn't involve worshipping anyone, mackay, tan, whoever. You have plainly contradicted yourself in two of your posts IMO , maybe I just didn't get the gist of your argument, maybe you didn't put it over plainly enough. One thing is for certain though , Lim signed the cheques, he was responsible for the purse strings, mackay chose a dud in Cornelius and asked lim to sign him for ridiculous money on ridiculous wages ( for an untested you gather at that level) Lim then made the decision to sign the cheque and countersign the contract. Very simple to understand unlike the point you ( unsuccessfully) tried to make[/quote]
Tan and Lim,are/ were not the football experts at our club..Malky still tries to make a case for signing Acorn {still does }.. they believed at the time in the men they had trusted to be our football experts..........Acorn was a mistake,and trusting M and M was a bigger mistake.........the C.E.O. isnt employed for technical expertise.and id hate to think our current manager or any future manager get the 3rd degree from men that are not qualified to question them over the quality and value of a player..8million is not a ridiculous amount for a striker good enough to start inthe prem, and 45k is not a ridiculous amount to pay him per week either......we all had our fingers crossed he was a sort of new drogba{ malky had found a diamond } only turned into ridiculous when it became clear the boy was miles off prem level.....was a very very bad signing..a waste of money that will most likely cost us anyone can in their wildest dreams want a world where Lims opinion on footballers is taken over our managers beats me...........[/quote]

Mate, when you're a CEO of a football club, it's your responsibility to get up to speed with football values and players contracts, it's as simple as that. As I said earlier (a few times now) choosing Cornelius was a Mackay mistake (with hindsight) but agreeing to astronomical wages , signing on fee, transfer fee and add ons is the responsibility of the CEO. If the CEO doesn't know anything about football contracts then the buck must stop further up the food chain, which brings us back to Tan. Everyone must take their share of the blame here, everyone who was/is culpable. For Lim to come out in the press and place the entire blame at the feet of Mackay is unprofessional and spineless. The irony is that the press have attacked Lim anyway, as well as the inevitable following of bad publicity for our club yet again! The split amongst our fans is more like a chasm and the CEO AND TAN should be trying to bolster support! Do you really agree with Lim and the action he took here?


Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:29 am

Well at least sam as joined the tan circus going by his statement this morning! Because he's blaming malky aswell, :old:
Or maybe hes just a tan puppet? :o


Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:45 am

It's not just Dictator Tan, they're all idiots who have no idea what they're dealing with and the sooner they sell up the better.

It's not time for a statement now, it's time to start winning games.


Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:59 am

pembroke allan wrote:Well at least sam as joined the tan circus going by his statement this morning! Because he's blaming malky aswell, :old:
Or maybe hes just a tan puppet? :o

He's obviously towing the party line, but lets not make the mistake of remembering Sam as some sort of hero list in the midst of time who will one day ride in on a white charger to save the club from the embarrassment of the rebrand.. He never was a hero after trying to f**k the club at the end and he surely isn't big or powerful enough to take over the club again ( thank f**k )


Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:13 pm

Well I for one welcome this statement by the club. Its motives may be questionable but it is great to have such transparency. There has for instance been all sorts of speculation on here by people who often did not have a clue as to what the Acorn deal ended up costing the club. Well now we know.

And on that subject, how on earth can Lim be to blame? I am no fan of Lim, but assessing the value of players was not his responsibility. Malky was responsible for all matters related to football. Imagine the uproar on here if it had transpired that Malky really wanted the guy only to be turned down by Lim because he did not think he was worth what Malky was recommending. People would have called both Lim and Tan all sorts of things. They backed a guy who was being paid a fortune to make the decisions as to who to buy and what to pay. So how was that wrong? It was Malky who got it horribly wrong.


Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:43 pm

Hmmm, It would appear everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to critisize Malky. To put this into persepective then it was almost inevitable that Malky was going to buy the odd poor player considering the amount of players he needed to bring in which was almost a whole new squad.
Nothing however is mentioned about some of the other poor players that were forced on Malky by Tan such as Etien Velikonja :oops:
The blame for this fiasco is squarely on the shoulders of Tan full stop. At the time when there was speculation about Malky's future the club had the opportunity to voice the concerns they now seem to heap upon malky now he has gone but instead they chose to put out a statement backing him which is 2 faced to say the least especially as we all know they were publically backing him but were ruthlessy undermining him at every turn.
The decision to appoint Ole was and still is a disaster. Say what you want about Malky but I am confident that his team would not have surrendered so lamely in the derby match. I am not saying that Ole is not a good manager and I beleive that one day he will be but he is too inexperienced at present and the squad is still trying to gel at the wrong part of the season which will ultimately cost us relegation.
When we are relegated which is almost inevitable, I will certainly not be placing the blame at Malky's door. :ayatollah:


Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:02 pm

It's like the village idiots at a Buckingham palace tea party is Franchise FC in the Premier league .... Roll on relegation


Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:26 pm

Daya wrote:It's like the village idiots at a Buckingham palace tea party is Franchise FC in the Premier league .... Roll on relegation

Here again.


Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:28 pm

toshacks_1_tales wrote:
Daya wrote:It's like the village idiots at a Buckingham palace tea party is Franchise FC in the Premier league .... Roll on relegation

Here again.

True though.


Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:33 pm

Daya wrote:
toshacks_1_tales wrote:
Daya wrote:It's like the village idiots at a Buckingham palace tea party is Franchise FC in the Premier league .... Roll on relegation

Here again.

True though.

Have you ever been to Buckingham palace for a tea party? I'm sure your village has a lot of idiots. Your analogy is flawed from start to finish. Like your teacher once told you. Must try harder.


Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:42 pm

toshacks_1_tales wrote:
Daya wrote:
toshacks_1_tales wrote:
Daya wrote:It's like the village idiots at a Buckingham palace tea party is Franchise FC in the Premier league .... Roll on relegation

Here again.

True though.

Have you ever been to Buckingham palace for a tea party? I'm sure your village has a lot of idiots. Your analogy is flawed from start to finish. Like your teacher once told you. Must try harder.

or even go and play in the sand pit


Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:45 pm

BracklaBlue72 wrote:the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........

Already said malky fucked up ( see earlier post) , lim is ultimately responsible for signing off the contract , ffs he should also have been involved in the contract talks and known the type of wages available ( and not available) he signed the cheque and witnessed the contract as club representative,,,, :thumbup:[/quote]
45k isnt a ridiculous amount for a prem striker...Kjones is and has been on more.............ffs this oh lim should have done this or that...ok your dont give malky any credit for promotion either..cos lim had the final say eh[/quote]

Mate, got to say , I genuinely don't know what the f**k you are talking about :thumbup:[/quote]
you dont know what your talking about understanding any point of view that doesnt include worship of malky has no chance[/quote]

I know exactly what I'm talking about friend and it doesn't involve worshipping anyone, mackay, tan, whoever. You have plainly contradicted yourself in two of your posts IMO , maybe I just didn't get the gist of your argument, maybe you didn't put it over plainly enough. One thing is for certain though , Lim signed the cheques, he was responsible for the purse strings, mackay chose a dud in Cornelius and asked lim to sign him for ridiculous money on ridiculous wages ( for an untested you gather at that level) Lim then made the decision to sign the cheque and countersign the contract. Very simple to understand unlike the point you ( unsuccessfully) tried to make[/quote]
Tan and Lim,are/ were not the football experts at our club..Malky still tries to make a case for signing Acorn {still does }.. they believed at the time in the men they had trusted to be our football experts..........Acorn was a mistake,and trusting M and M was a bigger mistake.........the C.E.O. isnt employed for technical expertise.and id hate to think our current manager or any future manager get the 3rd degree from men that are not qualified to question them over the quality and value of a player..8million is not a ridiculous amount for a striker good enough to start inthe prem, and 45k is not a ridiculous amount to pay him per week either......we all had our fingers crossed he was a sort of new drogba{ malky had found a diamond } only turned into ridiculous when it became clear the boy was miles off prem level.....was a very very bad signing..a waste of money that will most likely cost us anyone can in their wildest dreams want a world where Lims opinion on footballers is taken over our managers beats me...........[/quote]

Mate, when you're a CEO of a football club, it's your responsibility to get up to speed with football values and players contracts, it's as simple as that. As I said earlier (a few times now) choosing Cornelius was a Mackay mistake (with hindsight) but agreeing to astronomical wages , signing on fee, transfer fee and add ons is the responsibility of the CEO. If the CEO doesn't know anything about football contracts then the buck must stop further up the food chain, which brings us back to Tan. Everyone must take their share of the blame here, everyone who was/is culpable. For Lim to come out in the press and place the entire blame at the feet of Mackay is unprofessional and spineless. The irony is that the press have attacked Lim anyway, as well as the inevitable following of bad publicity for our club yet again! The split amongst our fans is more like a chasm and the CEO AND TAN should be trying to bolster support! Do you really agree with Lim and the action he took here?[/quote]
agree...........C.E.Os should quickly become equivalent to top prem managers.............what the f**k are managers for...THIS POINT IS BEING MADE AGAIN AND AGAIN DUH
MALKY EVEN DEFENDS THE SIGNING NOW.............that pretty much fucks your whole point up....go and pull your malky quilt over your head yeah


Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:13 pm

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136246 :thumbup:


Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:01 am

soulofthesea wrote:
BracklaBlue72 wrote:the manager takes ultimate responsibility for a shit team,not just because he picks the 11, but also he recomends who we sign.........the sort of player who can do a in to his plans and ideas.........having it both ways is wanting to blame anyone other than the manager in this case..............malky fucked up on a world class scale....period...if you want to blame lim a steward or a tea lady because you have malky wallpaper carry on.........

