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“ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:05 pm

Premier League clubs will vote on whether to scrap video assistant referees (VAR) from next season at their annual general meeting next month.

Wolves have formally submitted a resolution to the Premier League which will trigger a vote when the 20 member clubs meet in Harrogate on 6 June.

The club said VAR was introduced "in good faith" but has led to "numerous unintended negative consequences that are damaging the relationship between fans and football".

VAR was introduced in 2019 to help support on-field officials with key match decisions, but there have been a number of controversial incidents involving the technology this season.

"The price we are paying for a small increase in accuracy is at odds with the spirit of our game," read a Wolves statement.

The Premier League said it "acknowledged the concerns" about VAR but "fully supports" technology and will continue to work with referees' body PGMOL to make improvements.

Any rule changes need a two-thirds majority - 14 of of the 20 clubs - to vote in favour.

Premier League clubs have already voted for semi-automated offside technology to be introduced for the 2024-25 season.

A number of Premier League managers have been critical of VAR and of refereeing standards this season, including Wolves boss Gary O'Neil.

O'Neil was given a one-match touchline ban in April for his conduct near the referee's room after a game against West Ham, which saw Wolves have a late equaliser disallowed following a VAR check.

Wolves chairman Jeff Shi also questioned the role of VAR after the West Ham game and said the club would be higher in the table "if it wasn't for a number of incorrect or contentious decisions".

One of the most high-profile VAR mistakes to date is Luis Diaz's goal that was incorrectly disallowed for offside for Liverpool at Tottenham in October.

The Premier League said the incident highlighted "systemic weaknesses in the VAR process" and that "key learnings and immediate actions" were taken.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:12 pm

Would love to see the back of it. If it ever came to the Championship I’d have to seriously rethink my attendance.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:16 pm

Roy Keane on Sky just now:

“The strange thing is we do talk about the decisions more than ever now. Considering this is there to try and help the officials.

But every weekend we’re talking about decisions. Even more so than back in the day when there was no VAR.

You know you’d accept a decision - some went for you, some against.

I’m not a fan, it does slow the game down. It is frustrating for everyone - for supporters, for the players and for us.”

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:25 pm

How many howlers do you get in season? Not many and incident like ours against Chelsea was simply a linesman being in wrong position something that won't happen again? So get rid at least we can argue over something that happens even with var...

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:42 pm

If VAR is given the boot, and I sincerely hope it is, I hope that we don't get micro analysis on MOTD everytime there is borderline decision made by a referee.

Just accept that human errors are sometimes made and concentrate on the more positive aspects of the game.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 6:56 pm

Bring it back when automatic computerised decisions are accurate. Probably be a few years.
I can't see the clubs voting against VAR currently though

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 7:40 pm

MoodyBluebird wrote:If VAR is given the boot, and I sincerely hope it is, I hope that we don't get micro analysis on MOTD everytime there is borderline decision made by a referee.

Just accept that human errors are sometimes made and concentrate on the more positive aspects of the game.

Well said. Totally agree
Used to hate it when after 4/5 different angled photo and video analysis and slow motion they had the cheek to say things like ‘the ref got it wrong there’.
They will definitely do it though.
It generally evens out and the ‘human error’ gives us fans some talking points and something to shout about during the game.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 7:42 pm

Sweden only top euro country who voted not to have var! Cannot see it being voted put premier league want it so does Web at pgmol but whatever they want to do like involve crowd as to go through ifab.. at end day decisions are mainly subjective and one ref is enough to make it...with var that's two making such decisions and we all know those officials are not upto much.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 7:46 pm

I understand the concerns but personally speaking I think it should be the "offside" rule which is changed.

Back in the day, many years ago, when I was a referee to be offside you needed to be "seeking an advantage".

Nowadays you are offside when your right toe is slightly in front of a defender when you head the ball into the net and how can that, in all honesty, be seeking an advantage?

I would change the rule to read:

"A player can be offside if he receives the ball or, in the referee's opinion, he is positively interfering with play.

The measurement as to whether a player is offside is determined by the torso of the attacking player compared to that of the defending player.

If looking from the touchline, there is a gap between the attacking player and the defender then, in that circumstance, the attacking player is deemed to be seeking an advantage and is therefore offside

I, looking from the touchline, there is no gap between the torso of the attacking player and the defender then, even if the attacking player is slightly ahead of the defender, he is deemed not to be seeking an advantage and is therefore not offside.

