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Re: The Iron Lady

Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:14 am

the other Bob Wilson wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
Walesaway1958 wrote:Yes Thatcher wasnt perfect and yes she made decisions that has effected our lives but you cant criticise her for defending our own lands

Maybe not, but she and her government can be criticised for not ensuring they were defended in the first place.

The first few paragraphs of this piece;

explains the background behind the Argentinian invasion and I can remember in the days and weeks beforehand, David Owen for one warning that there was more going on in the Falklands than just a few scrap metal merchants landing in South Georgia. Nothing was done by the Government until it was too late though and this piece gives an insight into the humiliation and hurt of the Government in the days after the invasion;

One other thing, if the Thatcher government was blameless when it came to the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands, why did Lord Carrington, the Foreign Secretary at the time, feel the need to resign from his post?

The Conservative party in general and Margaret Thatcher in particular got a real boost to their popularity after the Falklands war, but the ironic thing is that their incompetence and complacency were one of the major factors in causing it.

it wasnt complacency or incompetence they had to make cuts and they cut the military budget along with other things
they had to deal with the troubles in Northern Ireland they had to deal with the Cold War according to the Strategic Defence Review at the time the risk for the Falkland Islands being invaded was minimal so they redeployed their forces.
Thatchers government nor did Britain invade the Falkland Islands, Argentina did. Argentina were the aggressors not Britain, Britain defended their territories.
Yes if Britain had bottomless pits of money then we would defend everything perfectly but like now and like back then cuts needed to be made and it exposed the Falklands but that does not give Argentina the right to invade.

Re: The Iron Lady

Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:46 am

And if she had not sold all our north sea oil and closed our pits etc., we would not be in the mess we are in now.
Champagne is on ice ready for when she finally kicks it!

Re: The Iron Lady

Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:34 pm

JONNY012697 wrote:
the other Bob Wilson wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
Walesaway1958 wrote:Yes Thatcher wasnt perfect and yes she made decisions that has effected our lives but you cant criticise her for defending our own lands

Maybe not, but she and her government can be criticised for not ensuring they were defended in the first place.

The first few paragraphs of this piece;

explains the background behind the Argentinian invasion and I can remember in the days and weeks beforehand, David Owen for one warning that there was more going on in the Falklands than just a few scrap metal merchants landing in South Georgia. Nothing was done by the Government until it was too late though and this piece gives an insight into the humiliation and hurt of the Government in the days after the invasion;

One other thing, if the Thatcher government was blameless when it came to the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands, why did Lord Carrington, the Foreign Secretary at the time, feel the need to resign from his post?

The Conservative party in general and Margaret Thatcher in particular got a real boost to their popularity after the Falklands war, but the ironic thing is that their incompetence and complacency were one of the major factors in causing it.

it wasnt complacency or incompetence they had to make cuts and they cut the military budget along with other things
they had to deal with the troubles in Northern Ireland they had to deal with the Cold War according to the Strategic Defence Review at the time the risk for the Falkland Islands being invaded was minimal so they redeployed their forces.
Thatchers government nor did Britain invade the Falkland Islands, Argentina did. Argentina were the aggressors not Britain, Britain defended their territories.
Yes if Britain had bottomless pits of money then we would defend everything perfectly but like now and like back then cuts needed to be made and it exposed the Falklands but that does not give Argentina the right to invade.

Repeating the same thing over and over all the time doesn't eventually make it right you know. All of the things you talk about were around in 70's when the then Government warded off a threat from Argentina without any blood being shed. You're right, Argentina were the aggressors and tried to be a few years earlier as well, but the difference was that the Government then did something about it, whereas the Thatcher Government left the door open for them.

As I asked once before, why did the Foreign Secretary resign if the Tory Government got nothing wrong in the lead up to the Argentinian invasion?

Re: The Iron Lady

Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:09 pm

the other Bob Wilson wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
the other Bob Wilson wrote:
JONNY012697 wrote:
Walesaway1958 wrote:Yes Thatcher wasnt perfect and yes she made decisions that has effected our lives but you cant criticise her for defending our own lands

Maybe not, but she and her government can be criticised for not ensuring they were defended in the first place.

