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Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:23 am

Fergy1927 wrote:
pembroke allan wrote:
Fergy1927 wrote:I don’t think it was a racist attack but there is no need to stamp on someone’s head. If it was racist then he’s a tosser.

The guy was obviously dangerous and would have been shot in many countries for allegedly punching a WPC and attacking other officers and terrifying families at an airport.

He let his colleagues and the force down for the stamp on the guy after the kick.

Many of us have seen OTT police behaviour at the football so I have little sympathy for over vioilent law enforcement officers.

The huge thing for me is how there is hardly any footage of what started this and then, more disturbingly, there is so much coverage for this when Khaled Hussein reportedly tried to murder a uniformed British soldier in a potential terror attack allegedly influenced by Anjem Choudary. Insane! And I’m a bloody lefty.

There is coverage of the whole incident at airport but police only showed it to internal complaints department to distressing for family To see it for now .

Thanks for your reply mate. I know there must be coverage out there (bodycam, CCTV and public phone videos). I was just wondering why the initial incident where the police were allegedly attacked wasn’t shown online in news reports to give context (not excusing the stamping on someone’s head). I see your point though. Seeing your family member punched in the pace or attacked at work would be traumatic.

I’ve witnessed coppers being out of order many times but most normal policemen are trying to be fair (unlike the one that went for me at the FA Cup Millwall game away at Cold Blow Lane in the 80s when I was a 14-year-old for absolutely no reason). The footage I see doesn’t give any reason about what started the whole thing. I’m sure it will come out though.

It’s weird how so many coppers treat people so different depending on where you are and what you are peacefully doing. South Yorkshire Police and the Met come to mind! Some might unfairly treat us travelling football fans whilst others like the woman who cornered the knife wielding crazy bloke in London not that long ago, are absolute heroes. Then you had some football coppers who seemed absolutely intent on stopping trouble plus protecting others like the late PC Insole. It is weird thinking back how you could be in a random town on your way to an away game and be sitting having a pint in an out of the way boozer and old potato head would walk through the door and say alright lads! RIP..

Think what was filmed by cops in airport is subject to investigation so cannot be aired in cause of justice obviously cannot stop Joe public putting out what they filmed ! Like said previously it started in plane with their mother carried on in corridor she was hit with trolley police called ..
.. sons got involved and attacked cops for whatever reason! One was pepper sprayed by cop 10mins b 4 one was kicked in head apparently same cop..... that's it.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:59 pm

Was it reasonable force is the question I suppose.

I don't agree with them kicking off and breaking a females nose.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:07 pm

Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:44 pm

northside of risca wrote:Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

Just watched it, vile scum bring nothing decent to this country.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:51 pm

Jock wrote:
northside of risca wrote:Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

Just watched it, vile scum bring nothing decent to this country.

Very little respect for the police and armed forces in this country especially from some ethnic groups, and it's only going to get worse.

When Anthony Esan, the Nigerian who repeatedly stabbed the British soldier appeared in court, he was asked to confirm his name and age, he replied "Why?"......sums it up.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:27 pm

northside of risca wrote:Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

I’ve seen the footage and can now comment with the full picture. I can understand why the policeman was enraged and in an emotional state. The guys started it and have to deal with the consequences. Too late to play the victim now.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:32 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
northside of risca wrote:Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

I’ve seen the footage and can now comment with the full picture. I can understand why the policeman was enraged and in an emotional state. The guys started it and have to deal with the consequences. Too late to play the victim now.

Yes he will! the problem is the copper is guilty before proven guilty
By the racist brigade..... if found innocent whether in court or by disciplinary panel there will be hell to play.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:01 pm

The scum deserve all they got here is the original video leading up their attack on the police! .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:20 pm

After seeing the video of what happened beforehand I've got absolutely no sympathy for the guy who got stamped as he fully deserved it but as a copper and doing that when he was cuffed is always going to end badly

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:24 pm

Igovernor wrote:The scum deserve all they got here is the original video leading up their attack on the police! .


Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:31 pm

Igovernor wrote:The scum deserve all they got here is the original video leading up their attack on the police! .

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, said when everyone was going on about what should happen to the police officer that people didn’t know the full context of the incident.

I wasn’t sure about that, but I am now.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:45 pm

It’s all about money. The family are fishing for a big payout and sadly they’ll get one.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:56 am

Carpe Diem wrote:It’s all about money. The family are fishing for a big payout and sadly they’ll get one.


Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:38 am

Now the full video has circulated, the reaction by the police is understandable. A high stress environment where the red mist has come into play. That would have been the reaction by any person who had just been attacked, however the final kick/stamp to the head should not have happened. There is much to consider in this case and not clear cut with understandable different points of view.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:18 am

FOOTSOLDIER wrote:Now the full video has circulated, the reaction by the police is understandable. A high stress environment where the red mist has come into play. That would have been the reaction by any person who had just been attacked, however the final kick/stamp to the head should not have happened. There is much to consider in this case and not clear cut with understandable different points of view.

Exactly my viewpoint and that’s why I don’t jump to conclusions like some. Now I have the full picture I can comment. It’s dangerous to assume in situations like this.

Assumption breeds hatred

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:02 am

Igovernor wrote:The scum deserve all they got here is the original video leading up their attack on the police! .

