A forum for all things Cardiff City
Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:42 am
NEXT MONDAY Evening, Come on lets show Peter Ridsdale that we are out there and we have a voice. EVERYONE TURN UP 7pm.
Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:03 am
Annis, if you havent got anyone to type up the report for you yet, take your recorder, record the event and drop it into me in work (5 minutes away from the Muni) and I'll type it up for you and post it up on here in the morning!!
Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:12 am
Mr Davies wrote:Annis, if you havent got anyone to type up the report for you yet, take your recorder, record the event and drop it into me in work (5 minutes away from the Muni) and I'll type it up for you and post it up on here in the morning!!
Greg I need you or your brother.
Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:44 am
I'm working and my brother doesn't get back from uni til 8pm. But if you want to record it, like I said, I have no problem typing it up for
www.annisabraham.co.uk first thing in the morning!!
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