The first few paragraphs of this piece;

explains the background behind the Argentinian invasion and I can remember in the days and weeks beforehand, David Owen for one warning that there was more going on in the Falklands than just a few scrap metal merchants landing in South Georgia. Nothing was done by the Government until it was too late though and this piece gives an insight into the humiliation and hurt of the Government in the days after the invasion;

One other thing, if the Thatcher government was blameless when it came to the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands, why did Lord Carrington, the Foreign Secretary at the time, feel the need to resign from his post?

The Conservative party in general and Margaret Thatcher in particular got a real boost to their popularity after the Falklands war, but the ironic thing is that their incompetence and complacency were one of the major factors in causing it.

it wasnt complacency or incompetence they had to make cuts and they cut the military budget along with other things
they had to deal with the troubles in Northern Ireland they had to deal with the Cold War according to the Strategic Defence Review at the time the risk for the Falkland Islands being invaded was minimal so they redeployed their forces.
Thatchers government nor did Britain invade the Falkland Islands, Argentina did. Argentina were the aggressors not Britain, Britain defended their territories.
Yes if Britain had bottomless pits of money then we would defend everything perfectly but like now and like back then cuts needed to be made and it exposed the Falklands but that does not give Argentina the right to invade.

Repeating the same thing over and over all the time doesn't eventually make it right you know. All of the things you talk about were around in 70's when the then Government warded off a threat from Argentina without any blood being shed. You're right, Argentina were the aggressors and tried to be a few years earlier as well, but the difference was that the Government then did something about it, whereas the Thatcher Government left the door open for them.

As I asked once before, why did the Foreign Secretary resign if the Tory Government got nothing wrong in the lead up to the Argentinian invasion?

I cant tell you why the foreign secretary resigned im not him nor was i alive when all this goes on the war started in 82 the defence budget was cut in 81 i believe. I repeat what I say because those are the facts you cant argue with facts, opinions and decisions you can argue but not with facts. The government at the time deemed the falklands to be safe they got it wrong maybe thats why the foreign secretary resigned you will have to ask him. Strategic Defence Reviews are never facts they try to predict the future which is invariably impossible the last SDR was wrong it didnt count for the fact we would fight two medium scale wars at the same time and it stretched our resources but we coped and we succeeded I dont want to get into an argument over whether Iraq was and Afghanistan is a moral war but our armed forces fought them with the professionalism we have come to expect from our soldiers sailors and airmen. Thats all you can ask and its all governments can do but you cannot condemn Thatcher for defending our overseas territories

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:01 am

welshcitydragon wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:Same People on here who was having a go at anyone who took the piss out of Speedo's death wanting to dance on the grave of Thatcher. Hypocritical if you ask me which most probably you aint :lol: :lol:

Who took the piss out of Speeds death ? I hope you are not talking about Me! cos yes I would dance and piss on Thatchers Grave .

Sorry mate,without wishing to antagonise you I've read some of your posts and your way off the mark.

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:39 am

Id be sick if i watched that woman or anyone pretending to be her. she brought so much misery to so many people.


Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:34 am

Oh please no, I swim in the sea and dont want to catch anything.

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:39 am

Id imagine Thatcher & Churchill would be Adams hero's, Adam would have been first in the police line battering the miners from his community and he'd shouting out the orders for his masters against the Tonypandy rioters, "shoot the scum".

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:46 am

RichardBluebird wrote:Id imagine Thatcher & Churchill would be Adams hero's, Adam would have been first in the police line battering the miners from his community and he'd shouting out the orders for his masters against the Tonypandy rioters, "shoot the scum".

Very true :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:38 pm

taffyapple wrote:Brilliant performance by Streep.

