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With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for police

Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:37 pm

Following the recent events at Manchester Airport, where police took action against a group of people, where a video shows an officer stamping on a man's face and kicking him in the head during an arrest.
A female police officer appeared to have her nose broken prior to the arrest.

Reform UK. MP, Lee Anderson stated:
"They want the police to do their job, and I think these police yesterday should be commended."
"In fact, I'd give them a medal"

There is already a big fall-out following this incident.

Do you agree or disagree with Lee Anderson's views?

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:38 pm

Not sure the copper should of wrapped on his head but they were kicking off

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:41 pm

Apparently bloke got a cyst on brain aftrr scan! Good job he got kicked or could got worse for him.. :o

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:44 pm

Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:52 pm

mugsy wrote:Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Why do they do it they know its filmed by someone.... aswell as their body cam! Yes stressful job but no need to go ott especially when he's on floor.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:00 pm

The police had to use force to contain the incident, that much is obvious.

But does this fall into the category of using unreasonable and excessive force? I would say yes.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:23 pm

Italian police wade in with batons at the footy batter them first whoever is in the way
the police would not have been there if these guys had not kicked off
they can break a police womans nose where is the footage of that
fight fire with fire you cannot keep getting the rule book out
and going through a list of does and don'ts in the heat of the moment.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:45 pm

I don't know the circumstances prior, or any warnings but that escalated crazily quickly. I think the Police have forgotten what their jobs are, it has a high potential of physical conflict, and that "take down" was a bit embarrassing.

"Turn around and place your hand behind your back"

"Turn around and place your hand behind your back now !!!"

"Final warning turn around and place your hand behind your back"

Truncheon out, whack across the knees !!!

They were holding their Tazers like 4 year old boys with toy space guns...... Just pathetic

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:05 pm

Difficult one this one for me.

The Police are trained to handle such situations with minimum force. They usually have the right tools for the job on their armour. However, where do you draw the line when it comes to defending themselves when taken by surprise.

The only question I have is was it neccessary to stamp on the persons head? If he was restrained then no.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:13 pm

The guy wasn’t a threat anymore. It was a cheap shot by a bully and I hope he gets dealt with.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:17 pm

Theres two ways to dealing with such situations control restraint what exactly use in mental health in just as bad situations or worse.... police use restraint and control leaves that open to people getting aggitated by being g jumped on by two or three policeman see it all the time.... this bloke was on ground should been able to control situation and restrain him not sure putting boot in is classed as control or restraint? Regardless of situation.... officers were hurt before this incident so was such force needed?

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:59 pm

Kicking or stamping on someone's head is going to put you in prison and quiet easily kill somebody. If the police wanted too they could have given him a few strikes with a baton, no complaints . Kicking in the head though out of order.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:50 pm

Everyone is giving opinions on the section of only a small piece of film taken.
It doesn’t look good however no one knows the complete story and it’s not a surprise to hear the so called family are now trying to divert what really happened onto the Police.
Is it not surprising that the Police tend to stand back more than take action on anything.
It won’t be long before they turn a blind eye to everything and then the public will really find out what happens when there are no Police.
Let the games begin

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:07 pm

Looks worse than it was but it's obvious the 4 were playing up and they should remember the Manchester Arena was bombed and if I was a heddlu, I'd be mindful of that too plus there are shootings, stabbings and riots on a daily basis.

And if someone at the football had broken a coppers nose, it would be jail for all involved.

So why have the other three got off?

Wake up. We all know what's going on and it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Everyone is talking about it in private. We should never have got to here and I shouldn't have to be typing this but that's how it is.
Last edited by GrangeEndStar on Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:08 pm

Pulisnewport wrote:Everyone is giving opinions on the section of only a small piece of film taken.
It doesn’t look good however no one knows the complete story and it’s not a surprise to hear the so called family are now trying to divert what really happened onto the Police.
Is it not surprising that the Police tend to stand back more than take action on anything.
It won’t be long before they turn a blind eye to everything and then the public will really find out what happens when there are no Police.
Let the games begin

Good point so let's hope police carryon with criminal investigation against those that assaulted the police officers... police officer who ran car at cow recently is being investigated and faces criminal charges..... maybe should have done nothing and watch what cow did next?

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:12 pm

Yes give a medal to the copper .

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:31 pm

Don’t think he should have kicked the guys head. But we also weren’t shown what led to such an angry aggressive reaction. The officer wouldn’t have just randomly attacked the guy. Sounds like the group
Started to attack the officers and injured at least one.

The investigation needs to happen.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:12 pm

They broke a Police woman's nose allegedly amidst other altercations. Deport the African after he's served time, and the Muslim simpletons shouting Allah Akhbar. Enemies of Britain.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:22 pm

mugsy wrote:Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Well, if a lunatic nuts your colleague in the face breaking her nose, we'll know you have your daps on.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:02 am

Watched Sly News, first question to ex Met Copper do you think there’s a racial element to this, answer yes
They see everything as racist, why do they want to constantly divide us?

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:04 am

rumpo kid wrote:
mugsy wrote:Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Well, if a lunatic nuts your colleague in the face breaking her nose, we'll know you have your daps on.

Imagine it happened at a football match. The media reaction would be somewhat different

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:31 am

I won't post it on here but there's an insta going around from 'Manchester Outlaws' and it's a gang fight ending up with the 'usual suspects' stabbing each other. The video then ends with a wimp who is only tough as he 'carries' in the back of the car crying for his uncle to drive faster to a police station whilst he is on the phone calling them and crying for their protection.

