This is quite a good piece of info ... rofit-debtIt is under the old sky deal but shows we should have turnover of approx £55-60m in the premiership. With the sky deal netting an estimated extra £20m that makes it £75-£80m which we will be able to compare to the current turnover when the accounts come out.
Not sure when the payments will come but I assume we will budget for the whole year so their will be a pot for transfers, pot for wage bill, pot for running costs, maybe a pot for dealing with langston and maybe a pot for training facilities £10m and stadium expansion £12m. I'm sure the owners will provide short term credit if needed and will have an idea of how much extra they want to put in next season or how much they want to pay back off their loans. I imagine at least paying the interest of about £5m per year may happen so the their debt doesnt increase and they can start seeing a return on their investment.