A forum for all things Cardiff City
Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:34 am
The club is rotten from the top to the bottom.
The board need no explanation, they have time and time again ruined the club that we hold close through lies, lies and more lies. To fans that say they are keeping us afloat, are they really? They are turning us into a laughing stock.
Tan has over the years removed the people who cared about the club and replaced them with people with no footballing background. Dalman helped facilitate the Glazer buy out at UTD but that doesn’t mean he can Or should run a football club.
The transfer policy is that we don’t apart from on the odd occasion spend money on players, they are always free transfers or loans. How are we meant to build a team for subsequent seasons, when a number of our players won’t be here?
Even when they prove to be good players, we don’t try to buy them: Kipre, Nat Phillips, Harry Wilson, Drameh - the list goes on.
Sick note players: Do the players even have to pass a medical at City, or is it a case that Vt says “oh they are cheap, let’s bring them in regardless” - on this topic, why do players keep getting injured? Is it the training schedule, is it the physios or Club DR?
The players: gone are the days where we had players who played for the club. Jason Perry, Kav, McPhail etc. This current crop of players don’t give a toss. Win lose or draw they still get thousands in their bank at the end of the week. Their attitude towards us fans is terrible apart from a couple of players.
The scouts: do we even have any scouts? Or are they Malaysian shop workers who have been given a laptop and FM2024.
Our signings have been absolute crap - whoever is in charge of scouting clearly came from non league.
For us to even stand a chance at being a top club, we need to rip out the entire staffing and players and start again.
Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:51 am
Nailed it. Callum Odowda apart, they were a shower of shit last night. No heart, no desire and definitely not playing for the shirt. Unforgivable!
Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:33 pm
If I performed or run a shift like that in work I wouldd have disaplinary or p45 pure bornadle lazy can’t be bothered attitudes lack of respect to those who turn up support club they all need take a big long look at themselves and ask can I do better cos something has got to give somebody has got to get us going or us fans will have to ramp it up and get it done our selves how many of our players do you think want to play for cardiff play for our pride our club our history not many try put a takle in get your knees dirty roll your sleeves up get out on the pitch and earn your wage not have it on a plate cos us fans deserve better
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