There would be none of these crazy lines, or arguments as to whether Suarez's teeth are offside, instead, there would be a straight forward decision as to whether there is daylight between the players or not.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 7:47 pm

Oh shite, that means they will pass it down to the championship.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 7:57 pm

Thank goodness its not in the Championship otherwise it will become the most hated system in the whole UK.
Mind you its already is.

I will forever say that when you get decisions like when chelsea have a player or 2 a yard offside and score then you have to wonder. In my opinion I just think the league gave us rubbish referees with the worst decisions that cost us our place in the league so yeah. The issue with VAR for me is that football fans dont even know whats happening whether its on the tv or in the grounds because on the tv they dont even show the lines anymore as it happens. And as for fans in the stadiums i mean its just a car crash system which causes more harm to the game than good. And fans suffer the most.

The only thing i think that might save itself is if fans in the ground and on tv hear whats going on with the referees and var on a mic live at all times. But they are afraid that it could lead to more scrutiny. But that the job of a referee to give out decisions regardless of what team benefits and fans need to know how they got to the decisions.

I will also forever say this and simon jordan said it on talksport, the only way perfect decisions can be made is by bringing in an automative system/AI with no humans in charge. The faults of VAR is currently because humans control it.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 8:08 pm

Sam ReaN wrote:Thank goodness its not in the Championship otherwise it will become the most hated system in the whole UK.
Mind you its already is.

I will forever say that when you get decisions like when chelsea have a player or 2 a yard offside and score then you have to wonder. In my opinion I just think the league gave us rubbish referees with the worst decisions that cost us our place in the league so yeah. The issue with VAR for me is that football fans dont even know whats happening whether its on the tv or in the grounds because on the tv they dont even show the lines anymore as it happens. And as for fans in the stadiums i mean its just a car crash system which causes more harm to the game than good. And fans suffer the most.

The only thing i think that might save itself is if fans in the ground and on tv hear whats going on with the referees and var on a mic live at all times. But they are afraid that it could lead to more scrutiny. But that the job of a referee to give out decisions regardless of what team benefits and fans need to know how they got to the decisions.

I will also forever say this and simon jordan said it on talksport, the only way perfect decisions can be made is by bringing in an automative system/AI with no humans in charge. The faults of VAR is currently because humans control it.

Chelsea decision was simply a linesman being silly and following player along line and got blocked off so didn't see the offside like said won't happen again...ifab as to agree to it being heared in stadium but they are opposed to it.. Webb just thinks need tinkering to make it work but it's the officials that are the problem not var itself ... need to sort out what's handball and to decide that the foot is best way to decide offside not toenail not the arse or any other part of anatomy that maybe half inch offside..

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 8:19 pm

Whether you measure offside by the torso, foot or head. You'll still get decisions that are a matter of millimetres between them.
For VAR to work for offsides and aid the game, it needs to be computerised and instant. Until then scrap it.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 8:20 pm

Instant offside like used in the World Club Championship is fine, it only took 3~5 seconds with no humans. Goal-line technology is well established, everything else is subjective and prone to interpretation, so go with the ref for the rest

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 8:30 pm

Cardiff_CPT wrote:Whether you measure offside by the torso, foot or head. You'll still get decisions that are a matter of millimetres between them.
For VAR to work for offsides and aid the game, it needs to be computerised and instant. Until then scrap it.

Pre var didn't matter as go by linesman decision may have dodgy eyesight but you accept this... all var does is take minutes to microscopically analysis what part body could be offside ? Perhaps var should be limited to penalty decisions red cards ... certainly doesn't work for handball and never will as no-one understands the rule used.... hope it goes otherwise it will be expanded and will go way of tmo in rugby and look at several things before deciding if goal or not so taking even longer to decide.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 9:06 pm

It’s killing the joy/atmosphere celebrations of the fans , not knowing if it’s given or not , my mate is wolves and he said it has taken the joy out of going to watch /enjoy his team every week , he has spoken to a lot of other supporters and the opposition supporters and every single one has said to him to get rid of it .
IT HAS TO GO , it’s beyond pathetic

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 9:30 pm

I've had an opinion on offside for a while and can't really see a negative with a simple rule change .... a player CANNOT be offside if the ball was played from inside the attacking half ......

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 9:43 pm

WhiteSoxBLue wrote:I've had an opinion on offside for a while and can't really see a negative with a simple rule change .... a player CANNOT be offside if the ball was played from inside the attacking half ......

99.999% of balls are played from inside attacking half so on that basis no offside in football!

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 9:57 pm

pembroke allan wrote:
WhiteSoxBLue wrote:I've had an opinion on offside for a while and can't really see a negative with a simple rule change .... a player CANNOT be offside if the ball was played from inside the attacking half ......

