Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City

Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:11 am

Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:17 am

I think you take it to seriously Corky.You are not on your on mind.
Messageboards are like the On line dating agencies.
People say they look like James Bond when they are really Mr Bean.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:19 am

Have a Happy New Year Corky, onwards and upwards with the City perhaps??? :ayatollah:

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:25 am

corky wrote:Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

Corky Mate, Anyone your not happy with I will sort it out Mate.
Stay on and Say Your peace mate.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:29 am

corky wrote:Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

I heard you have Quit the TRUST as well.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:31 am

Forever Blue wrote:
corky wrote:Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

I heard you have Quit the TRUST as well.

is this true?????

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:06 am

Forever Blue wrote:
corky wrote:Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

I heard you have Quit the TRUST as well.

I hope that's not true. It was Corky who got the 0% interest free option back for season ticket sales and he helped me out recently with a question I had with the club.

But there again I can understand you would get pissed off when you are slated when work like that goes unnoticed.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:40 am

corky wrote:Sorry Annis mate, too many snipers hiding behind false names and multiple usernames... much the same as any other messageboard...not your fault, it will always happen no matter what you do. I aim to stay off the boards for a while, well posting anyway...I still like reading them and will always do that... :D

Just need a break from them for a while now..

Pick them toys up, put them back in the pram and keep posting.. :D

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:49 am

Midfield general wrote:
Tony Blue Williams wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
I heard you have Quit the TRUST as well.

I hope that's not true. It was Corky who got the 0% interest free option back for season ticket sales and he helped me out recently with a question I had with the club.

But there again I can understand you would get pissed off when you are slated when work like that goes unnoticed.

Sorry mate but you were wrong. It wasn't the trust but someone who attended the Supporters meeting mentioned that to Ridsdale and he replied that he'll look into it and then it was annouced the following day

Yes I know that I was at the Muni Club. But Corky was on the case of the 0% interest right from the moment the season tickets went on sale some weeks before.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:56 am

Corky works hard for us fans and any fooker who slates him is a t@at :evil:

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:05 pm

Midfield general wrote:Sorry mate but you were wrong. It wasn't the trust but someone who attended the Supporters meeting mentioned that to Ridsdale and he replied that he'll look into it and then it was annouced the following day

Yes, mate.

And that someone was Corky.

He brought the subject up again at the Muni after banging on about the 0% finance option for ages during a meeting the Trust had with Ridsdale and Flitcroft a couple of weeks before.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:16 pm

indeed it was corky who sorted that out

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:28 pm

No, on the night at the Muni,someone from the audience who I know but not by name asked about the zero interest,and PR said he would look into it, and lo and behold next day it was done.

This pissed me of because I seen this as more PR spin, joe public asks and Pr responds, wonderful. No aknowledgement that Corky had brought this point up to PR well before the meeting, yet nothing was done until some fan happened to mention it in the meeting.
Seemed to me like a right kick in the teeth to the trust in my opinion, and possibly done this way to save the trust getting any recognition and mass support, thus making them a powerful voice of the fans, divide and conquer, it wasn't done by chance, just think about it.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:31 pm

i heard he standing down monday nothing to do with mesageboards but realisation that the trust is stiffled and cant grow under his leadership also heard since 62 been banned from any more meetings with Ridsdale so that might have something to do with as well. Corky has made the right choice in my opinion and should go back to just being a season ticket holder fan and findinding something else worthwhile to fill his time.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:46 pm

sorry to hear corks, your a good man!

dont let them get you!

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:54 pm

come on paul dont listen to afew, you,ve done wonders for us down the yrs

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:58 pm


I Have found to be an Honourable and Hard working Person for the Fans, but like me he has got sometimes caught up in PR's Spin.

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:59 pm

NO,he means last post for a while, but there will be a delivery tomorrow, well there will If my postman want's his xmas tip. :D

Re: Last post for a while

Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:18 pm

Corky, I hope you change your mind mate you a a true fan and a gent

Sack (or as you know me Gary from Port Talbot who used to bring the irish lads on the rams trips!!)