Cardiff City Forum

A forum for all things Cardiff City


Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:19 pm

A magician on a cruise ship is constantly having his tricks spoilt by the ships parrot. Every time he does a triick, the ships parrot squawks “Its in his pocket 4 of clubs!!!” “Its got a false bottom”.
The Magician hates it.
That night the ship sinks and the magician and parrot cling to a piece of driftwood.
For 4 days the parrot stares a the magician and says nothing.
On the 5th day, the parrot says “Ok, I give up, wheres the ship?”

Cannibal father and son walking through the jungle looking for food, where they come to a waterfall and notice a beautiful blond woman taking a shower. The son says to his dad “Shall we take her home and eat her?
Dad replies “No son, we take her home and eat your mother”.

It was the happiest day of my life. I arrived at the church. The wife was waiting at the altar. I walked up the aisle, kissed her on he cheek. I smiled then closed the lid.

I got sacked last night from the salvation armys soup kitchen. They were so ungrateful. All I said was “Hurry up you lot, some of us have homes to go to.