A forum for all things Cardiff City
Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:07 pm
well well well like i said on here the other day peter would have all the answers for you.i think he answered all the relivent questions put to him.and what he said is true and the maylasion have put milions in to the club .the only way we will be going is up
Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:20 pm
He did give his version of an answer that is true...these investors were unaware of the unpaid tax...that was also true...he was paid £500,000 by our club in a bonus...he bought shares in our club at less than market value ...about 12p each...he put them into his company...his company went bust and he bought those £500,000 worth of shares for £20,000 that is true...he now has all those shares and thinks he should value them at over 40p each now...
so his gift from our club funds of £500,000 which he thought was only worth paying 20 grand for to recover from his bankrupt business he now wants to sell to the Malaysians for 2 million quid... fair play...
Maybe the Malaysians are not too thick and just decide to pay 10 p a share and that would then mean we would have more money from the investment to be spent on the club rather than the shareholders who thought they could make a fortune buying shares cheap.
Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:29 pm
corcy i understand what your saying about the shares but he did say that he did buy them back from is company and that is what people in buisness do if we were in the same possion we would do the same
Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:39 pm
Yes. for sure...oh you can't blame him mate...he got caught though and faces an heavy cost to the taxman...that is his own private battle and he needs to raise money to sort that out...the clubs tax battle is another matter but he is convinced it will be dealt with...hopefully that is true...we will find out soon enough because if it is not sorted we will have a transfer embargo in January...so let us keep our fingers crossed...
Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:46 pm
thanks corky for agreeing with me as we all know nobody does nothing for nothing in this day and age.like you said his personal buisness is his own
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