The timing of the film is shite though. they should have waited for the
old c**t to die first and put that in the film. Then i could fast forward
to that bit every morning when i get up and replay her taking her last
breath. Better than porn

:lol: :hello1:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:45 pm

Privatising Margaret Thatcher's funeral would be a fitting tribute to her legacy

The Iron Lady herself would surely agree that poor taxpayers should not be further burdened in these times of austerity

Margaret Thatcher's close ideological ally Ronald Reagan famously said the 10 most dangerous words in the English language were: "Hi, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Neither Thatcher nor Reagan were enamoured with the state and its role in society. They wanted private companies to be able to reach into every party of our lives. So why not extend this privatisation experiment into the after-life?

Now someone by the name of Scott Morgan has launched this e-petition:

"In keeping with the great lady's legacy, Margaret Thatcher's state funeral should be funded and managed by the private sector to offer the best value and choice for end users and other stakeholders. The undersigned believe that the legacy of the former PM deserves nothing less and that offering this unique opportunity is an ideal way to cut government expense and further prove the merits of liberalised economics Baroness Thatcher spearheaded."

This is a brilliant idea, and surely one even Thatcher will approve of. It can be a fitting tribute to her ideological legacy.

Let me be clear: it's isn't nice to wish death on most people, and I'm not doing that here for Thatcher. She deserves a degree of respect like other people, in my view, despite what she did as prime minister.

Surely the serious point behind this petition is to ask how far ideologues are willing go. Wouldn't Thatcher prefer the first privatised funeral instead of a state one? After all, why go out on a state subsidy?

Consider the endless possibilities, for die-hard Thatcherites, of privatising the event. I think we can agree it should be ticketed so it can turn a profit. Perhaps an IT company (let's call them Crapita for example), could sell tickets via the internet. You may have to wait a couple of months to get the system off the ground but at least it'll work … eventually. If it's anything like the privatisation of the railways, none of the funeral services would run on time and you'd end up with 500 people in a church meant for 200.

But there could be optional extras otherwise denied by the state. You could pay to have an opportunity to wail, as North Koreans seem to have perfected. Wailing while stabbing a picture of Arthur Scargill should obviously cost much more. Opportunities to sell Thatcher memorabilia (a picture of her with Pinochet, sir?) would be endless. It could even boost our sagging economy.

The television rights to the event should be auctioned off, perhaps for a private library dedicated to Thatcher (with John Maynard Keynes banned from the economics section of course).

Surely Thatcher herself would agree that poor taxpayers should not be further burdened in these times of austerity.

And, in the interests of balance, I think it's only right to say I'd be happy to repeat the call when the time comes for Tony Blair.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:20 pm

I wish to God we had a leader of her stature,instead of the spineless pygmy's leading our great country right now

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:25 pm

angelis49 wrote:I wish to God we had a leader of her stature,instead of the spineless pygmy's leading our great country right now

The same was probably said post-Mussollini, post-Kim Il-Sung, post-Stalin and so on...

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:29 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
angelis49 wrote:I wish to God we had a leader of her stature,instead of the spineless pygmy's leading our great country right now

The same was probably said post-Mussollini, post-Kim Il-Sung, post-Stalin and so on...


Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:52 pm

Hofmeister wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
angelis49 wrote:I wish to God we had a leader of her stature,instead of the spineless pygmy's leading our great country right now

The same was probably said post-Mussollini, post-Kim Il-Sung, post-Stalin and so on...


I was trying to avoid any Hitler/Third Reich/Nazi/Fascist/Black Shirt/Gestapo/SS references as they are so over-used on this board :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:04 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
Hofmeister wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
angelis49 wrote:I wish to God we had a leader of her stature,instead of the spineless pygmy's leading our great country right now

The same was probably said post-Mussollini, post-Kim Il-Sung, post-Stalin and so on...