So, as this is happening everyday and a lot worse, I see zero issue with the coppers actions in the OP and further more, I would immediately deport all of those involved in this and encourage more policing like this.

As Jock said, there is a big danger that we will see a situation where we will see what it's like to have no effective police involvement in situations as they will be too concerned about losing their job and being prosecuted by this type of scum and their naive woke supporters who are happy to pontificate and appease whilst building Britain's funeral pyre.

Have a good day ya'll.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:22 am

It was actually Pullis who commented in my post above re:police involvement and not Jock, so apologies Jock. But I agree with Pullis on his point wholeheartedly.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:48 am

montyblue wrote:Italian police wade in with batons at the footy batter them first whoever is in the way
the police would not have been there if these guys had not kicked off
they can break a police womans nose where is the footage of that
fight fire with fire you cannot keep getting the rule book out
and going through a list of does and don'ts in the heat of the moment.

Oh and
quick to bring up the racist card
i thought there so called religion was a "peace" loving lot
not going around breaking females noses
but then they have no respect for women.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:35 am

If that guy had broken my daughters or wife's nose I would have kicked him in the head too

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 7:44 am

Jock wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:
mugsy wrote:Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Well, if a lunatic nuts your colleague in the face breaking her nose, we'll know you have your daps on.

Imagine it happened at a football match. The media reaction would be somewhat different

Imagine if this had happened ay an international airport in 90% of the world. They'd have been shot dead and no questions entertained.

Clearly the officer shouldn't have kicked him in the head bur we don't know what brought the red mist down. No doubt we will in time.

But the bollux coming our from various sections is nauseating. I listened to the radio phone yesterday morning on 5 live, numerous contributors described the bloke as fully restrained and in Hand Cuffs - clearly not the case, his right hand is at his side.

The Met officer contributor describing describing the reaction as racist. I'm not sure if she's saying a group of white men would have get away with breaking the police women's nose or that the group should of got away with it because they were Asian. I've no doubt that a group of men flooring 3 officers would have been dealt with just as harshly no matter what their colour. She is a disgrace. No doubt being an apologists for the scum bags of this world features very highly on senior ranking police officers CV's these days.

And the people who trot out the " We Police by Consent in this Country " as if that's solely police requirement. Its a civil contract. We can only have policing by consent if the general population consent to being policed. These scumbags clearly don't respect that and very few supporters of their side of the argument is accepts or are willing to point it out.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:09 am

epping blue wrote:
Jock wrote:
rumpo kid wrote:
mugsy wrote:Copper will be sacked in due course and quite rightly so.

Well, if a lunatic nuts your colleague in the face breaking her nose, we'll know you have your daps on.

Imagine it happened at a football match. The media reaction would be somewhat different

Imagine if this had happened ay an international airport in 90% of the world. They'd have been shot dead and no questions entertained.

Clearly the officer shouldn't have kicked him in the head bur we don't know what brought the red mist down. No doubt we will in time.

But the bollux coming our from various sections is nauseating. I listened to the radio phone yesterday morning on 5 live, numerous contributors described the bloke as fully restrained and in Hand Cuffs - clearly not the case, his right hand is at his side.

The Met officer contributor describing describing the reaction as racist. I'm not sure if she's saying a group of white men would have get away with breaking the police women's nose or that the group should of got away with it because they were Asian. I've no doubt that a group of men flooring 3 officers would have been dealt with just as harshly no matter what their colour. She is a disgrace. No doubt being an apologists for the scum bags of this world features very highly on senior ranking police officers CV's these days.

And the people who trot out the " We Police by Consent in this Country " as if that's solely police requirement. Its a civil contract. We can only have policing by consent if the general population consent to being policed. These scumbags clearly don't respect that and very few supporters of their side of the argument is accepts or are willing to point it out.

100% agree
Copper will probably loose job
the sh.t head on the ground will probably get compensation and the division in our society will get worse especially if we keep letting unveted people into our country
And labour releasing all the migrants into our society without due processses
Police have already had to turn a blind eye to any protester of colour for fear of been blammed for been racist or fear of loosing there jobs
Protests in london been a recent example
Multi culuturism does not work end of you live your life how you want your side of the wall and we live our lives how we choose no trouble with that buy forcing people together with all there baggage and differing views is a recipe for disaster and so it is proving so
another 20 years and god knows how broken britain will be by then and the woke society will have caused it.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:42 am

Take race out if it, a man in a position of power kicked a man in the head while he was down. If you think that’s acceptable then there’s something wrong with you.

I’m all for force where needed but that was unnecessary force.

I wonder if you’d all be saying the same thing had it been one of our fans getting kicked in the head and not a supposed “invader”. I doubt it very much.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:06 am

As usual there are people out there jumping straight on the racism bandwagon. The guys solicitor, who looks like a complete tool, is clearly already fishing for a big payout, surrounded by a pack of males all trying to get on tv. The story barely mentions the fact that they kicked off and had to be sorted. Just a shame that the copper seemingly saw red mist.

Re: With or against Lee Anderson's opinion of support for po

Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:08 am

Its about time, maybe if so called citizens of this country and in this i include white British scum who have no respect for the law, thought this is what they would get back if they assault emergency workers they would think twice. Lets just remember one of his colleagues a female one at that had her nose broken in whatever incident lead to this, we can all see our country descending into lawlessness tough times require tough action.