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Who gets your vote on July 4th?

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Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 5:17 pm

llan bluebird wrote:Politically I am lost. None of them represent me.

On the main policies I am probably closer to reform, but no way can i vote for those loonies. No one should be paying income tax on less £20K, then you can get rid of a chunk of the inwork benefits.

It should be easier to migrate to the country but based on locality, not the UK and it should be fixed term until. If you complete that term without committing crime and work, you should have citizenship. Illegal migrants need to be sent to whatever country you come from immediately, you just left the EU which is very safe and accommodating.

Brexit has been a disaster, whether you voted for it or not the country is incapable of doing anything itself, the same as Germany,France, Italy and Spain, they just realise it, so share the responsibility of non achievements and fudging every issue.

The devolved governments are just wasteful and pointless. We either all have regional parliaments and scrap the House of Lords and make parliament federal or scrap the regional governments.

The NHS needs a totally different model. None of them are brave enough to do anything, but most corporations have private healthcare nowadays so its two-tier anyway and doesn't affect those in charge.

The Blair education, education, education failed so much his son is a millionaire from forming a skill-based academy .
The first thing I do when i look at a graduate's CV is to see what university they attended. That wasn't the intent, but academically the top 10% are still the top 10% and the Universities know what the schools are sending them. We need to get back to skills-based apprenticeships with city & Guild or Btec higher.

The Tories have messed it up and Boris proved he was unfit for office and really a liberal. No normal person would have voted for Truss with the tories totally forgotting they work for us and need to win votes ever four or five years.

We are having Starmer, hopefully with a decent majority so the left wing has no say whatsoever. He will be thinking of a second term so won't go to radical. The tories will tear themselves to shreds and be no opposition for three years.

I am glad it only six week away and the Euro's will be in full swing.

Ifyou think Reform are "loons" yet their policies appeal to you most. Does that make you a LOON too? :lol:
Personally i think Reform Party aren't loons at all and are the only party to criticise the crazy Immigration policy

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 6:45 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
llan bluebird wrote:Politically I am lost. None of them represent me.

On the main policies I am probably closer to reform, but no way can i vote for those loonies. No one should be paying income tax on less £20K, then you can get rid of a chunk of the inwork benefits.

It should be easier to migrate to the country but based on locality, not the UK and it should be fixed term until. If you complete that term without committing crime and work, you should have citizenship. Illegal migrants need to be sent to whatever country you come from immediately, you just left the EU which is very safe and accommodating.

Brexit has been a disaster, whether you voted for it or not the country is incapable of doing anything itself, the same as Germany,France, Italy and Spain, they just realise it, so share the responsibility of non achievements and fudging every issue.

The devolved governments are just wasteful and pointless. We either all have regional parliaments and scrap the House of Lords and make parliament federal or scrap the regional governments.

The NHS needs a totally different model. None of them are brave enough to do anything, but most corporations have private healthcare nowadays so its two-tier anyway and doesn't affect those in charge.

The Blair education, education, education failed so much his son is a millionaire from forming a skill-based academy .
The first thing I do when i look at a graduate's CV is to see what university they attended. That wasn't the intent, but academically the top 10% are still the top 10% and the Universities know what the schools are sending them. We need to get back to skills-based apprenticeships with city & Guild or Btec higher.

The Tories have messed it up and Boris proved he was unfit for office and really a liberal. No normal person would have voted for Truss with the tories totally forgotting they work for us and need to win votes ever four or five years.

We are having Starmer, hopefully with a decent majority so the left wing has no say whatsoever. He will be thinking of a second term so won't go to radical. The tories will tear themselves to shreds and be no opposition for three years.

I am glad it only six week away and the Euro's will be in full swing.

Ifyou think Reform are "loons" yet their policies appeal to you most. Does that make you a LOON too? :lol:
Personally i think Reform Party aren't loons at all and are the only party to criticise the crazy Immigration policy

A few years back I had to attend a meeting at Wolverhampton racecourse where the UK independance/Brexit party was holding a conference. The bar and the restaurant in the evening were full Thatcherite let's bomb Russia Kenny Everett types, although much older, with so much Tweed.