99.999% of balls are played from inside attacking half so on that basis no offside in football!


Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Wed May 15, 2024 10:12 pm

MoodyBluebird wrote:If VAR is given the boot, and I sincerely hope it is, I hope that we don't get micro analysis on MOTD everytime there is borderline decision made by a referee.

Just accept that human errors are sometimes made and concentrate on the more positive aspects of the game.

Sadly MOTD and SKY - Will still give us their views from the many different cameras they have at the grounds .

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 1:07 am

TopCat CCFC wrote:
MoodyBluebird wrote:If VAR is given the boot, and I sincerely hope it is, I hope that we don't get micro analysis on MOTD everytime there is borderline decision made by a referee.

Just accept that human errors are sometimes made and concentrate on the more positive aspects of the game.

Sadly MOTD and SKY - Will still give us their views from the many different cameras they have at the grounds .

That's the truth of it...! :(

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 7:51 am

Question to all... how many times this season did you sit/stand in a stadium and thought "I wish we had VAR?"

Mine was zero.

The flip of that, I work with a United season ticket holder who goes home and away. He loved the Newport away cup tie "because it didn't have VAR".

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 10:56 am

SB 1927 wrote:Question to all... how many times this season did you sit/stand in a stadium and thought "I wish we had VAR?"

Mine was zero.

The flip of that, I work with a United season ticket holder who goes home and away. He loved the Newport away cup tie "because it didn't have VAR".

Same as you, never once wished we’d had VAR at one of our games this season.

You can look at Tanner’s goal against Swansea, imagine if there was suspicions of a foul in the build up and we had a five minute wait to know if the goal would be allowed or not.

I agree with Roy Keane, VAR is making people talk about decisions even more when it’s supposed to be there to help the officials - so there’s clearly something not working properly.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 11:42 am

Won't get voted out as premier league and pgmol want it at all costs.... really all var as done is cause people to question two sets of officials instead of the main one the ref! The reason var gets it wrong is same reason the ref does their human!! Offside is a joke with var as it decides millimetres if that was left to linesman no one would question his decision other than yo say attacker should get advantage if that close ... most pen decision are subjective ones it doesn't stop cheating because var cannot see that a player instigates contact all see is defenders leg they're impervious to anything else .. if premier league do vote it out can see domino effect I Europe

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 1:41 pm

People saying VAR isn’t the problem, it’s the refs. Football wasn’t meant to be perfect. If it was every single clubs history would be different. If a ref gets it wrong then so be it, that’s football. We have a whinge and a moan and we move on. Get rid and let’s enjoy it again.

Let’s celebrate like we use to.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 1:42 pm

Forever Blue wrote:People saying VAR isn’t the problem, it’s the refs. Football wasn’t meant to be perfect. If it was every single clubs history would be different. If a ref gets it wrong then so be it, that’s football. We have a whinge and a moan and we move on. Get rid and let’s enjoy it again.

Let’s celebrate like we use to.


Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 1:44 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:People saying VAR isn’t the problem, it’s the refs. Football wasn’t meant to be perfect. If it was every single clubs history would be different. If a ref gets it wrong then so be it, that’s football. We have a whinge and a moan and we move on. Get rid and let’s enjoy it again.

Let’s celebrate like we use to.



Simon has taken the romance out of the game and for over 140 years we enjoyed football, VAR needs to go.

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 1:58 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:People saying VAR isn’t the problem, it’s the refs. Football wasn’t meant to be perfect. If it was every single clubs history would be different. If a ref gets it wrong then so be it, that’s football. We have a whinge and a moan and we move on. Get rid and let’s enjoy it again.

Let’s celebrate like we use to.


Vat is not the problem its the officials who operate system on that basis no need of var as cannot replace human error regardless of how much technology you use.... let's get back to blaming one set of officials not two

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 4:42 pm

Bin it! Absolutely fking dire and beyond farcical. Killing the joy and spontaneity of the game as everyone has said.

The horrendous offside calls are the worst part of it. If we didn't have VAR then Coventry may have been in the FA Cup final.

VAR was meant to distinguish CLEAR AND OBVIOUS errors the onfield officials made - instead, it just micro analyses incidents it should leave well alone.

#die VAR die!

Re: “ PL Clubs to vote on scrapping VAR “

Thu May 16, 2024 10:06 pm

From the reports coming out over the last 24 hrs - Looks like most of the Top8 clubs in the Premier League want to keep VAR.