Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City

Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:14 pm

Can anyone explain why he's not in prison tonight?

I appreciate that he has mental health issues, so do I so I completely understand that.

But the charges are very severe and horrible to even think about.

He was also in a position of trust as a leading anchor for the national broadcaster.

The sentence is overly lenient in my view.

If people see him in public, I expect there will be big responses and rightly so.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:27 pm

His sentence is not untypical for ths type of crime as heinous as it is. With no previous record a suspended sentence was always my prediction. What is a fair sanction for a crime is always a source for debate. Should drink drivers who kill people get life? They often get less than 5 years.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:30 pm

worcester_ccfc wrote:Can anyone explain why he's not in prison tonight?

I appreciate that he has mental health issues, so do I so I completely understand that.

But the charges are very severe and horrible to even think about.

He was also in a position of trust as a leading anchor for the national broadcaster.

The sentence is overly lenient in my view.

If people see him in public, I expect there will be big responses and rightly so.

Ned the judge used the lowest tariff she could come to with her rationale of her decision....... like rehabilitation wont offend again (no paedophile go near him) others have got away with similar offences and there was outrage at sentences recieved.... being who he is definitely helped him going on what judge said..
We may not like it but always going to get sense of injustice
At decisions such as this...

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:34 pm

Shocking that this kind of crime is so under sentenced. Not a deterrent at all. One to add to the list of why I want to leave this country.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:35 pm


Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:39 pm

Unfortunately this is extremely common, avoid paying tax or anything to do with money you get a massive sentence but do noncey things you get to talk.

System is horrific the government has always been the same they never really like clamping down on pedophiles and rapist it's crazy!

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:41 pm

Avoid jail time for being a nonce but get years for posting something on social media, absolutely disgusting

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:48 pm

I would castrate them on live Saturday night tv so everybody can have a few drinks and watch them suffer just like the victims of these monsters had to suffer and will suffer and all other perverts will think twice before they act like monsters in future

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:56 pm

Justice in this country is a joke. Two stinking scum punched a chap to the ground kicking shit out of him broke his nose facial fracture, fractired his eye socket, what do they get suspened sentence, this type of assault happening all the time even stabbings judges are a joke they dont live in the real world :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:57 pm

danielrees17 wrote:Avoid jail time for being a nonce but get years for posting something on social media, absolutely disgusting


Rapist's and peados get off with jail sentences but put something on social media that may cause offence to the pathetic weak woke society and you'll serve time. Unbelievable :banghead:

It's a shocking and sick world we live in.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:59 pm

The guy who sent him the pics only recieved a suspended sentence ,
So it was going to follow suit same sentence.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:07 pm


Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:52 pm

worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:03 pm

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

You what?

My personal issues have nothing to do with this forum.

I'm still capable of sorting out this forum and people who are posting stupid stuff.

Mental health or whatever have nothing to do with that. Ridiculous response by you. Or are all people with mental health issues idiots?

That's what it sounds like you're saying.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:06 pm

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Not sure of the correlation there. Strange comment to make.

Thanks for your honesty Worcester, reach out should you need support.

Re: Huw Edwards

Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:25 pm

Underhill1927 wrote:
theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Not sure of the correlation there. Strange comment to make.

Thanks for your honesty Worcester, reach out should you need support.

Thanks mate, agree it's a strange reply. You've bravely posted about your own issues in the past.

Just a bit bemused about that response.

Could come back to it by listing all the issues I've had and all the institutions I've been in but really not worth my time :lol:

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:06 am

In answer to the original, and given my legal background, I hope the following gives an answer.

Firstly the sentencing guidelines are as follows for this offence abd this is what the judge has to follow:

The starting point for possession of category A images, as that is what he is charged with, is a 1 year sentence.

There are no aggravating factors and he didn't have high volume which is over 250 images. He had 7 cat a 9 cat b abd 22 cat c

From what I gather many of the mitigating factors apply and could provide a discount of 25% to the sentence

The fact that he admitted guilt at the first opportunity also gives him a further 25%

So 50% discount off the starting point of 1 year gives a sentence of 6 months prison.

As this is a first offence, and because the sentence is below 2 years, and because of prison overcrowding, his sentence has been suspended.

I agree with many of the views on this forum. I particularly dislike the fact that he paid £1500 for these images. No doubt paid for by money he earned from licence payers money.

But that said I did want to provide clarity as to how the sentence was arrived

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:03 am

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Probably the worst post I've seen. You clearly don't have a clue about mental health. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and either educate yourself or f@#k off..

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:46 am

Paul Keevil wrote:In answer to the original, and given my legal background, I hope the following gives an answer.

Firstly the sentencing guidelines are as follows for this offence abd this is what the judge has to follow:

The starting point for possession of category A images, as that is what he is charged with, is a 1 year sentence.