The Thatcherites and Corbynites of both parties make them unelectable. Singapore on Thames will not be good for the working class, with the working class being anyone on less than £100K. Deregulation would mean zero employement rights and bailing out their mates when things go tits up.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 6:48 pm

wez1927 wrote:
litoblues wrote:Always wondered why Keir starmers COVID party was deemed not a party..and he was indoors...and Boris party in the garden was the worst ever... both reform this time...a massive change is needed if only to stir the pot..the labour and Tory socialists have been around too long and take everybody for granted


Because he wasn't running the country, in hindsight it should have been a coalition government.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 7:15 pm

Simplesimon wrote:
Sven wrote:Always going to be vast majority Labour on here (a Wales-based Forum) but this will be the election of a generation, so careful consideration required

I don't have an allegiance to any given political party; preferring instead to judge on deed and substance

For me, Tony Blair was the last 'in a generation' Prime Minister but he mucked it up big-time with the Iraq War and the broken promises he made

Since he went, the Tories have pretty much ruled the roost, aided by Labour's Jeremy Corbyn's inelectibility

Since then, we have had Boris, Covid, Theresa May, Ukraine and other major issues, which all threw our country's economy into array

I'm no supporter of Rishi Sunak but I do believe he has taken tough decisions that are slowly but surely pulling our economy back on course

So the question for me is 'Do I trust Sunak to finish the recovery job'? Or, 'Do I trust Labour to take over the running of our country and do a better job?'

It's a toughy for me and undecided, as the Tories will always pander to the so-called elite (rich) but Labour, in the main, have rarely delivered when they are in power

Either way, in Wales, my one little vote won't make a difference but I will post it; I'm just not sure where yet

Sven, I know the historical perception is Tories pander to the elite. But under Cameron and Johnson (and Rishi was his chancellor) the Tories have been more socialist than any Labour governments I’ve lived under. They’ve taxed the bollox out of anyone earning more than £40k or so. We’re taxed the highest now since WW11 recovery taxation, and spent sh*t loads on woke and ego causes and benefits. So I can’t see what Labour can claim to do that they haven’t, other than give more away.
It’s not a pretty option either way.

Exactly this, your average middle of the rd worker is taxed to buggery these days, they’ve also gone after landlords big time with so rules and regs that many have left, hence an even bigger housing crisis than before. I can’t stand Labour in Wales, but it’s never going to change is it? We possibly need a change in Westminster after the last landslide election I think the Tories thought they could do almost anything and get away with it. Barely any difference between the Tories now and what Starmer will do….

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun May 26, 2024 11:34 pm

Nah, we're well and truly fooked mate. The robot valleys and Nationalists condemned us to an ice age immemorial.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue May 28, 2024 1:05 pm

No matter who they are, they make promises and then don't follow through. Any pre election promise should be written into law for that term. All rats and pigs in the trough.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue May 28, 2024 1:46 pm

In my 63 years, it's always been a two horse race. (Labour and Conservatives)
I can't see that changing in the near future.

Therefore, of the two only realistic parties to govern, it has to be Labour for me.

In the 14 years of Tory rule, I am certainly substancially worse off.
The frozen tax threshold which the Tories brought in means extra tax from my private pension. I don't get state pension for 3 more years.
In addition, the state of the NHS and Carers sector has deteriorated under Tory rule. Both of those play a big role with myself and my family.

Time for change, although I'm not over optimistic about the Labour party. Sunak and his 'rich persons party' need to be replaced! :wave:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue May 28, 2024 1:58 pm

The state of the NHS in Wales is under labour and the valleys is still one of the poorest areas of the UK under labour as well ,it's not the conservative government fault in Wales it's under Welsh labour control

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue May 28, 2024 4:50 pm

1980s Bluebird wrote:No matter who they are, they make promises and then don't follow through. Any pre election promise should be written into law for that term. All rats and pigs in the trough.

