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Mr Jones lack of tactical nouse

Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:15 pm

I listened to Jason Perry's comments immediately after the game. The word he used to sum up his feeling was "angry". Angry for the 2K fans who travelled God knows how far and angry that the manager and (presumably other coaching staff) once again failed to deal with a change of tactics by the opposition. Strangely enough I happened to be on an FAW conference a few years back (Mr Perry was also there) that focused on how to deal with the opposition playing 4-3-3 assuming your intention was to go with 4-4-2. Even the lowest qualified coaches from the amateur game recognised the challenges and provided enough tactical awareness to come up with some counter strategies. I've said this on here before 4-4-2 is coaching for idiots. Sticking rigidly with 4-4-2 when the opposition is making tactical/ formation changes displays utter arogance, ignorance and ineptitude. Even if 4 - 0 up if the opposition switches things around you need to counter it. Whether you agree or not, let me turn things on their head. IF we had been 4 - 0 down at h/t do any of you actually believe Mr Jones would have done anything?? I sincerely f***ing doubt it because the guy is a 4-4-2 dinosaur, incapable of anything else. Something else occured to me in that he must have one hell of a hold over the rest of the coaching staff if none of them is allowed or even capable of pointing out to the manager that there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. This isn't a knee jerk reaction on my part but when you look at the track record this season against p1ss poor teams, Plymouth, Barnsley, Ipswich, Peterborough, Jones HAS TO GO and go quickly. Hopefully that will happen and the entire first team coaching staff will go with him. Before anyone starts I'm not interested in how well he's done with a limited budget. This division is as weak as its ever been and this team, even with all its weaknesses should still be capable of at least a play off place. But that just won't happen with Mr 4-4-2 in charge. Finally before I say rant over, I'm astonished by the muppets post match comments. Its bad enough that the content is utter bollox but I can't believe the way he distances himself from what happens on the playing front by referring to the team as "they". Surely is any organisation that is together and has common objectives its "we". Sorry for the rant guys but this f***wit has to go. I'm off abroad for a week and by the time I return I'll expect him gone (in my f***ing dreams!!!).

Re: Mr Jones lack of tactical nouse

Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:12 pm

dream on he is not going anywhere, maybe i will wake up in the morning to read he has resigned, or sacked, never we are stuck with this man ( the 4 4 2 ) man

Re: Mr Jones lack of tactical nouse

Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:23 pm

Dave Jones has not got a clue when our backs are against the wall in games. His record when we go behind in games says it all. I am unsure of the exact figures but I believe we have only won 4 or 5 games out of 90 odd games that we have gone behind in, during his reign, which in my mind is enough to convince any idiot that Jones is tactically useless and unable to change things or revert to plan B. Today is another classic example of this.