There are no aggravating factors and he didn't have high volume which is over 250 images. He had 7 cat a 9 cat b abd 22 cat c

From what I gather many of the mitigating factors apply and could provide a discount of 25% to the sentence

The fact that he admitted guilt at the first opportunity also gives him a further 25%

So 50% discount off the starting point of 1 year gives a sentence of 6 months prison.

As this is a first offence, and because the sentence is below 2 years, and because of prison overcrowding, his sentence has been suspended.

I agree with many of the views on this forum. I particularly dislike the fact that he paid £1500 for these images. No doubt paid for by money he earned from licence payers money.

But that said I did want to provide clarity as to how the sentence was arrived

Thanks for your detailed response mate. Makes the decision slightly easier to stomach in isolation, but highlights a much wider problem with our “justice” system.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:59 am

danielrees17 wrote:Avoid jail time for being a nonce but get years for posting something on social media, absolutely disgusting

Spot on , a very twisted justice system . I have sympathy for anyone struggling with mental health but in this instance I think it’s utter bullshit and he was playing the sympathy card once he got caught. That’s just my opinion and could be wrong.

Sadly not everyone who has real struggles can afford to check themselves into luxury private hospitals .

The kid from Merthyr should be hounded out of that community too.

The tax payers BBC has a rich history of harbouring peado’s and sex offenders .

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:16 am

Should be thrown in prison regardless of the fact it wasn't a "large amount" of images.

Now that he's got away without a prison sentence, is he going to get more photos, or even worse, actually find a child to abuse?

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:01 am

I work in child protection and safeguarding, including supporting evidence gathering and court cases of serious offenders - child abuse and trafficking. Although my work is mainly out of the UK it includes a number of UK citizens. You can google Simon Wood, British Airways pilot - that was a case I was involved in, he killed himself, I also worked with the victims and ensured they were compensated.

The reason I mention this is that I know the laws and processes around this.

In the case of Huw, the sentence is typical for his crimes, as another poster has said. He isn't being given any special treatment due to his position. Should he be in prison? I believe the law is too lenient on these crimes but sadly, and I mean this with complete and utter sadness, while Huw is a sick man, he is a lower risk compared to other sex offenders.

People like Huw will always have the propensity to seek out and share such images - therefore it doesn't matter how long you put them in prison for, they will always be a risk - sadly you can't lock everyone one like Huw up for life as the prison service will be overwhelmed, it already is. This is where we need stronger community based solutions to ensure he is helped to manage is urges, is monitored to make sure he isn't looking at and sharing such images - yes this may include withholding technology from him, tagging him for life and making sure that the experts are on top of his case to make sure he isn't a risk to children.

It's a complex issue.

Of course I would like nothing better than to put anyone using or distributing such images in prison for life, but that is never going to happen. So we need to look at other options as there are people who pose a far greater risk those limited prison places go to.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:04 am

Ned I agree with you he was high profile and in a position of trust. If he was a police officer it would an offence of misconduct in office.
By the way I have no problem with you posting what you are told you do it in good faith, if it doesn't come off it doesnt dynamics change I like most, I enjoy these snippets

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:36 am

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

That’s well out of order.

Coming in here helps Ned.

I know how ill Ned has been and he deserves a full apology from you.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:27 am

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Thats not a clever post at all.

This Forum is a great help to Ned.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:46 pm

Bakedalasker wrote:
theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Thats not a clever post at all.

This Forum is a great help to Ned.

I know I haven't seen eye to eye with everyone on this board all the time, but anyone struggling with mental health is more than welcome to reach out.

We need to support each other and demystify mental health, not use it against each other.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:40 pm

theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Why not? Do you think that anyone with mental health issues should just be taken away from any form of responsibility?

This may shock you but there is an heck of alot nhs drs and nurses who suffer with mental health would you reject their help if you ever needed them ?

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:52 pm

AfricanBluebird wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:
theclaw wrote:
worcester_ccfc wrote:

Spot on Annis, what he's done is disgusting.

Should be in prison but gets away with practically nothing. Disgusted.

I have severe mental health issues too but there's no defence for his actions.

Maybe if you have severe mental health issues you shouldn’t be a mod on here,just a thought.

Thats not a clever post at all.

This Forum is a great help to Ned.

:ayatollah: :ayatollah:

I know I haven't seen eye to eye with everyone on this board all the time, but anyone struggling with mental health is more than welcome to reach out.

We need to support each other and demystify mental health, not use it against each other.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:42 pm

I've not always seen eye to eye with Ned either, but to use someone's mental health against them is low.

Reach out if you need anything Ned.

Re: Huw Edwards

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:59 pm

Ned, and anyone else on this forum, I have a history of depression. Earlier this year I was diagnosed as being Autistic. I have been Autistic, have Asbergers and OCD and have had this since birth.

Like many others on this board, I am more than willing to share my mental problems and be open about them. Equally, I am willing to be there for others