Watch what they do not what they say.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 pm

Doesn't matter who the Labour party put up as a candidate they would still win in the valleys.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Wed May 29, 2024 7:51 pm

We've made progress today. Keir has said he has a plan, and Sunak has revealed he has a clear plan.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 7:40 am

rumpo kid wrote:We've made progress today. Keir has said he has a plan, and Sunak has revealed he has a clear plan.

What we need is a cunning plan

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 11:30 am

Well starmer says labour will sort out the Welsh NHS and waiting lists What can go wrong? :laughing5:

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 11:51 am

I've more faith in the dictatorship
of Tan and the dogs crap on the board than any of the available above to choose from.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 1:17 pm

niniancalled wrote:

Alpha Males like Adam Price?[/quote]

I remember him on question time a few years back and the possibility of Wales becoming a majority Muslim country came up. His response was so what?

In other words, our whole way of life would be transformed and sent back to the dark ages with women required to wear Burques and walk seven paces behind men, plus men would have to grow beards and pray seven times a day and his response was so what?

It is frightening that people like that who have so little conviction in defending our values and culture are in such influential positions.[/quote]

I pray more times than that when in the last 15 minutes of a game and possibly by the time we announce who manager is I will look like someone with a beard from Allans Snack Bar!

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 10:45 pm

Jock wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:We've made progress today. Keir has said he has a plan, and Sunak has revealed he has a clear plan.

What we need is a cunning plan

Only Baldrick had those Jock.. this lot are the fleas that bit the cat that bit Baldrick on the arse.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Thu May 30, 2024 10:50 pm

Adam Price.. wasn’t he the result of all those dubious genetic experiments carried out at Porton Down in the 60s.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Fri May 31, 2024 2:08 pm

Monster raving loony Party

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 7:13 pm

Whoever stops illegal migrants and under skilled migrants . This adveresly effects the poor in our society who Labour should champion, not chase the Muslim vote with false narratives.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:21 pm

New Day Rising wrote:Whoever stops illegal migrants and under skilled migrants . This adveresly effects the poor in our society who Labour should champion, not chase the Muslim vote with false narratives.

Agree , net migration is out of control , a city the size of Cardiff needs to be built to keep up and it obviously ain't, it effects rents , hospitals,schools etc it's a massive drag on society and if you mention it you're label racist.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:32 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:
llan bluebird wrote:Politically I am lost. None of them represent me.

On the main policies I am probably closer to reform, but no way can i vote for those loonies. No one should be paying income tax on less £20K, then you can get rid of a chunk of the inwork benefits.

It should be easier to migrate to the country but based on locality, not the UK and it should be fixed term until. If you complete that term without committing crime and work, you should have citizenship. Illegal migrants need to be sent to whatever country you come from immediately, you just left the EU which is very safe and accommodating.

Brexit has been a disaster, whether you voted for it or not the country is incapable of doing anything itself, the same as Germany,France, Italy and Spain, they just realise it, so share the responsibility of non achievements and fudging every issue.

The devolved governments are just wasteful and pointless. We either all have regional parliaments and scrap the House of Lords and make parliament federal or scrap the regional governments.

The NHS needs a totally different model. None of them are brave enough to do anything, but most corporations have private healthcare nowadays so its two-tier anyway and doesn't affect those in charge.

The Blair education, education, education failed so much his son is a millionaire from forming a skill-based academy .
The first thing I do when i look at a graduate's CV is to see what university they attended. That wasn't the intent, but academically the top 10% are still the top 10% and the Universities know what the schools are sending them. We need to get back to skills-based apprenticeships with city & Guild or Btec higher.

The Tories have messed it up and Boris proved he was unfit for office and really a liberal. No normal person would have voted for Truss with the tories totally forgotting they work for us and need to win votes ever four or five years.

We are having Starmer, hopefully with a decent majority so the left wing has no say whatsoever. He will be thinking of a second term so won't go to radical. The tories will tear themselves to shreds and be no opposition for three years.

I am glad it only six week away and the Euro's will be in full swing.

Ifyou think Reform are "loons" yet their policies appeal to you most. Does that make you a LOON too? :lol:
Personally i think Reform Party aren't loons at all and are the only party to criticise the crazy Immigration policy

Everyone has the right to vote for whoever they wish. Before voting though, it’s always wise to perhaps dig a little deeper and not just accept politicians spouting policies that we like but have no evidence they will become statute post-election. The Tories are clearly incompetent, Labour have no experience of government, so I considered Reform. For anyone seriously considering voting Reform, I’d be happy to share my findings – you make your own decision.

Nigel Farage, the “brains” behind Reform, seems on serious scrutiny, to be no more than a protest politician who has never managed to be voted into the UK Parliament. He is great at knocking things down and drawing the admiration of voters disgruntled by the status quo, but he has no experience of carrying the responsibility as a UK MP, to build something in its place, that does work! His preferred position is a bit like a grandparents’ versus a parent’s – step out of the fray before the sh*t hits the fan and someone’s got to pick up the pieces!! Before anyone throws up the achievement of Brexit as his claim to fame, (where he co-starred with the convicted liar BJ - and we all know what happened to him), Brexit was achieved by blatantly lying to the people of the UK about the benefits of Brexit – none of which have ever materialised!! The latter being the reason why current polls show that over 60% of those who voted “Leave” in the referendum, would change their vote in hindsight to “Remain” if there was another referendum now!! Farage – originally a right-wing Tory, left and became a lead member of UKIP, then the Brexit Party and now Reform. He stood 7 times as a parliamentary candidate for UKIP and was never elected – losing his deposit on several occasions. His bitter opposition to the EU is strange and contradictory in that he seems to have been happy to serve as an MEP for South East England between 1999-2019 – what was the attraction there I wonder, possibly the salary!!?
Apparently, wholeheartedly supporting the policies of Reform; yet very strangely he will not stand as a candidate in the election, choosing instead by his own admission to apparently wait to fly over the election battlefield, (like a vulture), which he believes will be strewn with Tory “dead, in order to convince Tory “survivors” to join Reform. I suppose he can claim to be undefeated if he never enters the competition! Words like “Nigel first, party second and us the UK People somewhere lower down the pecking order” come to mind!

Richard Tice, the Reform leader, is another “out of touch with the real world”, multi-millionaire businessman, who was also a member of the right-wing of the Conservative party for most of this adult life, resigned his Tory membership in 2019 and joined the Brexit Party.
He stood as the Brexit Party's candidate in Hartlepool at the 2019 general election, seen as one of its most winnable seats, but in real life he came a weak third behind the incumbent Labour MP and the Conservatives. Mind you, the guy appears not as gutless (or perhaps not so punch drunk) as Farage in that Tice DOES currently intend to stand in the election as a Reform candidate for Boston & Skegness. He was going to originally stand as a candidate for Hartlepool but changed his mind recently. Watch this space though, who knows, he may change his mind again this week and join Farage in the wings as a circling vulture instead!! Like BJ before him; seemingly not in the least concerned with the law; Tice has openly vaunted Reform’s Immigration Policy in the media, in the full knowledge, by his own admission, that the policy is illegal!! At least BJ waited until he was elected before he acted criminally and did show some remorse!!!

I came to the personal conclusion that Reform seems to simply represent more of the same Tory mismanagement under a new name, (which perhaps could be more aptly named MIS-INFORM NF), but with a real right-wing hardness that would make even Margaret Thatcher look like the Sugar-Plum Fairy – which probably explains why Tory right-wing hardliners - disillusioned by the middle ground Tory party under Sunak - seem in their thousands, wanting to protest vote for Reform. I’m comforted by my belief that thank goodness there aren’t enough protest voters to put Reform realistically within even a sniff of power but the good news is there may well be sufficient numbers of them to drop Tory seats into the hands of the opposition parties.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:37 pm

FOOTSOLDIER wrote:What has labour ever done for Wales???? even though the same people vote for them year after year whilst living in areas of deprivation with no jobs and standards of living getting worse. The Conservatives are just as bad.

Well we don't pay for prescriptions, swim in or drink water awash with our own shit or suffer rail strikes?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:41 pm

ion wrote:The state of the NHS in Wales is under labour and the valleys is still one of the poorest areas of the UK under labour as well ,it's not the conservative government fault in Wales it's under Welsh labour control

But we rely on central government funding no funding - no services; plus we don't pay for prescriptions?