Absolutely shocking. As I said in a previous post, there's no respect for the police and armed forces from some groups.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:03 am

danielrees17 wrote:After seeing the video of what happened beforehand I've got absolutely no sympathy for the guy who got stamped as he fully deserved it but as a copper and doing that when he was cuffed is always going to end badly

Watch the video again mate, the guy wasn't cuffed.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:28 am

Not quite the Angels their solicitor made out

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:49 am

Listen to this c**t . I think the lawyer deserves to be kicked in the head too :

Complete f*cking chancer .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:04 am

MikeO76 wrote:
danielrees17 wrote:After seeing the video of what happened beforehand I've got absolutely no sympathy for the guy who got stamped as he fully deserved it but as a copper and doing that when he was cuffed is always going to end badly

Watch the video again mate, the guy wasn't cuffed.

he was stunned with a gun only
he might have been ready to be cuffed in that position but was' nt and was probably still shouting his mouth off on the floor and was told to shut up keep still i pressume and don' t try getting up
stay down .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:49 am

Firque Hall wrote:

Not quite the Angels their solicitor made out

And therein lies a major part of this developing story; the solicitor should have known the full context before going public and stoking up community problems that simply don’t need stoking…!

Shame on him, shame on those who attacked the police officers and other people; but most of all shame on our so-called politicians who have allowed society to degrade to the point where the aggressors have more ‘rights’ than the victims…!

I don’t condone the Officers actions but after seeing the bigger picture, I somewhat understand them in the heat of the moment where he and his colleagues were under vicious attack…

As usual, some on here need to check the facts before demonising those who put themselves on the line with one hand increasingly tied behind their back. It certainly wouldn’t have ended like without gunshots in most other countries…!

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 9:51 am

northside of risca wrote:Listen to this c**t . I think the lawyer deserves to be kicked in the head too :

Complete f*cking chancer .

Wow, that's shocking. This guy should be investigated and if he does have a legitimate license to be a lawyer in the UK, it should be removed and never reinstalled.

Although if he did have his license removed, I'm sure the race card would be waved around :banghead:

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:07 am

Sven wrote:
Firque Hall wrote:

Not quite the Angels their solicitor made out

And therein lies a major part of this developing story; the solicitor should have known the full context before going public and stoking up community problems that simply don’t need stoking…!

Shame on him, shame on those who attacked the police officers and other people; but most of all shame on our so-called politicians who have allowed society to degrade to the point where the aggressors have more ‘rights’ than the victims…!

I don’t condone the Officers actions but after seeing the bigger picture, I somewhat understand them in the heat of the moment where he and his colleagues were under vicious attack…

As usual, some on here need to check the facts before demonising those who put themselves on the line with one hand increasingly tied behind their back. It certainly wouldn’t have ended like without gunshots in most other countries…!

Spot on, great post :thumbright:

Unfortunately I can only see it getting worse before the majority wake up to what's happening in this and most other western countries.

The biggest age group that needs to take a long hard look at what's happening is the under 30's, and they are the ones this will effect the most.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:37 pm

northside of risca wrote:Good to see the wider footage is now circulating. I stand by my initial verdict , he derserved it after laying 3 punches on 3 separate coppers including a women . Where’s his f*cking solicitor now . In some other European airports they would have just shot the fuckers .

Probably back in Rochdale representing Asian grooming gangs

Like a large proportion of the country I’ve had enough of this shit unlike a large proportion of the country I’ll say what I think
send all the fuckers and their families to whatever Muslim run shithole country that will take them.
They don’t want to part of UK society and its morals, standards and laws.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:51 pm

I have seem all the cideos and it is without doubt they deserve to go down.

The Police officer is going to have a battle too win his investigation, I can't see him getting off with kicking the culprit in the head. As for the culprits solicitor he is in it to make a name for himself, just a politician wannabe.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:22 pm

Bakedalasker wrote:I have seem all the cideos and it is without doubt they deserve to go down.

The Police officer is going to have a battle too win his investigation, I can't see him getting off with kicking the culprit in the head. As for the culprits solicitor he is in it to make a name for himself, just a politician wannabe.

With a bit of luck they hold dual UK and Pakistani citizenship and will be deported as soon as any sentence is finished. Utter thugs all of them, I suspect the earlier attack involving a member of the public will have equally violent but the video for that will probably be kept for the legal proceedings.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:22 pm

Bakedalasker wrote:I have seem all the cideos and it is without doubt they deserve to go down.

The Police officer is going to have a battle too win his investigation, I can't see him getting off with kicking the culprit in the head. As for the culprits solicitor he is in it to make a name for himself, just a politician wannabe.

Nice to see you referring to him as the culprit and not the victim as many on social media have labelled him. I hope they all go down for resisting arrest, assault, ABH and any other offence they committed. Or better still, deported!

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:08 pm

Solicitor as been replaced not surprisingly.... mother of those involved as sent the police involved a message saying Hope they recover soon? Or words to that effect

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:07 am

MikeO76 wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:I have seem all the cideos and it is without doubt they deserve to go down.

The Police officer is going to have a battle too win his investigation, I can't see him getting off with kicking the culprit in the head. As for the culprits solicitor he is in it to make a name for himself, just a politician wannabe.

Nice to see you referring to him as the culprit and not the victim as many on social media have labelled him. I hope they all go down for resisting arrest, assault, ABH and any other offence they committed. Or better still, deported!

Well if I was innocent but got arrested by the Police I would not restrain and fight back like them, I'm too old for that. I would let them take me away then fight back legally from where I end up, most likely in the Police station. Obeying the authorities stand you in a better position to fight back than disobeying where the Police could and will use it against you. They were obviously not very clever culprits,

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:12 am

pembroke allan wrote:Solicitor as been replaced not surprisingly.... mother of those involved as sent the police involved a message saying Hope they recover soon? Or words to that effect

Aye seen that happen many times, the families apologising to the victims. They are onto a hiding to nothing. Everyone blaming them for bringing up their kids to disrespect people or some other excuse that will get thrown against them. I wonder if those culprits have any shame to what they have brought onto their families?