I was trying to avoid any Hitler/Third Reich/Nazi/Fascist/Black Shirt/Gestapo/SS references as they are so over-used on this board :lol:

as I'm ze German on here, I am entitled to do that... :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:06 pm

as I'm ze German on here, I am entitled to do that... :lol:

Natürlich! ;)

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:07 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
as I'm ze German on here, I am entitled to do that... :lol:

Natürlich! ;)

schwätzen wir jetzt deutsch hier? :D :ayatollah:

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:14 pm

Hofmeister wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
as I'm ze German on here, I am entitled to do that... :lol:

Natürlich! ;)

schwätzen wir jetzt deutsch hier? :D :ayatollah:

Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch ;)

(As in, a few words :lol: )

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:20 pm

What a suprise Mr Brown supported Thatcher!

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:22 pm

martyr wrote:What a suprise Mr Brown supported Thatcher!

I imagine as a teen, Mr Brown had her picture above his bed.

Re: The Iron Lady

Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:54 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
martyr wrote:What a suprise Mr Brown supported Thatcher!

I imagine as a teen, Mr Brown had her picture above his bed.

I had Kim Basinger and Bo Derek... :lol:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:28 am

The monies received from the sales weren't even allowed to be reinvested in building new homes, her ligitstration did for that so that house prices remained high.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:33 am

Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Midfield general wrote:
brewer918 wrote:Thatcher was a tyrant to the working class!! Wales was thriving!! The women destroyed many lives and the welsh economy hasn't recovered since this!! :evil:

The problem with the Welsh economy is that its always relied to much on public sector even in the days of the mines. So the only thing that has made the Welsh economy down is that fact that too many people have got the guts to go it alone.

That's not the full story. In Wales we are too isolated from London and the South East because the transport and communications infrastructure is not good enough.

Also as living costs are much lower here it makes sense to relocate public sector jobs here (cheaper than basing them in London).

However, I would agree with you that there needs to be more help and encouragement for Entrepreneur's who wish to take a gamble and start their own businesses, because at the end of the day they are the wealth creaters.

yes and then get taxed at 50+per cent as a ty.

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:55 am

Sir Winstone Churchill the greatest politisian to have ever lived, saved this country from Nazi tyrany and tw*ts like Welsh city dragon.
Mrs.Thatcher great political heavy wait to, who stood up to the Yanks (and Argies) :ayatollah: :old: :ayatollah:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:29 am

Blueboys1927 wrote:Sir Winstone Churchill the greatest politisian to have ever lived, saved this country from Nazi tyrany and

churchill was a great leader and politician, no doubt. but it wasnt him that saved u but the yankee brothers... ;)

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:33 am

Hofmeister wrote:
Blueboys1927 wrote:Sir Winstone Churchill the greatest politisian to have ever lived, saved this country from Nazi tyrany and

churchill was a great leader and politician, no doubt. but it wasnt him that saved u but the yankee brothers... ;)

eventually...thank God for the Japs bombing Pearl Habour, otherwise the Yanks would never have got involved !!!

How are you Hofmeister, well i hope :ayatollah: :old: :ayatollah:

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:26 pm

Hofmeister wrote:
Blueboys1927 wrote:Sir Winstone Churchill the greatest politisian to have ever lived, saved this country from Nazi tyrany and

churchill was a great leader and politician, no doubt. but it wasnt him that saved u but the yankee brothers... ;)

very true hofmeister

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:29 pm

Blueboys1927 wrote:
Hofmeister wrote:
Blueboys1927 wrote:Sir Winstone Churchill the greatest politisian to have ever lived, saved this country from Nazi tyrany and

churchill was a great leader and politician, no doubt. but it wasnt him that saved u but the yankee brothers... ;)

eventually...thank God for the Japs bombing Pearl Habour, otherwise the Yanks would never have got involved !!!

How are you Hofmeister, well i hope :ayatollah: :old: :ayatollah:

i am fine, mate. hows you?

Re: The Iron Lady

Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:48 pm

The British looked dead and buried.

Sir Winston held the UK together and fought off the Nazis.

We were holding our own and won the Battle of Britain was prevented a Nazi invasion.

If we had fallen like the France, the US would not of been able to use the UK as a base to fight their way into Europe onto Germany.

And if we had of fallen then the US would not of been the superpower they are today.