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:46 pm

blemmy wrote:
FOOTSOLDIER wrote:What has labour ever done for Wales???? even though the same people vote for them year after year whilst living in areas of deprivation with no jobs and standards of living getting worse. The Conservatives are just as bad.

Well we don't pay for prescriptions, swim in or drink water awash with our own shit or suffer rail strikes?

There's water alerts for sewerage leeks in ormore and porthcawl today .

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:23 pm

blemmy wrote:
ion wrote:The state of the NHS in Wales is under labour and the valleys is still one of the poorest areas of the UK under labour as well ,it's not the conservative government fault in Wales it's under Welsh labour control

But we rely on central government funding no funding - no services; plus we don't pay for prescriptions?

Funding is not the problem its what WG spends it on that's the problem ! Same goes for councils Labour run pembs was spending 19m on a bus station with car park that sees 4 or 5 busses an hour at most and they nearly all stop at 6 now it's 10m because its smaller project!! Thats the problem wasted money.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:27 pm

Tories will be concerned going into this week.

Labour have had a bad week with the Diane Abbott fiasco.

Tories on the other hand have been a lot more settled after a bad start to the campaign. They have put out policies designed to win back those who are moving towards Reform.

But the polls aren’t budging for the Tories. Looking at the average poll, it’s still a 21 point lead for Labour.

Reform also continue to perform well on average in the polls, while the Lib Dems are struggling to make much ground.

I have been out campaigning for Labour in Worcester every day since the election was called (Worcester is a target seat for us with currently a Tory MP, but the sort of seat we have to win if we want to win the election).

The feeling I get is that a lot of people have made up their mind that they won’t be voting Tory again. Some of them say they will vote Reform but round here, the majority are saying that Labour will get their vote.

Of course it will be a different picture in different parts of the country, but just thought I would share that.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:47 pm

More TV debates announced tonight all on the BBC.

ITV already have their debate between Sunak and Starmer on Tuesday as well as a seven-party debate later in the month.

The full TV debate schedule as of tonight:

- Sunak v Starmer debate on ITV at 9pm for one hour on Tuesday 4th June.

- Senior figures from the seven parties to have a debate for an hour an a half on BBC at 7.30pm on Friday 7th June (Conservative and Labour unlikely to send their leaders).

- Senior figures from the seven parties to appear for a second debate, this time on ITV, for an hour and a half on Thursday 13th June at 8.30pm (again, Conservatives and Labour unlikely to send their leaders).

- Starmer, Sunak, Davey and Swinney to take part in a Question Time Special for two hours on BBC on Thursday 20th June at 8pm. Each leader will answer audience questions for half an hour.

- Sunak and Starmer to have a second head to head debate, this time on BBC, lasting one hour again on Wednesday 26th June at 9pm.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:10 pm

Reality is Britain is skint but nobody wants a drop in living standards. These bullshitters for that’s all they are, can’t be bothered to be realistic with the public. Don’t vote for this eternal farce.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:36 am

rumpo kid wrote:Reality is Britain is skint but nobody wants a drop in living standards. These bullshitters for that’s all they are, can’t be bothered to be realistic with the public. Don’t vote for this eternal farce.

Thing is Britain shouldn’t be skint, taxation is at the highest level since WW2. Until companies stop going offshore and pony up their share nothing will change, with Globalist entities like Vanguard and Amazon calling the shots that’s never going to happen, irrespective of who’s in power.

Re: O/T General Election on July 4th

Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:20 am

Jock wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:Reality is Britain is skint but nobody wants a drop in living standards. These bullshitters for that’s all they are, can’t be bothered to be realistic with the public. Don’t vote for this eternal farce.

Thing is Britain shouldn’t be skint, taxation is at the highest level since WW2. Until companies stop going offshore and pony up their share nothing will change, with Globalist entities like Vanguard and Amazon calling the shots that’s never going to happen, irrespective of who’s in power.

Yep these Globalist have got the country by the balls. Any party in power is too scared to upset them.