Already said malky fucked up ( see earlier post) , lim is ultimately responsible for signing off the contract , ffs he should also have been involved in the contract talks and known the type of wages available ( and not available) he signed the cheque and witnessed the contract as club representative,,,, :thumbup:

45k isnt a ridiculous amount for a prem striker...Kjones is and has been on more.............ffs this oh lim should have done this or that...ok your dont give malky any credit for promotion either..cos lim had the final say eh[/quote]

Mate, got to say , I genuinely don't know what the f**k you are talking about :thumbup:[/quote]
you dont know what your talking about understanding any point of view that doesnt include worship of malky has no chance[/quote]

I know exactly what I'm talking about friend and it doesn't involve worshipping anyone, mackay, tan, whoever. You have plainly contradicted yourself in two of your posts IMO , maybe I just didn't get the gist of your argument, maybe you didn't put it over plainly enough. One thing is for certain though , Lim signed the cheques, he was responsible for the purse strings, mackay chose a dud in Cornelius and asked lim to sign him for ridiculous money on ridiculous wages ( for an untested you gather at that level) Lim then made the decision to sign the cheque and countersign the contract. Very simple to understand unlike the point you ( unsuccessfully) tried to make[/quote]
Tan and Lim,are/ were not the football experts at our club..Malky still tries to make a case for signing Acorn {still does }.. they believed at the time in the men they had trusted to be our football experts..........Acorn was a mistake,and trusting M and M was a bigger mistake.........the C.E.O. isnt employed for technical expertise.and id hate to think our current manager or any future manager get the 3rd degree from men that are not qualified to question them over the quality and value of a player..8million is not a ridiculous amount for a striker good enough to start inthe prem, and 45k is not a ridiculous amount to pay him per week either......we all had our fingers crossed he was a sort of new drogba{ malky had found a diamond } only turned into ridiculous when it became clear the boy was miles off prem level.....was a very very bad signing..a waste of money that will most likely cost us anyone can in their wildest dreams want a world where Lims opinion on footballers is taken over our managers beats me...........[/quote]

Mate, when you're a CEO of a football club, it's your responsibility to get up to speed with football values and players contracts, it's as simple as that. As I said earlier (a few times now) choosing Cornelius was a Mackay mistake (with hindsight) but agreeing to astronomical wages , signing on fee, transfer fee and add ons is the responsibility of the CEO. If the CEO doesn't know anything about football contracts then the buck must stop further up the food chain, which brings us back to Tan. Everyone must take their share of the blame here, everyone who was/is culpable. For Lim to come out in the press and place the entire blame at the feet of Mackay is unprofessional and spineless. The irony is that the press have attacked Lim anyway, as well as the inevitable following of bad publicity for our club yet again! The split amongst our fans is more like a chasm and the CEO AND TAN should be trying to bolster support! Do you really agree with Lim and the action he took here?[/quote]
agree...........C.E.Os should quickly become equivalent to top prem managers.............what the f**k are managers for...THIS POINT IS BEING MADE AGAIN AND AGAIN DUH
MALKY EVEN DEFENDS THE SIGNING NOW.............that pretty much fucks your whole point up....go and pull your malky quilt over your head yeah[/quote]

Run along to your vincent friend , you've been unsuccessful with trying to make a point , in fact you've completely contradicted yourself over and over.
Malky will of course defend his signing and the reasoning for the signing was sound. Cornelius was in fact labelled by many top managers around Europe as a star in the making. But as I've put to you so many times in this thread, mackay doesn't own this club, tan does and he appointed lim . Lim is in charge of the purse strings . Tans purse strings. Lim signed off what was an extremely generous contract to say the least. Managers job to get his man at all costs and to nag the CEO for more and more and more money ( wouldn't be doing his job properly if he wasn't a pain in the ceo's arse) Lim signed the cheques.

Is that simple enough for you my blinkered tan worshipping friend? :thumbup: